Erotic work is the story of a girl;
Josiane, and her cousin David, who is vacationing with David's parents in Benin,
chapter 1
“A few steps from the shower, I heard moans and discreet cries:
-oooooh mmmmh…. Ahhhsshh.
I then, took my curiosity to heart (though scared) and tried to peek through the key wall of the door and oddly, I see My cousin”
YES, I feel that the holidays will be super cool this year, not only did I have my Baccalaureate but I turned 18 last month. I will be free to have fun (especially if mom agrees that I go to spend my holidays with my Aunt in Ivory Coast).
Hi, my name is David, I'm 18 years old, I'm the eldest boy of a rather wealthy family, I have two little brothers and a 3-year-old little sister and I just got my baccalaureate series C: finally I am in the big leagues. At least my parents won't be able to forbid me certain things anymore.
Mom didn't go to her shop today, apparently she's getting ready to go and stock up on the things she's missing from the shop.
-Hi Mom, you didn't give me an answer to what I told you.
-What is it ?
-Holidays in Ivory Coast.
- Ah ok, I was going to forget. You will not go on vacation this year, you will stay at home.
-Anhan, why is that mom?
-My sister (your aunt) called yesterday and she told me that her daughter Josiane (your cousin) will be coming to spend her holidays with us in Benin and as your brothers will be going to Togo to your Uncle's, so you will stay here with your cousin . In addition, your father will go to Canada in 5 days and will spend 3 months there, the entire duration of your vacation.
- Oh no, it's not fair, why can't my brothers stay here with her?
-It's not to be discussed, son.
- (So I shut up).
- She will come in the week.
-OK Mom.
Yeah, that's the disadvantage of being the oldest in the family; we think you are the biggest, so we give you the management of the house when the parents are not there.
To tell the truth, I didn't really like what my mom told me, but on the other hand, I didn't have much choice. in short, the main thing is that she arranges for me to spend my holidays properly; in addition the old man will not be there during all 3 months of the holidays, a chance to let off steam.
The next day while I was taking a nap, one of my little brothers (Richard) came to call me in my room:
-Richard: Big brother!!
-Me: yeah Mani (all sleepy) what do you want?
-Richard: Mom said to come and call you.
- Me: you didn't say that I was sleeping or what?
-Richard: yes, but she insisted that I call you, it seems that she wants to order something from you.
-Me: Shit, can't she wait? I don't want to get up there.
Suddenly, a sound came from the living room: Vido, I'm calling you or else you didn't hear; was that my mom?
- Yes mum, I'm coming.
I jumped out of bed and ran into the living room, accompanied by my little brother.
-Mom: Since I sent your brother to you, you're going out now, huh! And if I was dying, I would already be dead before you came.
- (I burst out laughing…) No, mom, first of all you’re not going to die, in fact, I was sleeping.
-I know you were sleeping but if it wasn't important, I wasn't going to call you. Go get my car out, I'm a little tired for that.
-What am I going to buy with the mum car, can I use my motorcycle, can't I?
-No, you will go and wait for your cousin at the bus stop not far from the market to pick her up.
-Anhan, but you said she would come in the week, but not today.
-Today is not in the week?
- Yeah, sorry. (All nervous).
I didn't want to go out that day, but when mom says yes sometimes, you never say no; at least she's more rigorous than papa on this point.
-In fact, can you recognize your cousin? It's been at least 10 years since you last saw each other, she must be an adult now.
*** “I had already been to the Ivory Coast when I was 8 years old, at the moment my cousin must have been 9 or 10 years old, I don't remember too much but she was a little older. So I imagine how much she has grown now. »***
- Yes mom, maybe. I saw him a long time ago but I will not be able to forget his face.
-Take my phone, my sister says she bought her a cell phone and a Sim card from here, her number is first on the list of recently dialed numbers. When she goes down, she will call you.
-Okay mum (I took the laptop). See you soon
I got out of the car and took the road to the stop, it was about 3 kilometers from our house. When I got to the bus stop, I got out of the car and leaned against the front left door and pulled out my phone to entertain myself a bit before my cousin arrived. No sooner had I activated the data when my mom's cell phone rang, it was my cousin's number. So, I arrived in time otherwise she was going to wait; I picked up the phone:
-Hello tanti, I'm already here (with a heartbreaking voice)
-No, it's David, mum asked me to pick you up here.
-Hey, Vido, is it you who has that deep voice?
-Hum, you are where I don't see you.
-It's you, the guy leaning against a red car
- Yes, it's me, which side are you on? (I turned my head to look for her)
-I am behind you, turn around and you will see me.
I turned to see…, lord! Josiane, she was as beautiful as a rose, she is no longer the girl I knew, she has completely changed, in shape, in gait, an elegant smile. Wow, what a creature. People really change.
-Hi Vido, say, you've grown a lot huh (she touched my arm), plus you've gained muscle small. You even already know how to drive a car, it's so cool.
And you, then, I don't believe it, you're so beautiful, you've really changed cousin.
She made me smile, then she continued:
- Come on, let's go back, we'll continue on the way.
I ran to the left door to open the back door of the car for him to store his suitcase and luggage.
I then turned to the right and got into the car. I opened a trunk of the car and took out a chocolate biscuit; "Hold it" I tell him.
She replied: thank you Vido, you are kind. I smiled at him and we drove off. Along the way, I showed her a few places in the area, and I think she loved the scenery and the roads.
-Say, Vido, you must be 19 or 20 now, right?
- No, I turned 18 last month.
-Wow, but I only exceeded you by 2 years, didn't I?
- Hmm, I think, how old are you?
-I turned 21 3 months ago.
-Wow, you're a woman now.
-Stop, can't you see that I'm still young and on top? (She shook her chest)
- Um, yeah, but you don't have to do that.
-Hmm ok, sorry, I was just trying to show you that I'm still a teenager.
-LOL OK. You know, they say that it's from 20 to 28 that women are more beautiful than they have ever been.
-Oh well thank you.
We arrived home. We got out of the car, my mom and my brothers were in the veranda.
-Josiane: Hey, family, how are you?
-Mom: Welcome home my dear (she hugged her)
-Josiane: Thank you so much, I saw you a long time ago.
-Mom: yes my daughter, you have completely changed.
-Josiane: thank you so much.
-Josiane kissed my little brothers and took my little sister in her arms.
-Josiane: Isn't that Richard?
-Richard: yes;
-Josiane: Hum, you were only 1 when you came to our house. And him, what is his name?
-Richard: It's Jocelyn, my little brother..
-Josiane: Hello Jocelyn, how are you?
-Jocelyn: (he nodded yes)
Then she asked for the three-year-old's first name.
-Me: Richard, take the luggage from the car and drop it off in Cousine Josiane's room.
-Josiane: Thank you.
Everyone went back inside, she was taken care of. I then introduced him to the house and showed him the different places there. When night fell, we had a good meal as a souvenir, as a welcome for my cousin. The second day was the day my brothers left for Togo at my uncle's. There were only my cousin, my mom (with my 3-year-old little sister) and me at home. A week had passed, everything was going normally as it should but one day while I was having fun making drawings around 00h 30min;
I had the urge to pee.
When I had been in the boys shower, the faucet didn't work, so not wanting to mess up the shower, I decided to go to the women's shower (because normally, at that time, nobody must have been in the shower).
A few steps from the toilet, I heard moans and discreet cries:
-ooooh mmmmh…. Ahhhsshh...
I then, took my curiosity to heart (though scared) and tried to peek through the key wall of the door and oddly, I see My cousin...
To be continued ...