… Carrelle is HIV-positive.
At these words I became completely paranoid
-Hello bro, are you there?
- Yes, yes Roland I am here; is she still in the hospital?
-Yes, me too, we called his brother but apparently he's not in town.
- Ok, I'll come in a few minutes.
-Okay bro.
- Please, can you tell me the hospital?
- Yes (he tells me the hospital)
-Thanks dude
It was already striking 6:30 at the moment. So I hung up the phone and decided to go take a shower and join Roland and Carelle. When I entered the hallway, I saw Josiane who had just woken up:
-Hello Vido, did you sleep well?
- Yes, hello, I'm fine.
-You look bad, I heard you talking on the phone earlier, are you sure you're okay?
-Yes, but since I'm telling you, everything is fine, Roland called me for something urgent and I have to go see him in a few minutes. I'm going to take a shower like this.
-Ok, I'll make you breakfast until you finish getting ready (she gives me a kiss on the cheek)
- (…)
Until then, she suspected nothing, for her everything was fine. I was scared to death and worried. In the shower, I was just asking myself questions:
• If Carelle has HIV AIDS, since when?
• If she has had it for at least 1 year, even 6 months, hasn't she already sent it to me?
• -If so, didn't I pass it on to Josiane?
Oh my God I'm in real trouble, all my prayer is that I don't get contaminated and if I ever do I will kill myself with it. I would not want my family to suffer because of me.
After taking the shower, I went to my room to change: it was 7:00 to 8:00.
I then went to the Salon, Josiane had already heated the water and put something to eat my breakfast, so I rushed to have breakfast then I took my backpack and everything I had left as economy ; I had about 108000 f, I picked everything up in the bag, I went to the garage to get my motorbike then I left the house at 7:10 am.
I arrived there around 8am. Then I called Roland to come and meet me at the hospital gate to take me to Carelle's hospital room.
-Hi guy
-Hi David, you took a little time to come.
-Sorry, I'm super stressed right now. Alright, take me there please.
We walked together to the entrance then in two corridors one after the other then we arrived at the door of his room. I got scared again.
-Bro, it's here, the lady asked not to be disturbed.
- By the way, where is the lady?
-Oh, she's been home since 1 a.m. but she'll be back at 9 or 10 a.m.
-Thank you bro, for all you've done.
-Don't thank me, if I don't do it right now, no one will.
-You know, I'm afraid to go see her.
-You should not. Let's go, she's still in bed. (Then he whispered in my ear: from what I heard the lady say to one of her colleagues, Carrelle doesn't have much time to live and she mustn't know about it. )
"Shit, stop telling me those things, haven't you freaked me out enough as it is?" I also pity my case.
-Sorry, I thought you'd like to hear it.
- (…)
We open the door and we go in, because she was still in bed and she was still sleeping. So I approached her and sat down on one of the chairs that were next to her bed.
-Please, Roland, can you leave me alone with her?
-Okay, but hurry up, before the lady comes, I shouldn't have been there too, because she forbade Carelle to be disturbed.
-OK, thanks.
Then Roland came out and closed the door.
I sit down next to Carelle and take her by the left hand.
-Hi bb, I'm really sorry for everything that's happening at the moment, it's very hard and I don't know what to do anymore. I'm very worried about you but I'm also scared bb. I do not….
While I was still talking, someone opened the door, it was a lady, she was with Roland, I immediately guessed it was the doctor.
So I got up to greet her and to apologize for having disturbed Carrelle.
-The lady: No, young man, it's fine, your friend explained to me who you are for her. (Roland nods at me)
-Me: Thank you Madam, I came this morning after hearing the news.
-The lady: Ok, know that she doesn't know yet that she has this kind of illness, so I ask you for total discretion with her.
-Me: Okay ma'am, that's understood.
-The lady: Here are the drugs we prescribed, you have to buy them during the day and start the treatment to boost the rest of his life a little. And above all, you must get him something to eat.
“His lifespan”! So, it's for real, Carrelle is going to die and leave me, she's really going to leave? (I started to shed tears)
The lady continued:
-The lady: It's not worth it, the best thing is for you to pull yourself together and be very careful with the girls who go out with you. Now go buy the drugs, it must be around 67,300 f, how are you going to do it?
-Me: It doesn't matter, I'll handle it.
-The lady: So much the better. But when you're here, I have to give you a test too, it's very important and it's obvious since you're her boyfriend.
At these words, I was very sick to my heart and I was again gripped by fear. I started by asking myself questions:
*And if I am also HIV positive, then I will die in a while.
*Then it will be Josiane's turn because I would have passed that on to her anyway.
I got out of the hospital, went to the bike guard, took my motorbike and started the race I had to do. First go to the pharmacy, then go buy something to eat for Carelle.
I left the hospital around 9am and came back around 10.30am. I went directly to the lady's office to do the test before going to see Carelle and Roland.
-(Knock, knock, knock: I knock on the door of the office, I open and I enter, as it is asked to do according to the inscriptions on the door) Madam, I have already bought all the drugs .
-You were quick young man. I hope everything is there? (She takes the bag and checks) Ok that's good.
-Madam, I'm here for the test please. (You could hear my heart beating like someone had put a gun on me)
-Ah yes, I almost forgot, let's hope it's not positive.
-I hope so too (shaking voice)
She took a little cotton, adds a few drops of iodized alcohol and asks me to put my hand near, she wipes my index finger with cotton soaked in alcohol, takes out the material and says to me:
-It's going to hurt a little.
Then she pricks me with a kind of syringe and takes something to collect some of the blood that was flowing, then she hands me the cotton to press the place where the blood was flowing then she takes the blood taken and makes it flow on a kind of flat measuring device.
I was scared to death and worried.
She looks at the camera, stares into my eyes and says:
-Young man, the HIV AIDS test is…
To be continued ...