… the test… is negative…
I jumped for joy.
- Thank you ma'am, I'm very happy
- Thank yourself for protecting yourself and avoiding all risks of contamination. In any case, it makes me happy that we have nothing, it's one less. Phew.
-Thank you, good, I'm going to see Carelle and Roland.
-Yes, good idea young man, I'll join you in a few minutes, but she has to eat and start taking the medicine at the same time.
-Okay ma'am, thank you.
I leave his office very happy (I've never felt so happy before), I felt like I was close to death. I arrive in Carelle's hospitalization room and I see that she is already awake.
-Roland: Bro, you took a long time inh. I thought you were coming back instead.
-Me: Yes sorry man for the delay, (I didn't tell him that I already took the test). Hello Carelle.
-Carelle: Hello baby, how are you?
Me: I'm fine, how are you?
-Carelle: Yes, it will be fine. Thank you for all you do bb.
-Me: Stop thanking me every time please. Here, you have to eat before taking the medicine. (I hand him a dish). Here, bro, I'm sure you haven't eaten anything since yesterday.
-Carelle: Thank you bb, (she sits up a little to sit on the bed).
-Roland: Yeah, thanks man.
-Me: It's free. (I sit on the chair next to Carelle)
While they were eating, Carelle's big brother (Daniel) arrived all nervous.
-Daniel: hey, it's you, isn't it? (He was pointing at me), it was you who contaminated him or else.
Roland got up to push him out, he wasn't aware that we shouldn't talk about this in front of Carelle.
-Me: Sorry bb, I don't know what he's talking about.
-Carelle: Of course you know it Vido, I know it too, I have HIV AIDS.
- Me: (my beating heart)
But if she knows, why didn't she say anything about it?
-Carelle: I also know that I am dying, don't think you can hide what I already know.
While she was talking, her brother came back into the room again.
-Daniel: You're her boyfriend, so I'm sure it's you who infected him.
-Roland: Arrested Dani, she doesn't know she's...
-Carelle: I know it Ro, don't hide it from me, I knew it even before you.
-Roland: But why didn't you say anything?
-Carelle: I didn't want to make you suffer and I also didn't want you to run away from me. Especially you Vido (she put her left hand on my cheek)
-Me : (…)
-Carelle: Big brother, he didn't infect me, besides, you have nothing to do with that. You're never there when I need you, so you're not going to help me now that I'm dying.
At these words, the big brother lowered his head and said nothing more.
The doctor entered the room.
- The lady: is everything okay here? I was told there was noise.
-Carelle: No, everything is fine madam.
-The lady: Ah, you are awake, how are you?
-Carelle: I have known better.
-Daniel: Thank you Madam, how much do we owe you for the treatment and all that remains.
-The lady: No, everything is fine. The young man has already paid for everything.
-Daniel: Ah good! Thanks to you David.
-Me: It's free.
-The lady: I wanted to tell you that she will be analyzed later and you can go home with her.
-Carelle: Madam, how long do I have left to live?
At these words, the lady was surprised, she looked at us to ask us if it was we who informed her. We nodded to him to say that it wasn't us.
-Carelle: I knew it madam.
-The lady: but why didn't you want to have it treated?
-Carelle: I couldn't afford it and it's useless since I'm going to die anyway.
Me: Stop saying that.
-The lady: (She lowers her head) If you follow the treatments well and you take your medications well, it could be in 1 month or 3 weeks.
-Carelle: What if I don't take medication?
-The lady: (She doesn't say anything) Well, I'm going to do the small analyzes and you're going to go home.
After the analyses, it was already 4 p.m., we paid for a Taxi to transport Carelle home. Then I stayed until 6 p.m. and went home (all tired and stressed).
Josiane was sitting on the couch watching a movie.
-Hey hi Vido, since this morning, I've been trying to reach you but it's not working. Everything is fine ? I worried a lot about you my dear.
- Yes, I'm fine, what did you prepare? I'm super hungry.
-Hum, you smell the medicine, did you go to the hospital?
- No, I didn't go to the hospital.
-You're sure ?
- Yes, please, I'm hungry there!!
- Ok, I'll make us something to eat.
I leave her and I go straight to my room, I drop off my backpack, I only have 25,000 f left. I went to take a shower and came back to my room, put on a little pair of shorts and went to the Salon. Josiane has already prepared the meal.
We ate and I went to sit on the sofa, she came to sit next to me.
-How was the day?
-I've known better. What did you do your day?
- Okay, nothing serious, I stayed there watching TV, eating then I went to take a shower and I came back to the sofa to watch a movie on TV.
-Okay great.
-Why don't you tell me what happened today.
-Nothing happened.
-I don't believe you Vido.
-No matter. By the way, I wanted you to come with me tomorrow somewhere.
-Where ? And to do what?
- At the hospital, you are going to do a test.
- How is a test? I'm not pregnant, did you forget that I started taking birth control pills?
-I'm not talking about that.
-Then what ?
-You will know soon enough. Tomorrow we will go to the hospital.
-OK it is understood.
She approaches me and begins by sliding her hand along my chest.
-Not now, please, I'm too overwhelmed for that.
- please Vido, I feel like it, you know we haven't done this together for 3 days.
-I know, but I don't want that now and please don't insist.
-Okay, that's understood, but when will we do that?
- In the week surely. Alright, I'm going out to get some air.
It was already striking 8 p.m. a few minutes past. So I went outside for about an hour and came back to the house.
- Good Josiane, see you tomorrow, I'm sleepy
-Ok, sweet dreams (she gets up from the sofa and comes to kiss me)
The next day I woke up at around 8 am, breakfast was already ready. I took a shower, I went to eat. Josiane had already finished cleaning and was sitting on the couch.
-Hello Video
-Hello, did you sleep well ?
-Yes and you ?
-It's okay. That's it, I'm ready.
-For ?
-the hospital.
-Anhan, is it this morning?
- Yes, you didn't know?
-ok, ok, I'm going to change, I don't know what's going through your head but I hope that after that you'll tell me everything.
-it depends.
So we went to the hospital. Luckily the lady had come early that day.
We entered her office, she recognized me.
-Hello ma'am.
- Yes young man, how are you?
- Good ma'am, thank you.
-So, what can I do for you?
- Uh, by the way, this one is my sister and I would like you to do the same test to her as you did to me yesterday.
-Anh okay, no problem, it's 100% free
She asks Josiane to sit down, then she does the same thing she did to me yesterday. After that, she looks on the device and says to Josiane:
- Miss, your test shows that you don't have AIDS.
To be continued...