Chapter 4: Shocking Revelation
There is a lot of other punishments that our group has thought up over the years, but it is always fun to try to come up new ones. Has to be something unpleasant but not harmful, slightly painful but not screaming in pain stuff, and, most importantly, it must be kinky as hell. We embrace the kinky lifestyle. Boy, do we! Mostly the ropes and chains, BDSM stuff, but with a healthy dose of lesbianism and domination. You know, just your typical female perverts practicing their arts.
I spent a good part of the morning dreaming up really icky punishments for Rachael when next I got my hands on her. Some involved fire ants and honey, some simply tight ropes and extremely uncomfortable positions. For long periods of time. Eons. I wanted her to suffer at least as much as I was.
Which brings me back to the current situation. The morning was well along and still no Rachael. I figured it was about ten o’clock in the morning. Which meant that I had been tied like that for twelve hours! That is not a record; I have been bound longer, but usually not as uncomfortably. One time I spent twenty-four full hours tied naked and spread-eagle on a bed while the girls took turns... Well, you can probably imagine what they were doing to me.
Still, half a day is a long time to be tied in a hogtie. I will have to admit that it was exciting at first. I enjoy being put into good, strict bondage. And when Rachael had tied the final knot and I saw her headed for the door, taking the lantern with her (the only source of light in that horrid place), I felt a large jolt of excitement race through my body. I had no idea how long she was planning to leave me alone, and that made it pretty exciting. I also did not know if she was serious about what she told me was going to happen. After she had me totally helpless on the dirty, cold floor, she informed me that it was her intent to never return. That was a shock, as you can imagine, but not totally unexpected. When being left alone in bondage, it is common to play mind games with the sub. It is common to tell her that if she fails to escape from the ropes, you will spank her ass until she is crying her head off and her bottom is burning nicely. Likewise, telling her that if she fails to escape she will be forced to perform really nasty sexual acts on her friends. If she refuses, they will just leave her tied until she decides to obey. Those kinds of mind games are common. So telling her that you are never going to return was scary but not usually believed. I mean, that is pretty serious and all. We are kinky, but not dangerous.
In this case, her statement of abandonment was followed up by a short lecture on why she had no intention of ever freeing me. Maybe I’ll explain later, but we had a nice, friendly little ménage à trois going between Rachael, myself and a really wonderful dom named Ursula. Ursula was occasionally submissive but normally not. She was, however, the most wonderful, powerful, dominating Mistress you ever saw. Plus being a hell of a beautiful woman with a body straight out of a men’s magazine centerfold. But what I loved most about her was her incredibly perverse imagination. The woman was deliciously wicked! Just the sight of her standing there in high heels, nylons, garter belt with a riding crop in her hand makes my knees weak and sends shivers down my spine. Once I am bound and helpless before her, I almost swoon with ecstasy. I damn near have an orgasm myself just from being forced to use my tongue and lips to pleasure her.
Well, Rachael announced that she was tired of sharing Ursula with me. As if either of us had any claim to that woman’s attentions. Ursula was a force of nature, a wonder to behold, not something to be possessed. And certainly not ever to be a sub. No, she did the possessing, and it was wonderful to curl up at her feet and worship her. I never considered that I was sharing her with Rachael or anyone. Ursula was simply The Mistress to end all mistresses.
So it was a shock to hear Rachael telling me that she was going to eliminate me from the trio so she could have Ursula all to herself. I had never realized that the petite little Rachael could be so jealous! But the tone of her voice and the look upon her face in the lantern light rang true. When she said goodbye and closed that door with a clang, I was thinking that she was only putting on a act. A mind game to scare me, nothing more. But, twelve hours later and hurting all over, I was beginning to believe she was telling the truth.
It was not easy to believe that she would actually go to the extreme of abandoning me to an ugly fate. If she did not return, and I was not able to free myself, then...
It was too frightening to think of. So I pushed that thought out of my head and figured maybe she had car trouble or something and was simply later coming back than she had planned. She could not really be leaving me to starve to death.
Could she?