by John Savage
Published by Running Wolf Books
Copyright 2017 John Savage
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Chapter 1: Rude Awakening
The first thought that penetrated my sleepy brain was that I was cold. That was followed closely by ‘did the covers fall off me?’
Not often, but occasionally when I toss and turn in my sleep, the covers will depart from their normal place over my body, thereby exposing me to the cold air. Since I always sleep nude, that often is cold enough to wake me up.
But that was not the case that morning. As awareness slowly seeped into my mind, the first thing I noticed was that my breasts were hurting. My poor little babies were squashed up against something hard and cold. Automatically, I tried to bring my hands around to lift myself from whatever it was that I was lying on. But they would not come.
An assortment of other aches and pains assaulted my senses and brought me fully awake and aware of my condition. Memories of why I was lying on a hard surface and why I was unable to bring my arms around in front of me came flooding back, and I groaned.
I was tied up!
Solidly and tightly, ropes were holding my arms behind me. And my legs together. And some more rope was connecting my ankles with the ropes around my elbows and forcing my body to bend into an arch. I was hogtied!
No wonder I was aching all over. My body was contorted into a very tight arch with my feet half way between my hands and elbows. As the memories of the prior night came cascading back, I knew that I was not only tied up but also naked as a jaybird, and lying on a bare concrete floor in an abandoned factory.
Even worse, I had been bound like that the night before and, to judge by the dim, gray light of dawn seeping through the high and dust coated windows of my prison, had been in that horrid condition for almost the whole night.
I uttered a few choice curse words and tried once more to pull my arms free of the ropes. Just as they had since about ten o’clock the night before, the ropes held me tightly it their inescapable grip. I recalled having fought against those ropes for a damned long time last night. It was a massive effort on my part but a failing one. I was still just as helpless that gray morning as I had been when abandoned in that dirty place the night before.
I had spent a few hours – or so it seemed – fighting against the ropes. I twisted and turned and jerked my arms and legs until I was exhausted and forced to lie there limp and unmoving. All the while that I was struggling, I was not too worried. I was well acquainted with the feeling of being tied and helpless. I will explain about that later. So, even though I had to finally admit defeat in the battle against the ropes, I was not overly worried. Rachael would come back for me. After all, she was the one who tied me like this and then abandoned me in this filthy place. As was our nature, we often played dirty tricks on each other. So leaving me alone and totally helpless for a few hours in what I have to admit was a frightening place, was sort of par for the course. With us, I mean.
But leaving me for the entire night was bit extreme. My hands felt on the numb side, and there were numerous aches and pains from my stiff muscles and joints in that contorted position. Some degree of discomfort was to be expected in our kinky games. But we usually obeyed certain unwritten but logical limitations. Especially when it came to leaving someone helpless and alone. We might be kinky perverts but we are not stupid.
Which is what made me begin to really worry. If the situation were reversed and I was the one who tied and left Rachael alone, I would never have left her for the whole night. Not tied in a tight hogtie. A few hours for her to struggle and enjoy the helpless feeling. Maybe even become very frightened as time went on. Heaven knows, when you are totally helpless and alone, your mind will get to playing tricks on you. For one thing, you begin to wonder if the person who tied you had something happen to her and she was unable to come back to free you. You begin imagining your binder in a car accident someplace, unconscious and unable to tell anyone about the poor victim she had left in such dire straits. Horrible images of what will happen to you if that person never comes back flash through your mind, each worse than the last. I can tell you that intense helplessness can drive you into a state of utter panic when you are alone.
But it really, really makes you feel helpless. And that part is exciting! An erotic, scary, highly intense turn on.