Chapter 3: The Morning After
Now, before you ask why I didn’t scream for help, let me tell you that I did. A whole bunch. I was not gagged, so screaming for help was an option. We are careful about gagging one another. A ball gag that is too large can really make the muscles in the jaw ache something terrible. Besides, ball gags are often not really that effective at silencing a girl. If the ball does not fit the mouth exactly right, she can speak. The words are pretty garbled, but usually understandable. A ball gag has to be just big enough to fit behind the teeth. You don’t want the teeth biting into the ball. That is too large and makes it easier for her to push it out with her tongue. You want a ball that fits into the mouth behind the teeth. And it should force the mouth open just a bit. The teeth should not be able to close together. You want her mouth forced open enough so that she feels it. In other words, you do not want it to be too comfortable. A good ball gag should be uncomfortable but not painful. Likewise, you want it to be large enough to push down on the tongue, making it impossible to form words properly.
Each of us has a ball gag that exactly fits our mouth. This is important because, as I said, an ill-fitting ball can forced the jaw too far open and that makes the muscles really begin to hurt. I had that happen to me a few times before I made a ball gag that worked perfectly for my size mouth. And I can tell you that the pain from that stress on the muscles in your jaw can be far worse than tight ropes or a spanking. And, of course, when you are forced to wear a ball gag, you will also be tied so that there is absolutely no way you can take it out yourself.
Well, anyway, I guess Rachael knew that I was going to be tied far longer than I would have wanted to be, so she did not gag me. That, or she simply figured that this was such an out of the way, abandoned place that no one would hear my screams.
She was right on that part. After a few hours of useless struggles, I was beginning to worry a bit. Figuring that maybe she was hiding just beyond that closed door, I tried calling out to her. After a bit, I increased the volume. Still no sign of her. I was getting mad – and frightened – so I started yelling pretty loudly.
Rachael did not show herself. And no one else came looking to see who was screaming her head off.
I was growing hoarse when I finally ceased yelling.
So, yes, I did try calling for help.
Figuring (and praying) that she would return before too long, I tried to settle down. For one thing, struggling against the ropes was not only gaining me nothing, it was also hurting my arms and legs. Settling down and trying to stay motionless still hurt but not nearly as much.
At that point, my mind was refusing to accept that the abandonment was permanent. Just could not be!
As I lay there, I thought about what I could do to pass time. I knew from prior experience that one of the tortures of being made helpless and left that way for hours was boredom. When you cannot move, all you can do is think. I have been in that condition many times. At first, it is not bad but eventually the excitement wears off and you get bored. One of my favorite ways to pass the time is to think about what I will do to the person who tied and left me. In my mind, I construct all kinds of nasty punishments. I plan out each part of the bondage, how each rope will add to the helplessness, and just how much that part will make her very uncomfortable. This practice is good, because when it came my turn to play with her I usually had a plan already in mind. And please note that this is not really revenge in the usual sense. It is just the way we play the game.
If I had not been tied in such a tight hogtie, I could have rested my head on the floor. But my body was forced into an arch that lifted my shoulders. This prevented me from resting my head on its side. I found that, unless I wanted to go to the effort of rolling onto my side, the easiest way was just to lower my head and rest my forehead on the concrete.
I spent a great deal of time that morning with my forehead pressed against the hard floor, my eyes closed, and trying to ignore the aches and pains.
I was coming up with a few really nasty scenes to put Rachael in. There was, of course, just binding her as I was and leaving her all night. But a few other ideas played around in my mind. There was always the ‘tie her down with her legs spread and pour live rats over her’ trick. Not always easy to find rats who will aid you, but when you can, it’s very effective at frightening the hell out of a woman.
Then there is the ‘chain her real good, complete with padlocks’. That is usually done with the girl naked (of course) and her arms chained behind her back. Since padlocks require either the right key or someone very good with picking locks, she will have to stay chained up until someone can find bolt cutters to snap the chains off. But... just being chained is not the real punishment, you realize. After she’s naked and chained, she is taken someplace a mile or two away and released. There are variations on this. It can be someplace where she will have to walk home through a forest. Not much chance of being seen but also it can be pretty scary at night. I know, believe me. Or she can be let loose someplace where she will not be able to walk home without going through areas where she is almost certain to be seen. That can be more scary than the deep, dark woods at night. And, if someone should happen to come across her, they will not be able to take the chains off because they do not have the key. Two things can happen. First, if the person or people who find her are kindly, they will cover her with something and drive her to where she tells them the keys and the nasty girls who chained her are waiting and will release her. If she is not lucky, the police will find her or be called. Then she has to explain that it was a sorority initiation prank. Or that she was kidnapped but got free. We try to avoid entanglement with the police. We are not trying to get anyone in serious trouble, just have a little fun!
Then there is ‘hang her upside down by her ankles’. Or by her wrists. If the girl is light weight, like Rachael, that is not too bad as a punishment. If the girl is heavy, it can be quite uncomfortable.