Chapter 2: Did I mention Frightening?
So, my waking up still tied and quite alone was more than just a surprise. It was frightening! What if something had actually happened to Rachael and she was never coming back? That idea made me tug on the ropes yet again. It was a battle to keep the panic under control. If I did not keep my wits about myself, I would begin screaming and thrashing around in a full scale, mind-blowing panic. To keep that from happening, I told myself that she was my friend and would be back soon, apologizing for leaving me so long and promising to never do that again.
I would tell her that it was all right and I forgave her. At the same time, I would be planning retribution.
Let me back off and explain something about this. In our bondage games, it is not unusual for one of us to submit to the other and be placed in deliberately uncomfortable situations. Being tied for long enough to make your body ache and you really, really wish you were not tied that way was not at all uncommon. Being spanked – usually as a punishment for failure to escape from the bondage – was also common. I mean, a bit of bare-hand spanking on your bare butt adds wonderfully to the helpless feeling. Take my word for it.
And sometimes we get a little carried away. I have had my bottom whipped with a belt until it was burning and all bruised and sore for a day or two. Not often, but sometimes. It made me cry while it was happening but did no permanent harm. And there are other mild tortures we inflict. They satisfy our sadist urges and, for the submissive, her need to really feel helpless. Some of us are a little masochistic.
The point I am trying to make, however, is that when someone pulls that kind of crap on you, they are opening themselves to receiving the same kind of treatment the next time it is their turn to play the submissive. In other words, a few days or a week later you will being wrapping ropes around her body and chuckling to yourself about what you are going to do to her as soon as she in totally in your power.
That is what keeps our games from getting out of hand. Plus the fact that we really care for each other. In some cases, that is too mild a word. Lovers is a better word for the relationship. You would be surprised how easily lesbianism and B&D go together. Human nature, I guess.
So here we have the next morning. I am still helpless and hurting and alone. If I were to tell you that I was not really getting scared, I’d be lying. Rachael had better come through that rusty metal door pretty soon or she was going to feel my wrath when I got my hands on her. And nobody in our informal group would blame me at all. “Let the punishment fit the crime,” was our guiding rule. In fact, if I did not punish her in equal measure to what she did to me, the others would think less of me. Sort of a matter of honor. And an important part of keeping our games within reasonable limits.
I took a deep breath and wished I had a nice, warm blanket to crawl under. That early morning air was cold! I was almost shivering as I lay there and endured. Well, what choice did I have? I had pretty much established that I was not going to be untying myself anytime soon. I would be lying there until someone else came to rescue me. No matter how long it took.
Of course, it was rather theoretical wishing for a blanket. Hogtied the way I was, it would have been most difficult for me to crawl under one. And without hands, I would certainly not be pulling it up and over me. I had established the night before that the only movement allowed me was to roll onto my side. And that took a massive effort because of the way my legs and arms were bound. I could not swing my arms or legs to either side hard enough to roll my whole body. Well, that is not exactly true. I managed to do that a couple times last night but only by straining and twisting my body to the limit. Then, when I did roll over, I found that I was stuck on my side. It took an even larger effort to roll back onto my stomach.
So, I could roll onto my side but that got me no closer to freedom than I was while lying with my breasts flattened against the concrete.
As the gloom in that relatively small room lightened some, I was able to look around. Maybe I could find something that would help me free myself. A knife would be nice. Or a pair of scissors. Even a broken piece of glass would be welcomed. But all I could see was dust and cobwebs and dark shapes of machinery and boxes surrounding me.
Exhausting my vocabulary of nasty words to call her, I began talking to myself. I explained that Rachael was certain to come back soon. She just had to, no matter what she had told me before leaving. And then I would have to explain to her that this game was a little too extreme. Then I would have to punish her for exceeding the rules. I guessed that best way to do that would be to do exactly the same to her as she had done to me. I would bring her here and bind her exactly the same as I currently was. I would make sure that when I finished the final knot and closed that ugly iron door, it would be as close to the same time of night as when she had done it to me. And I would leave her until the next day – just as she had done to me. I would make sure that I did not come to rescue her until she had spent the same amount of time in this horribly tight bondage as I did. And I would hope that she would be as frightened as I was.
All the while that I thought about doing that to Rachael, I was fighting off the insane idea that she had really deliberately abandoned me to a horrid fate with no intention of ever returning to free me! And, worse, I had reason to believe that was actually the case!