***Molly Moore***
I go upstairs and change and leave for Merly's house. She and I have been friends since kindergarten and to this day we are still friends. She is the only one who, until today, has not tried to extort me knowing who I am. She is the sister I always wanted to have and that nature ended up giving me.
I found her in front of her house fully dressed, as if she was about to go somewhere.
- Hello Merly! I greeted her.
-Oh no ! She screams in surprise. I can't believe that's my twin Molly here. Why didn't you let me know you were back home? I missed you so much.
Merly came to take me in her arms with joy.
-Well yes. It's me. In the flesh. I had missed you so much my darling.
-To me too little heart. Look at you.
She spun me around.
-I'm so sorry my darling, she said this time in a sad voice. Sorry I didn't show up at your father's funeral. I know how hard it can be to lose someone you love. I was on a business trip and my boss wouldn't give me the few days off I asked for.
-I know, my dear. From the moment I received your call that day, I knew that if you could, you would be there by my side. You never left me alone... We are not going to stay on the threshold of your house all day, I say for a change.
-Oh yes, it's true. Let's go back my dear. I'm so happy to see you that I forget things. My good manners? Suddenly volatilized.
-Me too I am happy to see you my darling, I say while following her. How is your husband?
Unlike me, Merly got married a year ago. Since it was only me who was by his side during all the difficult moments of his life, it was me who took charge of everything. I had helped him prepare for his wedding as if I were his own mother. The dress, the wedding venue, the reception hall, the hotel for their honeymoon and all the other things were part of the organization was on my account.
-Sandro is fine. He just got to work. You just missed it.
-Okay Merly dear… Ah! Before I forget. Mom greets you.
- Say hello to her for me too when you leave here.
I had barely found a seat to sit down when Merly started staring at me. And when Merly looks at me like that, it can only mean one thing. She is about to broach the subject that annoys.
-Is there someone in your life right now? Tell me everything.
-Of course not. What are you going to imagine?
-Molly it's been 5 years since Peterson betrayed you. You should turn the page. Don't give him the chance to ruin your life.
-To believe that at the moment everyone is harping on my ears with this same story. So I'm going to tell you exactly what I said to my mother earlier. It's not because of Peet that I refuse to fall in love again. Him there, I completely forgot about him, you know. It's just that I'm not ready to commit anytime soon.
-Are you sure you don't think about him anymore?
- Yes Merl. You know I don't like lying to you. It is the strict truth. The man who will make my little heart beat again does not exist.
-Oh yes ! You mean you're not thinking of anyone right now?
My mind wanders for a moment to those beautiful blue eyes that captivated me during the show. I smile. Merly pats my arm.
-What were you thinking?
- Or rather I should say, to whom?
-Nobody. But what will you imagine? Just that your comment was so dumb...
- And that's why you were absent?
While we were talking, Merly got up and went to her kitchen.
-You know, you're lucky to run into Sandro. He is not like other men. In my opinion, men seek only their own interests. As long as they can have it, nothing else matters. And I want to be loved for who I really am and not for my heritage. You don't find a man like that these days.
She comes back with a glass in her hand and hands it to me.
-You're at my house, and I didn't offer you anything.
-Thank you my beautiful, I say when I get the glass.
-You will end up finding the man of your life just like I found Sandro, she starts again. You are a good person, Molly. And you deserve to find happiness my dear. Don't let go so young. You know, love is so unpredictable sometimes. I'm sure and certain that you'll find something that suits you pretty quickly. Just don't close your heart.
-Thanks babe. I hope so, I say between two sips of juice. You sound like mom. I came here to take refuge because she kept pissing me off with this couple thing, but you're doing it again. To believe that there is an emergency.
-Maybe the man of your life is on his way my darling. Who knows ? He just needs you to be pulled the ears and bring you to your senses, she ends up amused.
I laugh heartily. Her and my mother when I listen to them talk, I wonder what they are still waiting for to make me this man they believe is on the way. We finish until the afternoon talking about everything and nothing like in the good old days. At the end, I take the opportunity to drive around the city. It's been so long since I quit. Before, I liked to criss-cross the city. Especially uptown. It must be said that more fast, I was a real calamity for my parents. Especially for my father. How I miss him! This man, despite all his fortune, was of unthinkable nobility.
I wipe the few tears that may have escaped from my tears despite my reluctance and start the car. I crisscross the city admiring every corner as if everything were new. I finish my run in Central Park since it's not far from my home. I let myself be absorbed for hours by the landscape before crossing to the American Museum of Natural History which is opposite. These little getaways have always allowed me to recharge my batteries.
When I get home, I get a call from mom.
-Where are you Molly.
-I went for a walk...
-From the city, I suppose.
She knows me only too well, this woman.
- You should have warned me Molly. When you stay outside for so long, I worry.
- I'm already home. I am on my way.
- Hurry then. I'm expecting you for dinner.
- Yes, boss!