***Molly Moore***
I barely arrived at the place where Merly had indicated to me. From afar, I could see Peet. He was alone having a drink. So I decided to approach him with a sad heart.
-Hello Peet! I greeted him calmly.
- Mo… Molly, what are you doing here?
-I'm coming to see you. Isn't that the reason why you invited Merly there personally? You think she wouldn't have told me, maybe? Well here I am. I had to check the news myself. Or what ? Did you really think your marriage would remain a secret from me Peet?
- But why did you do this to me? I shout so loud that heads turned towards us.
-You can leave. I will transfer money to your account tomorrow, he tells me to get out of the scandal.
-I'm not here for your money and you know it very well.
-What do you want then? I am a married man now.
-I wanted to see if you would really marry.
- But sure, yes, I'm getting married. What do you believe ? That I would have waited for you all my life? Not Molly at all. I found a better woman than you. She has it all. She is beautiful... radiant... rich to boot. While you...
- Both of us are in the past now. So, you can try to put all that behind you and wish me a good life together. I'm married to Ella now.
Peet's new wife approached us with a smile on her face. She looked me up and down before wincing.
-Who is this lady my love?
-She's a longtime friend, honey. Her husband is in prison and she has nothing to take care of her children. She came to ask me to help her if I can.
-And she chose my wedding day to come and ask you for money? She wants to ruin my day or what?
- Well, I don't know, honey. She may have thought she was going to enjoy it before we go on honeymoon. She doesn't live in town. She comes from afar.
Pet's wife turned to me and gave me her card.
-Ah! The poor ! You know what, here's our business address. You can go there and ask anything in my name. You will have everything you want. And let me tell you something my dear. Be sure to ask for the necessary. Because, I want this to be the last time I catch you hovering around MY husband. You hear me ? I never want to see you again in my life.
Never in my life had I been so humiliated by someone. In public as well. Worst of all, Peet said nothing to defend me. I dropped the card on the ground as I felt offended. Obviously this woman had no idea who she was talking to.
-I give you my card because I want to give you an opportunity to get out of it and you play the proud, she is offended. The poor always have this absurd pride that they brandish when they shouldn't.
-I don't need opportunities MADAME, I say through gritted teeth. I know how to take care of myself and my family.
-Take the young lady card and get out of here. You can't let such a great opportunity pass you by. Unless you want more. Put your price. Because I want you to stop your little game with my husband. No prize is worth my relationship with MY husband.
-No way.
-You know what, today is my wedding. So let me live in peace with MY husband. OK ? Get out of here, she's pushing me.
- Congratulations Ella, I end up saying. I wish you a good life with Peet. Both of you know that the wheel turns.
I turned on my heels. My tears blurred my vision. So that I went up against the chest of a young man who held me by the shoulders.
-At least you can take the card so you don't leave with nothing, young woman. As you seem to be blind, I can read you the name engraved on this card. It's a big family. A family the likes of which are few.
-What I concern myself ?
-You are a very beautiful woman. So why did you agree to become Peet's mistress? Why seek to display your dignity only now. Where was she when you were dating someone else's fiancé?
So nobody here knew who I am? It is the height. For once, I wanted to wave my name to get me out of there. But I capitulate.
-You... Let me pass you fool.
- Answer me, miss.
- Mind what concerns you.
I shoved him out and ran to my car. I drive like a fury. Lots of things went through my head. Peet married another woman. Which means he's been laughing at me the whole time.
-He never liked him, I start crying again.
I found it hard to believe when I was told that he liked my money and not me. And now that he's married someone richer than me, I'm sure of it. Why the hell should this happen to me?
I park the car in front of my house. Then I come in like a rage in the house. My parents were in the living room talking.
-Molly my daughter, worries my mother.
I didn't even turn to my mother. I continue on my way to my room. My parents entered before I could close the door.
-Molly, are you going to tell me what's going on? Mom asks.
-Pet just got married, I answer in tears.
-I'm going to kill this sick man, yelled dad.
Molly knows how very dangerous her father could be when he's pissed off. She held her hand to try to calm her down.
- No dad. Drop it. It really isn't worth it.
Like I told my dad that day, Peet really wasn't worth it. He was an upstart who loves other people's money without a day working to earn for himself.