***Molly Moore***
Today, after everything I've been through, I've left it all behind. I did everything in my power to forget him and make all the love I felt for him disappear from my heart. He chose another path. I could only wish her the best even though my heart was bleeding.
Peet and I haven't seen each other since he got married. And that's good. In fact, I have done everything for the past 5 years. I knew that it would have been impossible for me to move on if I had to meet him often. And since that day, I swore to myself that I was never going to commit to another person again. It was too painful to do it again...again. I now know what it's like to feel betrayed by someone you love with all your heart. And I'm not ready to try the adventure again.
I told myself that I could live alone. We live very well without a man. They are only sources of sadness and desolation.
Mom always encouraged me to go out and hang out. But that was the least of my worries. All I cared about now was getting famous as a model without having to use my money to get there. Except with his own talent. I even decided to forget the handsome face of this man and his beautiful blue eyes that had captivated me during those few seconds during the parade.
In my eyes all men are all the same. Between them there is no distinction. They are all dogs. There is not one to catch up with the other. It is only their interests that motivate them. Most of the time, it's money. And that's why when I meet other people, I never mention the fact that I come from a rich family. Often times, I give my mother's last name instead of my father's. Because I know people will always welcome me with open arms when I tell them I'm Molly Moore. Everything I don't want. Because when I introduce myself as Molly Navarro, no one looks at me like Miss Everyone. Not to say that I was barely looked at. The world is too interested. Only Merly knows my true identity. Decoste, Sony... none of them know.
Over time I learned to like it. On some occasions, I use my father's and on others his mother's. Like at this fashion show for example. It was my mother's that I used. I didn't want everyone to wonder why a girl like Molly Moore ended up at a fashion show? As a model moreover. I hate to hear this question from people's mouths so much. No one wants to understand that everyone has their own passion in this life. And this, even the children of the rich. As if my whole life should be conditioned by my status as an heiress. As far as I know, the business is well run. So I can live my life. To be myself.
This morning, as usual, I went down to breakfast with my mother.
-Hello Mom ! I greet her warmly.
-Honey, did you have a good evening?
-Very well. And for you mom?
- Good mom. Sit down my darling. I serve you your breakfast.
-Yes mom. Thanks. I am so hungry.
-And I therefore ?
She and I took our breakfast together in a very good atmosphere while talking. My mother, Elda Moore Navarro, is not only a devoted mother but also a best friend to me, her daughter. We always shared everything. Even my deepest fears. Moreover, it is thanks to my parents that I was able to overcome my heartache of 5 years ago.
Speaking of heartache, Mom just brought the subject up.
-Molly, it's now been 5 years since your breakup with Peterson, shouldn't you finally decide to start a new life? I don't like seeing you like this, you know. I'm so desperate to see you happy.
-I am happy.
-All alone ?
- Mom, how many times do I have to tell you that I don't need a man to succeed in my life? I am not alone. I got you, you... Merly... Sony... Decoste. What more do you think I need?
-I'm not talking about making a success of your life, Molly. Men are there to love us my darling. To complete our happiness. You can't run away from your destiny forever. And I feel that the man of your life is there and waiting for you somewhere. Trust me when I talk to you. You know your mother always tells you the truth, she ends with a mischievous wink.
- I'm not ready yet mom, I admit with difficulty. What Peet did to me is not over yet.
-So Peter is still in your head?
- But no mom. What are you talking about ? I forgot this dog. But what he did to me, no. I won't be giving someone else the chance to screw me up again anytime soon. But, I don't think about Peterson anymore.
-Prove it to me so my darling, she challenges me.
- Uh no, no. I'm not going to play this stupid game so badly that I want to take on this mommy challenge. You won't get me like this.
-Good. I leave you but my darling. Don't forget my chip. You need to start your life over, okay? She hugs me. Who knows ? It may be by putting yourself with another man that you will succeed in forgetting Peterson completely. My son-in-law is here. He's waiting for you somewhere.
Mom knows perfectly well that I have already moved on. Except that according to his logic, since I'm already 25, I should already be married.
-Okay, mom. But, I don't promise you anything. If it is, I will be much better off if I have to live alone in my house.
-Unless you are a eunuch my daughter.
- What mom?
- I say: unless my daughter doesn't feel any more desire… at all. So there, maybe, I'll agree with you.
I just smile. My mother and her ideas.
-Well, I have to go see Merly. I've been back for a week and she doesn't know it yet.
-Okay. Kiss her for me.
-I won't forget Mom.