Roselyn Bell
I was thankful that Adriet had got me a sundress. It was easier to wear. I quickly pulled the dress over my head and then went out. I saw Adriet standing just beside the door, waiting for me.
"Come on", he said and offered me his hand as support. I gave him a quick smile and he guided me towards the couch. He took my leg and made it rest on a stool, being very careful of not touching or pressing too hard near the wound.
"Thank you!" I had now started liking Adriet as a person. He was being sweet and considerate, unlike the old, rude person he used to be.
"I have made arrangements for you to go back to New York. You don't have to stay here with me anymore", he said while taking the band-aid off my leg. The wound looked very nasty. I hope it doesn't leave any marks behind.
"Will you be coming with me too?" I asked, hoping to get a 'yes' as the answer.
"Probably", he said as he wrapped up the wound again. He gave me his hand and pulled me up with him. We made our way outside. I saw Ross signing something.
"Kitty! I see you are completely fine now", he said with his boyish grin.
"Not really, but better", I said with a smile.
"Come on. Let's get you home", he said and led the way out. It was chilly outside. I liked the winters very much. That was the only time when I could curl up in my soft blanket and sleep peacefully. But somehow Chloe always hated winters. Suddenly I felt a little weight on my shoulders. I saw Adriet was making me wear a jacket.
"Come on", he said. We sat in the car and drove off. Adriet was silent throughout the ride. I soon realised where we were going. Airport. We weren't going back to the hotel. I don't know why, but had I kind of developed a strange attachment to that place. Although it was lonely and had all the negative vibes I still wanted to go there for the last time. I mean I want to be able to rent that room because it was for Adriet's personal use and visitors were a big no-no. We reached the airport and in no time I was comfortably seated on the plane.
"You can rest for a few days and after that, you can rejoin," Adriet said and sat beside me.
"Umm.... no it's okay. It's better if I join as soon as I reach", I said and shifted in my seat.
"Fine. If that's what you want", he exhaled deeply. Now, why is he pissed off? The next few hours went by monotonously and we soon landed in New York. It was seven in the evening.
"Ross will drop you. I have some work to do", Adriet said as he helped me wear my coat. "And listen. If you find anything suspicious going on, then..." he looked around us, as in he didn't want anyone to hear us, "...just call me, okay?"
"Okay", I said with a smile. He helped me get out of the car and then drove away.
"Let's go kitty", Ross said and in no time I had reached my apartment. I felt as if I had seen my apartment after an eternity, whereas it had only been a few weeks. When the familiar building came into my view I got all excited and nervous. Excited because I would be seeing Chloe after a long time and nervous that I would be facing her wrath at the same time. The car came to a halt and we got out.
"Here," Ross said while giving me a small suitcase.
"This isn't mine", I said while looking at him.
"I know. It has the clothes that you bought there" he said and dragged the bag with him.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"To see you off. Of course" he said in a duh tone. Sometimes I used to wonder whether he and Adriet were really friends or not. We made our way to the elevator and I pressed my floor button. I rang the bell beside my door and heard Chloe saying 'coming'. Soon she opened the door.
"Roselyn!" she yelled and hugged me tightly. "Where on earth were you?! I had been trying to contact you for I don't know how long, but you wouldn't respond." She was now furious and red with anger.
"Chloe, listen. It was really ve-" she cut me off.
"NO! You listen to me Roselyn Anne Bell! If you want to stay with me, then you need to tell me about your whereabouts", she was still screaming at me without letting me in, completely ignoring that there was someone else too with me.
"Ms Chloe, it was my fault that I kept your friend away from you without any proper notice", Ross said while stepping in the scene. I looked at Chloe she didn't seem convinced whatsoever. She was a hard one.
"Well if you want you can punish her", Ross said with an evil smirk on his face. What?
"Well why don't you come in" she offered. Okay now, this was getting weird.
"Why not", Ross replied with his most flirtatious smile. This bloody asshole. We went in. I just simply went into my room I didn't want to be there. I took a shower and then just dozed off.
I woke up when Chloe was constantly calling my name.
"Jeez I am up," I said and sat on my bed. It was morning.
"We have to go to remember?" She said and I went into the washroom did my daily business took a shower and then changed my clothes. We had our breakfast and then we headed for the office. We reached the office in no time. I quickly went to my desk and started doing my work. I had few emails to go through and stuff like that. I was just talking a few photocopies when Adriet shouting at few people. I hadn't seen him in the office before. It seemed that he was having a day. I didn't want to become the victim of his wrath so I continued to do my work without getting noticed I prayed. I quickly got the photocopies and then went away. Thank god. I didn't want to have any conversation with him. I got down to work again. I had applied for my leave already I hope it gets accepted I really wanted to meet moma and of course Lila. Suddenly there was a lot of hustle and bustle. I saw Martha.
"Martha, what happens?" I asked her while getting up from my seat.
"Oh Roselyn there was a new guest who checked in when you weren't here there is some problem with her," she said and went to the spot. I didn't bother to go. I already had so much work to do I had few deadlines by tonight. It was almost seven I wanted to go home but I still had a lot of work to do. Chloe had already gone home leaving the car behind.
"Roselyn" Mr Davis called me out.
"Yes Mr Davis"
"Are those files complete which I had given you to check?" he asked. His tone was a really angry one. Why was his mood so bad?
"Sir they are almost do-" he cut me off.
"What do you mean by almost" he yelled at me, "when the deadline was for today then it should have been done by today. And on top of that, you need to leave you are unbelievable. I don't pay you to do nothing you have such a careless attitude I can't have you here anymore you are fired" with that he walked off as nothing had happened. He just fired me he just snatched my living from me. This is nuts. Adriet had told me that my job would be safe then why am I fired. I wanted to talk to him but I knew a person like him would never help me. I quickly messaged Lukas.
I am fired.
It was fine because I knew Lukas would take care of my loans. It isn't like I am dependent upon him but right now I need to get things off my plate. Maybe moma is right I need a 'me' time now. It's high time.
I quickly packed everything and left the hotel premises.
Adriet Rashnikov
I saw Roselyn leaving the hotel. I didn't want her anywhere near the hotel. There was no other way I could have gotten her away from here I thought she would come to me and argue about her getting fired but she didn't. I was impressed. I knew she had her education loan and a house loan to pay. I don't know how she is planning to do that. But that isn't my concern.
"Mr Adriet I don't know if you made the right choice or not" I heard Davis saying, "I mean she was very efficient at whatever she used to do" he sighed.
"Did I ever gave you a chance to question my decision, Davis?" I said in a cold tone.
"No sir but-"
"You may leave," I said and got back to my work. I wasn't able to work my mind was still revolving around the question as to now what would she be doing. I decided that I would pay her loan but then that doesn't make any sense. I pushed all those thoughts away and got back to do my work.
Roselyn Bell
It is kind of shameful for me that I got fired. It was my first real job ever I thought maybe I would resign but before that only I got fired. I was near our apartment. It was late and I knew Chloe must be sleeping by now. I quickly slide into the house when my phone chimed. It was from Lukas.
Don't worry about it. Now you can come to Austin.
Btw what should I get Cole for her birthday?
I quickly switched off my phone and went to sleep. Next morning I woke up pretty early. I quickly made some pancakes and took the garbage out and small little chores. I then decided to book a ticket to Austin. I wanted to go home as soon as possible. I was just booking my ticket when I saw Chloe coming out in her pyjamas yawning.
"Wow you are up early today," she said while taking a bite from my pancake.
"Yup" I inhaled deeply still looking for a suitable flight "anyways I got fired yesterday night," I said and closed my laptop shut.
"What? Why? How?" She asked while spitting her juice out.
"Well, apparently I had a deadline tomorrow which I wasn't able to meet that's why Mr Davis fired me" I didn't want to talk about it any further.
"Great," she said while clapping her hands. "Yesterday only I came to know about this amazing club. It's the best let's go there tonight" she said.
"Yeah lets I need a break too" I decided to tell her "by the way I am going to Austin tomorrow night"
"Wow, really that's amazing. I am sure Deborah will be so happy to see you" she said in an excited tone. "Wish I could also come," she said in a dreamy tone. "When will you be back," she asked.
"I don't know, let's see" I really don't know what I would be doing once I reach there. All I know is that I just need to go back home real bad. Whatever happened in these few days after that I really need this break.