Roselyn Bell
If I would have said that I was shocked then that would have been an understatement. I was furious how dare he come here.
"What are you doing here" I asked him while closing the door behind me and pushing him out.
"Well won't you invite me inside it's quite cold here" he said while rubbing his hand together. I saw he was wearing an over coat. It was really cold.
"I didn't invite you so you are no guest of mine" I said with a lot of attitude to which he just chuckled.
"I need to talk to you" he said while looking straight at me.
"But I don't want to talk to you" I said while looking here and there just to make sure that there was no one around us.
"Don't be an idiot" he clenched his jaw, "I need you out of here" he commanded.
"Listen don't make me mad at you I am trying to control my anger but seems like you want me to be angry at you" I said and crossed my hand over my chest.
"Don't give me that attitude" he said in a dead serious tone.
"Rosie who's it" I heard Lukas asking.
"Just some kid" I said hurriedly and then turned to Adriet, "please go" I pleaded.
"I want to meet you tomorrow. I'll message you the address don't be late" with that he entered his car and the driver drove off. I can't believe he came here all the way from New York for me? Unbelievable. It has to be something important that he needs to talk about. I went inside and we had our apple pie. It was really very delicious. I then quickly changed my clothes and went to sleep. I got all comfy in my bed when Lila decided to come ad snuggle into. I held he tight and slept like a baby.
I felt something wet near my earlobe I quickly shot upright and realised that Lila was licking me.
"You are bad girl" I said while I ruffled her hair. I quickly went through my phone and found a message from Adriet he had sent me an address a some public park. I thought he would insist on meeting in a luxury hotel but he didn't to which I was grateful. I went near my balcony and slide open the sliding door only to realise that there was snow everywhere. I felt like a small child I wanted to go out and play in the snow but then I was afraid that I would catch a cold and didn't wanted to become a burden on Moma. I quickly did my morning business and went downstairs only to see that Cole and Lukas had already packed and were ready to leave.
"I thought you might stay a little longer" I said while I hugged Cole.
"Sorry next time and by the way wedding is just three weeks away. I want you to be there" she said while she hugged me back.
"Sure" Lukas opened the door of the cab for Cole to enter and then cane to me.
"Your loans have been cleared" he said.
"Oh my god thank you I love you so much" I hugged him really tightly. I didn't expect him to pay it so soon but then afterall he was Lukas.
"Okay okay get away from me now" he said as he cringed his nose.
"Gosh I hate you too" I said while moving away.
"Take care" he chuckled and kisses my forehead lovingly.
"We'll see you mom" he kissed her cheek and then went in the cab. I saw them going as the cab drove away as soon as they were out of our sight I sneezed.
"Now let's get in Rosie before you catch a cold" she said with a chuckle to which I just smiled. Before getting in I had this really strong feeling that someone was watching me. I was kind of getting suspicious. I hated this feeling of being weak. I didn't wanted to nag Adriet about my suspicion so I decided not to bother him or do anything like that.
The rest of the day just went by. We had our simple lunch with Andrew joining us and we played a little game of poker when I finally realised it was time for me to leave.
"Andrew would you like to take your dog for a walk because I am taking Lila with me right now" I said while glancing at the clock.
"No problem I don't think my lazy dog would like to go anywhere right now so you go ahead" he said casually lying on the sofa.
"Umm okay" I quickly changed into a warm sweater and skinny jeans and wore my boots just to keep myself warm.
"Come on Lila" I said as I took her leash, "Moma I'll be back before dinner. Bye Andrew" I said and went out the house. The place wasn't too far from my house so I decided to walk there. Lila being in her over excited mode she was literally dragging me with her. I think she was coming out after a long time or was she excited to come out with me?
After a few tantrums thrown by Lila here and there we finally reached the park. There weren't many people in the park probably because it was too cold for any sane person to come. Didn't Adriet found a better place than this. I thought. I looked around to see if Adriet had arrived or not but unfortunately he wasn't there. How careless of him.
"You know what Lila" I said while I picked up a stick, "you are a Retriever so go and retrieve" I said and threw the stick and Lila ran after in a lightning speed. I stood up and saw Adriet approaching me. He was in his denims and had a over coat.
"Couldn't find a better place I guess" I said.
"You wanted to somewhere fancy" he chuckled.
"I am glad we didn't go somewhere fancy" I said and is saw Lila approaching me.
"Good girl" I knelt in front of her and took the stick from her mouth. I threw it again and she ran after it.
"Got an energetic dog there I see" Adrift said as he saw her running away.
"You wanted to talk about something" I said while changing the topic.
"Yeah let's go to that cafe there" he said as he pointed at a little cafe around the corner. I agreed.
"But what about your dog" he asked.
"Don't worry she will be fine" I said and made my way towards the cafe with Adriet flowing me closely. The cafe was small and traditional. It was cozy and maybe a perfect place to have hot chocolate while reading a romance. It was quite packed.
"Excuse me" Adriet called a waitress, "can we have a table for two" he said in his most charming voice.
"Sure sir please follow me" she said and guided us to a seat little excluded from the other part of the cafe. She then went away.
"What did you wanted to talk about" I asked getting restless.
"What's the hurry let's order something first" he said and called a waitress again. This person was getting on my nerves.
"Can we please have two cup of coffees thank you" he ordered. Just when the waitress was about to go I said.
"Actually I'll have a hot chocolate and a chocolate muffin" I said.
"Sure ma'am" she smiled and went away.
"Do you have to defy me all the time" he asked as soon as she left.
"I didn't defy you it's just that I am not a fan of caffeine" i replied to which he just sighed.
"Now listen" he looked around just to make sure that there wasn't anyone eavesdropping our conversation, "I gotta tell you something, really important" he leaned a little closer to me. I was kind of having goosebumps just by looking at him.
"Your order ma'am, sir" the same waitress came and gave Adriet his coffee and I had my hot chocolate and my muffin.
"Come on say it" I said in a dramatic tone, "I am all ears" I said as he just smiled at me. A real smile. What was he happy about?
"Well it's about the chip" he sighed.
"What about it" I asked as kept my muffin aside.
"Look I don't want you to freak out or something but be practical and reasonable towards whatever I am gonna tell you, alright?" He asked.
"Yeah of course" I said anxiously. I was kind of getting restless now I really wanted to know what he wanted of say.
"Listen Bell Jas-" he stopped when we heard a loud screeching sound from outside. I looked out of the window and saw that there was a car which was reversing as if it was running away. I saw Lila on the road. I quickly ran out of the cafe and I picked her up. She was all bloody and was wipering. I clutched her tightly. Tears were running down my face.
"It will be fine baby" I said and was kissing her continously. I quickly got hold of my phone.
"My car is on the way" Adriet said as he kept his hand on my shoulder and gave it a light squeeze, "she will be fine"
"She has to be fine" I snapped back. In no time a car approached us and we loaded Lila in it and made our way to the Vet.
"There is nothing to worry Ms. Bell" the Vet said as he came out from the OT, "she just broke her right arm, and besides that she is fine" he said and then excused himself. I then looked at Adriet who still beside me, clutching my hand. I looked at our perfectly embraced hand. They fitted together perfectly but then suddenly, he left it. I immediately felt the absence of it which was kind of weird for me to feel like that. An awkward silence embraced us so I decided to break it.
"Umm... Thank you" I said while looking at him.
"Well an gentleman would have done that" he said in cocky tone.
"Gentleman?" I chuckled.
"What" he asked.
"Nothing" I shrugged.
Adriet Rashkolnikov
I knew it everything was planned. The accident wasn't for dog but it's sole purpose was to kill Roselyn. After dropping Roselyn I went back to my penthouse. I don't how am I going to tell her the truth but I need to make it quick before anything else happens. I was pulled out my deep thoughts when I heard a ping.
Damn this phone. I saw there was message from some unknown number. I opened it.
Fedor this is just the beginning if you don't hurry maybe the next attack will on yours and mine favorite Ms. Bell. You don't have much time left get her here, now.
I quickly deleted the message and called Steve.
'Yes sir'
'I want you to secure Bell residence. Keep an eye 24/7. Report to me every hour and if Roselyn Bell or Deborah Bell are going out alone then make sure a man of yours is following them, fully loaded" I commanded.
'Sure sir' with that I hung up.
I need to make sure that Roselyn is safe and alive at least till the time we are in States.