Roselyn Bell
I reached my apartment in no time. I opened the door with the spare key under the doormat. I got in and saw Chloe wasn't there. Where the hell was she. I tried dialling her number but it was switched off. Fuck!!!!!! Where is she I tried calling her again and again but she wasn't picking up. I decided to keep calling her and get ready for the airport. I quickly took a shower and slipped into my jeans wore an off-shoulder sweater and draped a scarf around my neck. I quickly got all my luggage out of the apartment and called a cab. I dropped the apartment keys at our postbox and went.
Adriet was trying to call me constantly but I ignored him. Not basically ignore but I was trying to call Chloe. Her phone was now switched on but still, she wasn't picking up. Every time I tried calling her it went to her voice mail. I was almost near the airport so I decided to leave her a message that I was leaving. I quickly got inside the airport checked myself in and then just wandered around the lobby before getting on the plane.
The flight to Austin was not very long. Well although moma didn't know I was coming so there was no one to receive me on the airport, obviously, might I add. I quickly got my luggage from the counter and then headed to my home.
As much as I hated admitting but I felt that there was someone keeping an eye on me or maybe I was just overthinking maybe because of all that had happened in the last few days. It might be just my imagination. Maybe. I switched on my phone and saw a message from Chloe saying to enjoy my stay. I wanted to ask her where she was last night but my battery died.
When I finally approached the familiar lane I became thrilled to see moma's reaction and of course Lila's. The cab stopped right in front of my house. I quickly paid the driver and he drove off. I was now standing right in front of my door. We always used to live here as long as I can remember. It was a small cottage type with two floors. We even had a garden for Lila to play around. I rang the bell and heard a familiar bark. Just a few moments later moma came into my view. She was wearing an apron with a lot of flour on it.
"Surprise," I said with a cheeky grin and hugged her.
"Oh my god Rosie what are you doing here," moma asked and engulfed me in a tight hug. Suddenly I was feeling very relaxed and everything felt right. I just wanted to stop the time so that I can be like this forever. I then pulled back.
"Where's Lila," I asked as I entered inside my sweet little home. Everything was still the same. Nothing had really changed. There were few wall hangings some photo frames of Lukas and me and then, of course, Lila's too. We had a comfy L-shaped couch right in the centre of the room. I just loved how it was. I then heard a familiar bark, I saw a dog came running towards me. I stooped down and hugged her but she was so excited that she knocked me down. She was above me and was licking me.
"Fine girl I get it" I said while trying to move her away. When she finally got away I stood up. My luggage was now inside the house. Moma was just looking at us with a big grin. I knew she was happy.
"What were you doing before I came in," I asked while ruffling Lila.
"Oh I was just baking some cupcakes," she said while returning back to the kitchen. I got rid of my jacket and scarf and went behind Moma.
"Lukas and Cole are arriving tomorrow," she said while taking out some cupcakes, "they said you won't be able to make it," she said while giving me a sideways glance.
"Oh" I didn't know if I was supposed to tell her that I got fired, so I did, "umm well I got fired," I said while munching on one of the cupcakes.
"What" she was shocked, "Really, that great" she seemed like she was way too happy. "Thank god now you don't have to work somewhere all they do is scold you for something you haven't done" I knew why she was making a statement like this. Don't get me wrong but my Moma is not a judgemental person. She never makes opinions about someone or something till the time she really hates them. She particularly detested Mr Davis, after he scolded me for the dresses mix up which wasn't even my fault. I decided to call upon Chloe again.
"Moma I'll just go and switch my phone on," I said and went to the living room. I saw Lila was following me everywhere.
"Come girl give me some space," I said and reached out for my bag somehow. I took my phone and switched it on. I saw eighteen missed calls and twenty messages from Adriet. This person is driving me crazy. I quickly called Chloe.
Ring! Ring! Ring!
"Hello" I heard a deep voice on the other side. Wait, what. I looked at my phone to see whether I called Chloe or not. I had called Chloe only.
"Chloe?" I asked.
"Kitty?" the same person asked again.
"Ross" what the heck is going on, "why the hell do you have Chloe's phone," I asked.
"Forget that. Why is your name saved as 007 on Chloe's phone" he asked. I knew he was laughing because I was able to hear him.
"First you tell me why do you have Chloe's phone," I asked again.
"Well apparently your friend was drunk last night and I got her to my apartment and as to thanks me she took me out for a cup of coffee," he said in a duh tone.
"That still doesn't make sense"
"Oh you silly girl she went to the loo and you called and I was just curious to know who this '007' was," he said.
"Is Adriet around?" I asked. I knew by now he knows where I was.
"Why would he be around," he asked in a suspicious tone.
"I'll call you later" I quickly hung up.
I know what I did, wasn't right. I shouldn't have just gone like that and ignored him. He helped me from probably getting raped and from been taken advantage of. I still behaved like that with him. I decided to message. I didn't have the courage to talk to him, at least not now. I quickly messaged him saying that I was sorry as to whatever I did this morning and that I was grateful that he helped me last night. I then kept my phone aside and went to take a warm shower as it was freezing cold outside. My room was still the same. It was painted in this light yellow colour and had few dream catchers here and there. I realized how yellow my room was. I was simply obsessed with the colour I guess. I quickly wore a soft comfy sweater and pulled some pants. I quickly checked my phone if Adriet had replied or not but unfortunately, there wasn't anything like that. I was just going through my phone when moma called me for dinner. We had our dinner and then I played with Lila for a while. And then I dozed off.
Next morning I woke up I was on the couch wrapped in a blanket and Lila near my feet. I saw moma in our front yard sipping her morning tea and reading her morning news. I walked up to her.
"Good morning," she said even without looking at me.
"Good morning" I took a seat beside her. I took another cup which I assumed was for me.
"Good morning Mrs. Bell" I heard a manly voice beside our garden. I saw a man of around my age maybe a couple of years older casually leaning on the fence. He had quite sharp features. His jawline was well chiselled.
"Good Morning Andrew" mom said while giving him a pleasant smile.
"Mind if I join," he asked to which mom just agreed. It seemed like thy have know each other for quite some time. He made his way in our lawn.
"Rosie this is Andrew and Andrew this is my daughter" she introduced us, "I'll just get you some tea," she said and went to get him some tea.
"So you have been living around this not so busy place," I asked trying to avoid the unavoidable silence.
"Yeah of course," he said with a chuckle, "and it's not that boring. So what do you do," he asked changing the topic.
"Well I used to work for The Inn's till the day before yesterday until I got fired," I said and took a sip of my tea.
"Wow I think that's busiest place work," he said.
"Absolutely and when your holiday season arrives you have no time to be excused," I said, "What do you do by the way," I asked.
"Well I work for a pharmaceutical industry though it is owned by my father" he added.
"No wonder you have a Ferrari parked outside your house," I said with a chuckle.
"Oh that's nothing," he said and moma arrived with a steaming hot pot of tea. We talked for a while I came to know that he would be taking over his father's company quite soon and he too had had a dog who was friend with Lila and his name was Oscar. Overall Andrew was a nice man, humorous and fun-loving.
"Okay, I'll just go and shower," I said while getting. I quickly made my way towards my room. When I heard my phone ringing. It was Adriet. I quickly picked it up.
"Where the hell are you," he asked.
"As if you don't know already" I knew he was quite pissed off but he had no right to be.
"Are you fucking out of your mind Bell" he screamed. He was way too furious, "what are you doing," he said suddenly his voice became soft.
"What do you mean," I asked.
"You do know it isn't safe for you to roam like this. By going to your mom you are only making the situation worse" he knew it. He knew it from the beginning.
"What do you mean" I asked not understanding anything that was he talking about.
"I want you back in New York Bell" he commanded, "I want you back before midnight Be-"
"Who do you think you are, to order me around like this. I-I am not doing anything you want me to do, and it's not because I want to defy you no, not at all. I am safe here no matter what I can't be safe with you if that's what you are worried about" I wanted to hang but somehow I didn't.
"Fine I am coming" with that I hung up.
He can't come here or can he. I wasn't able to think so I just went and took a bath. I was just getting dressed when I heard the doorbell. He can't be here so soon. I was way too still just to make sure it wasn't him. I heard moma opening the door. I soon heard Lukas and Cole. Thank god. I sighed in relief. I quickly got dressed and went downstairs. Cole and Lukas were facing me back and I knew moma had done that on purpose to make them sit facing their back towards me. I tiptoed and hugged both of them from behind and moma said, "Surprise"
"Oh my god when did you come here," Lukas asked quickly hugging me back.
"Last night," I said with a giggle when he ruffled my hair, "Cole" I then hugged her.
"I missed you," she said while hugging me back.
"Me too" I was really happy that finally, we all were back together. I am sure it might have been quite a few years when we all were together like this as a happy family. Whatever happened to me in these last few days they don't matter to me anymore. All I know is that as long as they are with me I can go through anything.
"Come on I made you people my famous cupcake" moma finally said and we made our way towards the dining table. Our rest of the day just went by.
Moma had decided to have a grand feast as Cole and Lukas were announcing something. Which pretty much everyone knew that they had proposed to each other and they were just going to announce that.
It was almost seven when I decided to get ready. I opened my suitcase and found a beautiful blue off-shoulder dress. I don't really remember buying maybe it was Chloe's. I quickly wore it and went downstairs. It seemed like it would snow tonight. Lila was curled up on the couch and it seemed like she was feeling cold so I just wrapped a blanket around her.
"Come on Rosie Dinnet is ready" Cole called out for. She was wearing a beautiful red dress which suited her fair complexion perfectly. I went and sat beside mom.
"Okay, we start I have something important to announce," he said while standing up, "Cole and I have finally decided that we will get married," he said while looking at Cole and holding her hand.
"Oh my god, I knew it," mom said and hugged both of them. I just kind of stood there awkwardly and waited for my chance to congratulate them. When mom finally left them and went and congratulated them.
"Okay now let's get down to eat before it gets cold" we ate to our dinner while mom and Cole just talked about the wedding planning and guests and other things. I wasn't really very good at discussing things like this so I just sat there numb. When were once done with our food I helped mom getting rid of dirty plates.
"I made something for you Rosie," mom said as we entered the kitchen.
"What," I asked as I kept the plated in the dishwasher.
"Apple pie," she said.
"Oh my god thank you thank you thank you" I got really excited because it had been a few years since I last ate her apple pie.
"Okay okay now go outside and wait there till the time I get the pie," she said and like an obedient child, I went outside. I saw Lila was now near the front door. God knows what was wrong with her. I was just about to sit on the couch when I heard the doorbell rang. Lukas was about check when I said.
"I'll check it" I went to see who was there but Lila was sitting near the door itself, "come on girl be aside" I moved her away with my foot. Okay, I agree it was rude but still. When I opened the door I saw the not so expected person.
"Miss me?" He asked with a stupid smirk on his face.