Roselyn Bell is a regular New Yorker and works with a world famous hotel company which Adriet happens to own. Their path...
chapter 1
Roselyn Bell
"Here. Sort these." Chloe dumped a stack of paper on my desk harshly. Fine, I agree it was my fault but I can't always be at fault.
I didn't say anything but did as she had asked me. Chloe and I are best of friends. We met in the middle school and quickly gelled together. Maybe we were the perfect opposites with a few common interests. But after last night's nasty fight I don't think I can say the same. I am sure everything will be back to normal but right now I need to sort these. Working in a hotel can't be easy, you have to make sure each and every guest is happy but when something goes wrong no matter whoevers fault it was, the consequences have to be suffered by the employees. That's the worst thing about the corporate world. Anyways, they pay you well and I can't really complain when I need this job more than anything. Of course when you don't get any financial support from your family and you have loans to pay you cannot afford to complain.
I pushed all my thoughts away and started going through the papers. It was half past twelve which meant it was my lunch break. I walked towards Chloe's desk but she wasn't there. I went to the cafeteria and saw her sitting alone in a corner. I quickly bought my lunch and went towards her table and sat. She was as usual having her salad. Argh.
"Fine. I'll get them today" I said while digging on my chicken. It was really getting a lot and I was not liking it even a bit.
"No that's not the point. How can you even forget and of course you will be getting them today", she said.
"You could have reminded me, right?"
"Yes I could have but I didn't. Just because of you my whole schedule got ruined" she said not even looking at me.
"Chloe look listen. Just because a bastard left you because of your figure doesn't mean that you will change yourself. Accept what you are. And I can't see any problem with you" I said. She was not fat she was just like me all thin and skinny. But one thing that she has and not me, is her curves. I don't know why she has to do this stupid diet.
"Rose everyone isn't like you. You eat all the wrong things still you are always like this - all thin and skinny" she said while taking a bite of her salad.
"Fine if it really means that much to you then I won't say anything", I finally gave up.
"Good fine let's cut it out", she said with a smile.
"Of course." I rolled my eyes.
"But don't forget to get the groceries today", she said.
"Today? Come on Chloe it will take me at least 3 hours and it's a weekday by the way" I said.
"No excuses you will have to go and I am not eating pizza for dinner one more time" she said while narrowing her eyes.
"Fine I will get them but I am taking the car so you take a cab" I said.
"No problem" she said with a smile.
It was really weird that we didn't even argue this time and that's the best thing about us, I guess.
"Okay I am done. I am going back" she said and took her tray with her. I ate my lunch in utter silence I was kind of relieved that we were not fighting anymore. I disposed my tray and then went to continue my work.
I stretched my arms. Finally this day was over. I then realised that I had to go for grocery shopping. Argh. I can't procrastinate it now, now can I. I packed everything and took the car keys from Chloe.
"Do you have enough cash" she asked.
"Yes I will be back soon" I said and then we parted our ways. We had a Honda Accord. It was brand new and we were proud of it. Chloe and I had bought it with our first saving which approximately took us seven months after we had joined the hotel. The drive to the grocery store was very long it almost took me one and a half hours to reach there. Pretty long. It was a little too far but Chloe and I always used to go there. Well firstly the groceries were a little cheap and then it had a lot many dogs and puppies and we loved them so we came here. I had a Golden Retriever back home but I wasn't able to keep her with me as it wasn't possible with my busy schedule to take care of her. I entered the store. It was a pretty big compartmental shop.
I took a basket and went around to take all my necessities. When I was just taking all the things I felt like I was being watched. I turned around but there was no one other than a teen girl and an old man. It must have been my imagination. But could it be possible. I think I am just over thinking. I quickly got my things billed and went out.
As soon as I got out of the store I was attacked by few dogs.
"Okay okay I have got your biscuits" I said and moved towards my car to keep the things and took a packet of biscuits out. I bent and gave them a few of the biscuits. It was then I noticed a fleet of black Ashton Martin parked across the road. There were five of them. Pretty rich people. I thought to myself.
I continued to give all the dogs the biscuits. When finally all the biscuits were over I stood up and started going when a little puppy started following me. He had brown fur and he looked so cute. I knew he wanted biscuits.
"I don't have any more" I said while showing him my empty hands, but he was still following me.
"Look little buddy go back to your mom" I said while shoving him away. I felt bad for him so I went back to the store to get some more biscuits. When I returned that puppy was still waiting I kneeled down and gave him the biscuits. He ate them quickly seemed like he was very hungry. When he was finally full I ruffled his head.
"I'll come back soon" I said while ruffling his fur and then stood up and went away. I kept the extra biscuits in the car. The Ashton Martins were still there. I then quickly drove away from there. I was still having a feeling that someone was watching me. To get my mind of that thing I switched the radio on. The music was not helping me but it was okay. It was dark now and the area was really very isolated from where I was driving. I hadn't noticed but my palms were sweaty I don't know why. Suddenly from now where a black Audi pulled over it had blocked me. I quickly reversed the car I tried to drive away from there but I was blocked two cars were on my either side. What the heck.......
I was still inside the car two men came in front of my car and pulled a gun out and aimed at me. I quickly lifted my hand in surrender although my reflex should have been to duck down. One of the man gestured me to come out of the car. I very calmly and steadily came out. My hands were still in the air.
The two men face were covered. Suddenly few more men surrounded me with their guns aiming at me.
"Give us the chip" one of them said. They had a normal accent.
"Wh-What chip?" I asked. Why the fuck was I scared.
"Don't act. Give it to us NOW" other one said in a dangerously low voice.
"Believe me I don't have it" I tried to sound convincing, "I don't know what chip you are talking about" I said. I just wanted to go from here. Suddenly a guy came behind the man who was aiming at me with a gun. He said something to him and then went away. The other man signaled everyone to go and came near me. He grabbed a chunk of my hair.
"If you utter a single word about this to anyone then trust me you won't see another daylight in your life" he yanked me away and soon the place was again isolated as ever. What just happened.
The roots of my hair was still paining. I quickly drove away from there. As I entered my apartment. I saw Chole in front of the couch watching Netflix.
"Hey what took you so long" she came and took some bags from me.
"Um... nothing there was just a little traffic" I said trying to hide the nervousness in my voice. I was nervous that what will happen next. Who were those people and what did they wanted from me. Will they come for me again and most importantly what was the chip that they were talking about.
"Roselyn Anne Bell" suddenly Chole yelled.
"What?!?!" I snapped back and her.
"I have been calling you for past few minutes but you were not listening" she said while taking all the items out of the bag.
"Oh sorry yeah what is it" I asked while helping her.
"There is an envelope on the coffee table which came for you earlier today" she said.
"Envelope?" I asked. Who will send me a letter probably from the bank.
"There isn't written anything on it just your name not even our address can you believe it" she said while rolling her eyes.
"Oh, okay I'll just see" I went towards the coffee when I heard my phone ringing. I quickly went and picked it up.
It was my mom.
"Hey moma" I chirped.
"Hey sweetie how are you" she asked.
"I am fine. How are you? How's Lila" I asked.
"I am fine and she is doing just well" just then I heard a bark which meant the phone was on speaker and Lila was listening.
"Hey bud how are you" I asked and she barked again.
"Luckas and Cole are coming next month to Austin why don't you and Chole join us" she asked.
"Moma it's not easy to get a leave on such a short notice but I'll try" I said. I wanted to meet Luckas it had been really long and of course his lovely girlfriend Cole.
"Try to come okay I'll talk to you later okay. Good night sweetie" she said.
"Good night Moma" I said and Lila barked, "Yes good night to you too" I said and hung up.
It had been really long when I had last talked to moma. But now I was feeling good after whatever happened. Chloe and I then had our dinner.
"Who was there on the phone" she asked.
"Moma said that Luckas and Cole are coming to Austin next month so she just asked if we could also come" I said.
"That will be great. But do you think the management will give us a leave together" she asked.
"I don't know" I said while brutally murdering the capsicum with my fork.
"Ahh..... don't worry I think you should go. You will be meeting Deborah after a long time" she said with a smile.
"Thank you" I said and smiled at her.
"But don't forget to apply for the leave tomorrow itself" she said.
"Of course I will" I said and then she went to wash the utensils.
I quickly brushed my teeth and went for a good night's sleep. But somewhere at back of my mind I was still thinking about those men.