We visited Ethan’s family home a week after the contract was signed and tucked away safely. His home was magnificent, it was unbelievable that he had been raised within these very walls.
As the butler led my family and I, to where his family waited in the living room. I mentally prepared myself for the task ahead, ignoring my mother’s oohs and aahh’s as we walked. I had four people to deceive; my father, who had insisted on coming even though he needed to be resting, Ethan’s parents and his grandfather. My dad had somewhat accepted that I had been dating Ethan for almost two years with mum’s knowledge, and blessing. I could tell she did not like lying to dad but the situation called for it. Our whole lives were at stake.
When we reached the living room, Ethan was the first person I noticed. His hand cradled a glass as he stared intently into the fireplace. My throat dried at the sight of him, he was simply the bestlooking man on earth. Too bad, he was also the most arrogant. His mother’s glowing face erupted into a beautiful smile as she rose elegantly and floated towards me, embracing me in a hug. My eyes widened in surprise. I did not expect that warm of a greeting.
It began to look like a compliment battle in the group. His father complimented my mother’s dress-which I had made for her birthday seven months ago, and she complimented Ethan’s mother’s hair, then all eyes turned to admire my brother, and all our family genes were praised. It was an endearing exchange. They were really, really kind people! I had expected greater snobs than Ethan, though I should’ve known after meeting his grandfather. Ethan was a one of a kind breed of assholery. I was starting to feel guilty about lying to them.
“I am Grace and this is Benjamin. Welcome to our home!” his mother said animatedly.
My body fired up as I watched from the corner of my eye, as Ethan strolled towards us. This was it, our first touch in public.
I smiled gently at him, my face hiding my panic, as he wrapped his hand gently around my waist and dropped a chaste kiss on my cheek. The lightest of touches, and yet the images they conjured up was anything but chaste. I was thankful that I had my hair down to hide the blush that crept over my neck.
When we turned to my parents, I found sets of eyes glued on us. Again, I blushed. Grace cooed and clapped her hands in joy.
“You look so adorable together! Ethan has been so secretive about you, we thought it was crazy when he told us he had a fiancée, but seeing you together…the way you look at him-My worries are completely gone.”
Oh God, the guilt. Ethan’s hand was now on my back. We should always look like we were touching around his parents, he had told me. I didn’t understand his command when he’d first made it but standing in front of his parents I understood now. I watched as Benjamin gently smoothed invisible wrinkles from Grace’s white mermaid dress. If physical touch was their love language, what better way to convince them that WE were in love? I prayed we would not have to spend a lot of time with his parents. It would kill me to constantly have Ethan touching me.
Breathing the same air as him was enough difficulty already. My mum looked away.
“Dad, what are you doing standing over there?” Benjamin asked, looking behind him. There I found Ethan’s grandfather leaning on the wall with his hands crossed. He was watching the both of us.
“I apologize for my tardiness, An old man gets to make some mistakes.”
“My dear Mae, I am glad I met you in the office, or we would not be here, I don’t know how long he planned to keep you a secret from me.” He said taking my hands with a smile.
“We managed well so far, didn’t we?” I smiled up at Ethan briefly.
We sat down to eat shortly after. We talked about how we met and how we’d been going on quiet dates, for the better half of two years. Dad had started staying home by then, so it was easy to lie that I had left the restaurant on dates. I even had to explain, stuttering and having to look away repeatedly as I described Ethan’s proposal to me. He made it harder for me by sitting and chewing quietly.
At least to them I looked like a blushing fiancée utterly in love with Ethan. “…I really can’t picture myself spending the rest of my life with anyone else.” I finished, staring at my plate. I earned another hand squeeze from Ethan. So far he’d squeezed my hand seven times and brushed my hair behind my ear. Not that I was keeping count.
“Which is why I had the idea that we could get married in a month.” Ethan suddenly added. His parents looked taken aback, his grandfather’s face was expressionless. Ethan and his grandfather were literally the same person. My dad choked on his water.
“Don’t you think that’s a bit too early? I mean- we love Mae so far but, the timing, and she hasn’t been in a public outing with you, a month just feels short.” Grace protested looking around the table; she looked at my mother for help.
“It feels a bit fast.” My mother offered dutifully.
“I understand that you’ve been together for a while now but-” my father eyes darted to Benjamin’s face. “We don’t know him well enough. I know your mother has met with him severally but…”
“But, if we are to be family, we would all like opportunities to familiarize with one another.” Benjamin finished. Ethan wasn’t managing this well.
“I assure you, my intentions with your daughter could not be purer, which is why I’d like to be joined with her sooner.” He gazed at me intensely. “I’ve spent so long lagging my feet that I can’t wait any longer to have in you my life, Mae. I love you.”
And the award winning performance went to Ethan freaking Crowe, not the older one, because he didn’t seem all moved by his performance. Grace and Benjamin though? They absolutely loved it.
“Well…if your family agrees to it, then I don’t see why you can’t get married in a month.” His mother finally conceded. The remainder of the table waited on my father.
I watched his face as he thought about it. It scared me that I did not know what my father was going to say.
“I guess we have a wedding to plan.” My father finally answered and a possible crisis was averted.
Grace immediately went into wedding planning mode. Asking for the colors I liked and what flowers my mother would like on display. Ethan planted a kiss on my hand his eyes transfixed on mine before he dropped it back to the table and continued with his meal.
The ball was officially in the court