I still wasn’t certain if my eyes were playing a trick on me. It was him, looking at me with contempt. The same haughty pride that was burned in my memory. It occurred to me that I had entered into the wrong office, and now I was going to get kicked out and I would not be meeting Mr. Crowe again. But I recalled telling the secretary that I wanted to meet with Ethan Crowe, why did she check this office then? Was this possibly another inner sanctum reception desk?
She apologized profusely and made a feeble attempt to pull me out, but my feet were frozen to the floor. Being regarded under his chilling gaze made me feel excitement and the humiliation he had inspired in me two years ago. It was bizarre how my body remembered every detail like it had only been a few seconds ago. Speak godammit, I urged myself.
“I need to speak with Mr. Ethan Crowe. I promise I won’t take much of his time.” My voice came out like I had sand stuck in my throat. I saw an emotion flash through his eyes but it disappeared before I could make heads or tails of it.
“That would be me, what can I help you with?” He responded crisply.
No, that wasn’t right. Ethan Crowe was a man in his late seventies, with brown eyes and a kind smile, not the impossible demon that sat in front of me. I saw a small resemblance, but I wanted his words to be a lie.
“Ethan Crowe is…old.” panic leaked into my voice.
“That would be my grandfather. The naming thing was my parent’s idea.” He said drily. Did he even recognize me? “You needed an audience with Ethan Crowe and now you have one. While I am still interested, I suggest you state your problems.”
I gulped loudly and looked to his secretary for assistance, only to find that she was missing. I had not noticed when she disappeared; the urge to vanish in a similar manner took hold in the recesses of my mind. I needed to do this, I could bottle up my shame, and hate for the man before me, and beg him to leave Arroyo untouched or broken from his hand. I knew all too well how much damage he could cause. Defiantly I moved to his table. My heels clacking loudly as I went. I dropped my bag on his table and began to pull food filled tuperware out of it.
“Good day Mr. Crowe. I came to discuss your recent purchase of half of a town, Arroyo Grande.
It has been a quaint little town for years, even before I was born...”
A whole spread was now in front of him. He looked at the food then up at me. Avoiding his eyes,
I continued. “I was hoping you’d reconsider demolishing our homes.”
“and why would I do that. From what I remember, you said you hated your town.”
So he did remember me. “I believe I was drunk, the night I made that statement.” He would know better than anyone else. “and I think you should reconsider because of all the lives you would be turning upside down if you redevelop. It has been the home of so many for decades; it would be cruel to take it away from them.”
“Before this building you’re standing in was here, it was the home of many others. I’m afraid this will be a waste of both our times.” He eyed the food. “is this supposed to be some kind of bribe?”
“It was made to show you one of the many businesses that you have in your newly acquired property, one of many that will crumble if you go ahead with your plans.” My voice broke. My father’s therapies and medication was already eating into the restaurant. McCauley had been fair, there was no way they would find new homes and a new building to transfer to in three months.
“Please I beg you, I will do anything…”
The doors opened and an older gentleman stepped in with a cordial smile on his face. Now that was the Ethan Crowe she had planned to meet. He walked into the room
“Apologies for interrupting, I’ll be out of your hair soon enough- That’s a wonderful spread of food, boy.” He said in the same breath.
“Grandfather…” the younger Ethan said smoothly and rose from his table. I thought you were supposed to be home resting? Where is Evelyn?”
The old man scoffed and went round the desk to Ethan’s side. “If you want me to have a baby sitter so bad, find me a better one. Or you could go with the second choice.”
He pulled out a file from a drawer and rose to his full height. Both of them standing so close together, it was impossible to miss the resemblance. I mentally struck myself for not checking for pictures of his family. He looked at the food again.
“Is that focassia I smell? That’s my favorite!” and then he smiled at me, it was only natural that I returned one.
“I made them. Please have a taste of it.” he did not have to be told twice. The old Ethan Crowe was around the table, seated and munching on a plate with a slice before I could launch into a mini powerpoint on our restaurant. He was still the owner of the company. If I could appeal to him, then whatever project that was planned for my community would be cancelled. He let out hums of approval as he bit into another slice.
“This is heavenly.” He praised between bites.
“I actually work in a family restaurant at Arroyo. Your company just added my community as a new purchase, you should come sometime it would be lovely to have you there.”
Old Ethan nodded. “If all your meals smell and taste this good, then I just might.” He turned to his grandson. “Now this woman would make an excellent addition to the family.” Bile rose in my throat but I shoved it down maintaining my smile.
“Funny you should say that…” Ethan’s voice followed me like a plague, I remembered it being whispered softly in my ear while we had made love. Goosebumps stole up my arm, and yet I felt like I was burning up. What did he say? He moved round to my side.
“We wanted it to be a surprise.” He continued. My lids fluttered as I felt him invade my space, my senses. He smelt better… I felt his solid core on my back and it took all my brain cells to stop myself from running with my hands raised, out of the office or do something dumber like turn around, and find out if he was still a great kisser.
Old Ethan paused, his fork hanging in the air. Why did he look so surprised? It must have been something his grandson was saying, and I wasn’t paying attention because he was standing so close and I could not think straight. I made to move away from him and yelped in surprise when Ethan’s hand grabbed hold of my waist softly. Tingles erupted over every inch of my body, blocking my thoughts again. I needed to be in control. I focused my mind on why I was there; for the restaurant, for Arroyo. With that settled, I could focus on the conversation that was happening in front of me.
“Grandfather, I’d like you to meet my fiancée, Mae.”