The car behind me honked loudly, startling me. I pushed a limb out from the window and waved apologetically before I cornered the street to the restaurant. I still could not believe what I had agreed to. The whole day felt like a bad fever dream, One I wished I could wake up from quickly. Miles noticed me first when I walked in. One look at my face and his face fell. He then dragged into Dad’s office and left me to fetch our mum. I had less than five minutes to get my shit together. I had good news, I should be happy with the news I carried, I should look excited to deliver my news.
When my mother walked in looking worried, I had gained some form of comportment. A flurry of Italian left her lips as she flooded me with questions.
“It’s okay, mamma.” I told her, soothingly. I gave an account of my journey up to Ethan’s office and finding out there was a younger Ethan on seat, hiding the blush that came to my face when I told her I’d met him before . I sighed in relief when she did not push for more answers on that front.
“His grandfather came in for papers and then he saw the food I’d taken out, so I told him to eat it, it was meant for him anyway,” I was getting to the bad part. “His grandfather joked that I would make a great wife.” Urggh “And then Ethan said that I was his fiancée.” Mum’s face scrunched up and Miles raised a bushy brow.
“Did we miss some part of the story?” Miles asked,
“Not at all. I couldn’t focus for most of the conversation, but after his grandfather left, I asked him what he was on about and so he made a deal with me. He needs to convince his grandfather to retire as the official CEO and his condition was that he would do it, if Ethan had a wife. His deal with me is that I will pretend to be his fiancée for a month, and then get married to him for a year.” Mum swore, shocking I and Miles. She apologized immediately.
“He says, if I do it, he’ll leave Arroyo alone, it’ll still be his but there will be no demolition. What’s more, our restaurant would never have to pay rent here. And I get a hundred thousand at the end of the year we would spend married.“ I finished quickly, my heart rate speeding up. They looked at me, shock written on their faces.
“He must be playing a trick, why you in particular?” mum’s eyes sought mine.”And of course you told him no.”
“No mamma, I said I’d think about it, and I have made my decision. I will do it. It was pure luck that I was in the office when he came up with this plan, mamma we should be glad that it was me.
We can help everyone.”
“I refuse to sell my daughter to a –a-an egomaniac”
“You’re not selling me, it’ll be just a year. The restaurant is safe, Arroyo…we won’t ever have to pay rent!” I glanced at my brother for support. “They’d be enough money for dad’s meds, enough for Miles to go to college.” And me…I could actually do something else with my life. Ethan might have been the devil, but the benefits he was promising was worth making this bargain.
Mom shook her head. “I can’t approve of this, your father will never approve of it.” “Then we won’t tell him.” Miles added grimly.
“You can’t endorse your sister sleeping with this man for the benefits he could provide.” Oh shit, I hadn’t thought about that part.
“I’m not sleeping with him. It’s part of the contract. no …”-I looked at Miles awkwardly-”Sexual activities while in the relationship. Not outside or within.”
Then Ethan had insulted me by saying that he knew not sleeping around was going to be hard for me. He moved on before I could defend my honor. Who assumed someone was a prostitute from spending one night with a person? Ethan, that was who. He made it sound like I had lured him to the room above the club. Like he had not whispered all those dirty words in my ear as he clung to me. I was letting my thoughts run again and worse, in front of my mother.
I blushed and looked away.
“Are you certain?” my mother asked, unsure.
“Yes mamma, I am.” Ethan was a horrible person, I was sure of that. But I believed that I could take his word for it.
* * *
When I showed up to Ethan’s office the next day, I was ushered into his office by his secretary. He eyes flicked over my outfit, a bored expression in place. Today I had opted for wide leg pants with a color matched sweater, and sneakers. Nothing felt better than comfortable body amour, and I needed it if I was going to be dealing with Ethan.
I slipped into the chair opposite him and waited as he pulled out papers from his drawers and dropped them before me.
“Sign them.” He ordered. I did my best to ignore his ruthless stare and began reading through the contract. Everything was just as he had stated the day before, the living arrangements, a statement that he would provide a signed document after our sixth month being married, saying that my community would remain untouched for decades to come, and an NDA with the penalties for violating the NDA.
“Is it to your liking? He sneered.
“I already told my family.” I answered back. the NDA was pointless.
“Then they will all sign NDAs, I need my plan to be airtight.”
“I will not drag my family into this…I’ll sign on their behalf. If they tell, I’ll bear the brunt.”
He shrugged. “Suit yourself. Leave the NDA, I’ll have it updated.”
I signed the papers and slid them across the table. While he crosschecked them, I busied myself with my purse. Satisfied, he put them back in his desk, and tossed a ring at me, which I barely caught. It was weighty and the diamonds around It sparkled as I spun it on my finger.
“Wear that.” I nodded but kept my head down. “And don’t fucking sell it.” Playing pretend with him was going to be near impossible.