“We don’t have any choice mum. If I can just convince him-“
“I don’t think YOU should go. I can talk to him man to man.” Miles cut me. I rolled my eyes.
“Having three lonely hairs growing out of your chin does not make you a man, Miles.” “I’d like to see you grow them.” he muttered, and I rolled my eyes again.
I had spent two days! Two whole freaking days trying to convince mum and Miles that a visit with our new Landlord was due, and an extra day to learn all I could about Mr. Ethan Crowe from the info Miles had grudgingly provided.
“I bet most of the shops that have considered going, have been to his office already. I’m going today, okay. No debates, we just have to try, we can’t wait till we get thrown out or have to tell dad about this.” I finished. That was enough to stop their debating.
It had been unanimous. There was no need to tell dad about the situation until we were sure there was nothing we could do to stop the destruction of our home and business. I would rather we never have to tell him, which was the purpose of my visit to Los Angeles.
I packed all the meals I had spent my morning cooking, into a tote bag and prayed the meals would stay hot for my two-hour drive to the city. “Mamma piacere, I can convince him, or at least try to buy us more time.”
She nodded in defeat. “You are right.”
“Just don’t forget the info you read and you’ll be good.” Miles supplicated gruffly. I could not wait until he was over teen-hood. His whole grunting and never saying words without sounding pissed was irritating.
“I’m not an idiot, Miles.” He was the worst sometimes.
I had learnt what he could find on Ethan Crowe, so I could plead to his human side. Rich people liked to talk about money, or their hobbies, and since I lacked the former, hobbies would have to do. I just needed to figure out how to start a conversation about horse riding and hunting. I had considered wearing one of my father’s shirts with a horse on it, but felt like it would be too obvious
Mum put steaming hot buns in a disposable bag and added it to my already heavy bag of food.
“You look beautiful.”
I shrugged. I could never go wrong with an all black short-sleeved turtleneck dress, Hopefully I looked classy enough to meet with the multi-billionaire who held our life in his hands.
Standing in front of the enormous Crowe building two and a half hours later, I hesitated. A smudge of my anxiety disappeared when I saw Mrs. Cassandra walk out of the building, muttering and stomping. She owned two shops after ours, selling oddities that I found fascinating.
After several attempts to draw her attention by calling out her name, I ran and blocked her path. “Oh! Child you nearly scared the life out of me.” She gasped her hand on her heart.
“I’m sorry.” I answered politely and continued with the question in my mind, “Were you here to see our new landowner? What did he say?”
“I didn’t even get to meet the fellow, that rude little lady wouldn’t let me past the reception area! Snobby rich people ruining everyone’s lives.” She continued her tirade, as she marched on, leaving me on my own again.
I forced out a breath. I should have anticipated that, but I was not going to turn back without meeting Mr. Crowe. The heat from my bag warmed my legs and an idea formed. I prayed that it would work.
“Look like you belong, look like you belong, I chanted in my head as I walked past security, completely ignoring the reception area. Only people who did not belong would need help from a receptionist. I am a long time client, I told myself as I made a beeline for the elevator. From the corner of my eye, I saw the receptionist raise her head once, shrug and continue to flip through her magazine. I pressed the highest floor and only let out the breath I was holding after the elevator doors closed.
Others joined me in the elevator, but when I reached the top floor, I was alone. I braced myself as the doors opened.
A woman worked quietly on her computer but lifted her head when I stepped off. She looked at me quizzically before her face turned into a mask.
“How can I help you?”
“Delivery” I said with a dazzling smile, ”for an Ethan…Crowe? Yeah, that’s the name.” I answered. The bag made a thud as I dropped it on her desk and watched her face as the aroma wafted up her nose.
“He usually doesn’t order by himself.” she said perplexed. “Give it here.”
“I’m sorry miss, it has to be delivered to the person who makes the order, I need to do my job or I’ll get fired.” I lied, doing my best to look like a tired worker. I was, but it was properly hidden under all of my makeup. She eyed me suspiciously.
“You don’t look like a delivery person.”
Shoot, my attempt at looking like a professional business owner was turning back to bite me in the ass. I shrugged, “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have. I’d like to get this done quickly, I have other places to be, and this guy didn’t sound happy when he ordered, I don’t want to annoy him further by being late.“ My heart was fighting to break free from my chest, it was a struggle to keep my bored expression in place.
“Give me a moment to confirm.” She finally answered getting up from her desk and walking in the pointiest heels I’ve ever seen, to the black glass doors that led to Ethan Crowe’s office. She knocked once, opened the door and poked her head in. I could picture the conversation as it happened. He would ask what she was talking about after she relayed the news of the overdressed delivery girl. I waited until half her body was through the door before I grabbed my bag. Now
was my chance. At the risk of getting kicked out I moved quietly behind her till I was close enough, and ignoring her scream of protest, barreled past her through the slightly open doors, and straight into the most immaculate office I’d ever seen.
Seated behind a large glass table with a stunned expression, was the one man I thought I would never have to see again.