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Student President

Mr.Hills sat behind the steering wheel while Mia hopped on the passenger seat.

"Are you ready for school?", asked Mr.Hills.

"Dad, let me drive", pleaded Mia but at times Mr. Hills made sure she was safe.

In another few minutes , they pulled up in the school's parking lot.

Mia took a deep breath because she knew she had to face Alec and his sarcastic speech.


After history class ....

"Oh, Mia that seems to be fun. Alec would definitely be flattered by your beauty", teased Adam and laughed at her face.

Mia kept glaring at Adam and Elena showed her consoling face.

Mia just nodded and did her casual shrug. Mia makes it sure to tell her friends what happens in life because that makes her feel relieved.

They have always been there for her.

"So, Mia don't worry and anyways he is gonna stay the same(jerk)",remarked Elena.

"Okay guys, will meet you both at lunch",said Mia and left to her music class.


Mia tried to avoid him throughout the music class. But Alec kept staring at Mia , whenever she noticed him. She felt like he was smirking purposely.

The bell rings and the music class comes to an end.

She packed her things super quick and took a run from her music class and ended in the science class. She knew running like that seems stupid but she doesn't want to hear anything from Alec.

'Oh god , I'm so stupid how can I run like that......he would have thought I'm idiot and for God's sake I have already had enough embarrassing situations....'Mia was cursing herself.


"So, Mia did you look at the notice board? ",questioned Elena chewing her burger.

Mia suddenly remembers her first encounter with Alec that happened there and just ignored it.

"Nope and what's up?", asked Mia .

"We have to select our student council president and the campaigning starts next week and the time given for enrolling is today and tomorrow!!!", said elena.

Adam was listening with a huge interest.

"So, Elena you have enrolled right", asked Adam.

"What, jeez ...No...why would I do that?", spoke back Elena.

"But, Mia what do you think about it?", added Elena.

"You are asking the wrong person I hope...student council president is something which requires a lot of fame and leadership qualities to work on. And campaigning is the toughest job of all. Convincing people that you are eligible is not that easy and for that first you should be confident of yourself . Look at me, trying to figure out whether I'm an introvert or Extrovert.", signed Mia

"But you know what, I have already enrolled your name and you can't say no because you are first candidate. So no other way you have to fight for the post", said Elena

"WHAT.?", Mia almost had an panic attack. She became speechless and Adam let out of a huge laughter. All blood from Mia's face drained off.


Mia was losing her mind and heart was beating too fast that she might get an heart attack.

"Hey, Mia calm down . We will figure a way out. We are there to support and you will definitely be a good president", motivated Adam but that is of no use.

Mia still remained in the state of shock.

"Sorry Mia but I wanted you to know yourself better. You are full of potential and you are highly talented but you don't accept it . So, I thought maybe making you do things like these will let you know the real you. You are not an Introvert. You are just afraid to open up yourself.", consoled Elena.

"El, has a point. That's true Mia and you can do it. Importantly you are not alone, we are there", said Adam.

"And I will take up the campaigning work in my hands. I and Adam will make posters, banners and badges, anything that might make you satisfied. I just want you to participate", pleaded Elena.

Mia knew that Elena was right and she made an valid point about opening up.

"What if I lose ?", said Mia.

"Come on ,think one the positive side", said Adam.

"No, Adam ...answer me properly ", snapped Mia.

"It's not the winning, but the participation, not the triumph but the struggle", replied Adam. Mia was surprised as Adam has never said these things.

"Leadership is a series of behaviour rather than a role of heroes and look at me, I'm no hero and don't have any inspiring behavior", said Mia and she was still behaving abnormally.

'There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so'....Mia take time and think effectively and let's do it", advised Elena.

"Oh wow, so it's your turn to quote Shakespeare lines to me", grunted Mia.

Elena returned Mia's incredulous look with a nod and casual shrug.

Now Mia comes to a conclusion that there is no way to go back other than taking part in the election for student president and most of all she needed time to think.


Really, it was Mia's unlucky day since the pool was under maintenance she couldn't do swimming. But she needed some other way to bring peace to her mind.

She headed straight to library.

Not a lot of people were there. Mia wanted read something that might calm her mind.

She went in search of Shakespeare stories. But she couldn't get hold of any of his books. She dropped the plan of Shakespeare and moved to the next rack to find out comics.

She moved to the next one and bumped into an tall guy with strong well built body. She collided hard which made them both fall .

She picked up his books and looked up and found out it was Alec.

'Oh jeez , the most unluckiest day of my life....when I come in search of peace to calm my mind I have to meet the most frustrating one...today is not going to end well...he is definitely gonna make me lose my temper.' Mia thought to herself.

"Why can't you see and walk ", Mia retorted him once she stood up.

"It is obvious that you bumped into me", replied Alec.

"Okay, fine, whatever.. I'm not in the mood to argue", murmured Mia.

And she added, "Take it, it's your book".

She looked at the book and found it to be Agatha Christie's one of the bestseller of the year.

"Into crime and thriller?", Mia questioned Alec.

He smiled and nodded. Wow, he looked good when he smiled.

"So, what's with you today, you doesn't seem to be yourself", asked Alec.

'Crap, is it that obvious....am i looking like an paranoid....and what's with Alec why is he acting different', Mia questioned herself.

"Yup, hope it's not one of my good days", said Mia.

"And I thought it would be nice to introduce myself properly. I'm Mia Hills and I'm sorry for everything that happened earlier".

"Hi, I'm dummy moron", stressed Alec.

This made Mia made even furious.

She remembers the first time she bumped into him and offended him harshly. She thought she should have remained like earlier.

"You know what, get lost", Mia said angrily.

"Okay, calm down , sorry for earlier.

I'm Alec Fields", said Alec and they made an formal handshake.

They started talking about books and Alec seemed to be a real nerd. He knew a lot about books and had peculiar taste towards books.

"How come I have never seen you in cafeteria and you don't have any friends?", questioned Mia.

"I do have friends in school and I hangout with them but maybe you might not have watched. And I have my lunch in cafeteria and I have seen you having lunch with that blondie and your boyfriend", said Alec.

"Seriously, jeez ...Adam is not my boyfriend ...he is my bestfriend and is not new to hear it . All the people think the same", admitted Mia.

"So, what's up, you made out a show in lunch?", asked Alec.

This made Mia feel embarrassed. Her cheeks almost turned red. Mia is not an attention seeker. She doesn't like to be noticed by people. She always wanted to bind with the crowd.

"What? Did you notice?", Mia was surprised. Alec nodded.

"Elena has enrolled my name for the selection of student president", signed Mia.

"Oh, so what's the big deal? You are not interested?"Alec was a bit confused.

"No , it's not that, I have never thought of myself as someone who could lead people and what if I lose?. I don't want be embarrassed in front of the whole high school", signed Mia.

Few minutes passed and Alec was listening to all things she said about the school and the events that took place there.

Mia has never opened up to new people. She has always felt comfortable only around her close ones and family.

She has never made a new friend in the past few years.

But she was different around Alec.

She didn't know the reason.

"Okay ,see you, I have calculus class to attend! " , Mia waved and left the library.

Alec smiled at her and said bye.

On the way to her class , 'wow.....Alec is different when he is alone . ...he seemed too rude in the beginning but now he didn't say anything sarcastic' Mia felt it strange.


"Hey, what are you thinking? And are you ill? Why you look like a shit? " asked Jane .

She sat next to Mia and Mia was helping her frequently with calculus during the class time.

"Am I too easy to read? Why do people ask me this?", said Mia.

Jane looked confused and asked " Who else asked you?".

"Alec.", replied Mia.

"Oh, the new hottest one in the school but people said he was a jerk", said Jane.

Mia rolled her eyes and said, "He is not hot and of course he is a jerk but sometimes I hope he can be good.

Leave it , he has nothing to do with me.

I'm completely losing my mind because of Elena. She made me participate in the selection of Student council president", replied Mia.

"Bravo, awesome Mia. So, listen up I'm in. I'm gonna stick along in campaigning and I'm going to do all the things I can and make sure you do your best.", cheered Jane.

But only Mia knew what she felt. People around her cheered, motivated and made her feel good. But still she was not sure.


Find out what happens during campaigning in the next update.

The lesson we learn from this chapter is

'Winning is fun...sure .But winning is not the point...wanting to win is the point...Not giving up is the point..never letting up is the point...so try out to do your best and get satisfied.

Let's find out what the future upholds for Mia.....

Hope you all enjoy reading this...stay tuned??....

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