"Mia, I hope you can do it!", cheered Rebecca.
Mia couldn't get a good sleep last night.
She was thinking of the ways and possibilities, the outcome of all the campaigning work.
"Mom, I'm not sure whether I can give it a chance and most importantly I don't know who is gonna be my opponent.", admitted Mia.
"Hey, come on champ...you can rock it", said Mr.Hills.
Mr Hills said "if you stress too much about something before it happens, you basically put yourself through it twice' and I feel like you need to chill out".
Mia just nodded meekly, hoping everything would go right.
The ride to school was pleasant. Mia pretended this would end well.
"So , what's happening ? Why are you all here?", Mia questioned Adam and Elena who were waiting near the entrance of classroom instead of going in.
"Hey, just waiting to catch up with Jane, she has went to find out the details for the election", replied Elena.
"And I have this great doubt from yesterday, who is my opponent?", asked Mia.
"Oh, you didn't know, Corale Rose is your rival!!", said Adam.
Mia's eyes shot wide open and her mouth hung open in shock.
"WHAT?", yelled Mia.
Corale Rose is the most popular sexy one in the school. She has super shiny blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, glossy lips, perfect body and everything for being a supermodel.
But she is a complete bitch. She is popular for her beauty but still she will do anything for her reputation. Her bitchy character ruined her reputation.
She once started a rumour like she dated Ben and when it came to light , she was proved wrong and people became aware of her. But still she has popularity in school.
"Wow, so that's it....I know what would happen now? Oh, Corale is someone who would knock you off without your knowledge", tensed Mia.
"Come on Mia, people knew she is a bitch", said Elena.
"It doesn't matter El, all we need is beauty and fame to win people's heart . And look at her , she has already got both", cautioned Mia.
"Hey , you look beautiful too, but short and cute like mininon", joked Adam.
Mia was not in the mood to laugh.
"Though she be little , she is fierce", Mia said to Adam . These were Shakespeare words.
"It's not true Mia, only your actions and achievements will win people's heart. Do something for them and they will remember you for so long", encouraged Elena.
'Maybe what if El is right .....even if I don't win I will make people remember me...and at this point there is no way back...so I will fight' Mia thought herself.
"You are right El, I am ready ...let's face it", announced Mia.
"That's my girl" Elena and Adam hugged Mia.
Though Mia said it out, she didn't have a clear mind. Her mind were playing tricks with her.
"So, where is Jane? She hasn't shown up for too long", asked Mia.
"Then, maybe we will meet at lunch" said Adam and they went inside the classroom.
Mia had no interest in the class , she was waiting for the lunch time to show up.
During lunch, Mia took her tray and went straight to their usual table.
"Hey, I have got ideas for the posters and don't worry everything is under control ", assured Elena.
"Look, El, it's not about ideas but it is about making those ideas happen", said Mia.
Mia was right , we can think of lots of ideas but bringing those ideas into action is the real challenge.
"Where the hell is Jane? I haven't seen her since morning!", grunted Elena.
Elena and Jane are like two different ships but sailing in the same water.
They both would do anything for Mia.
"She told she would be a bit late", said Adam.
"How come you know it ?", asked Elena.
"We have Creative writing together and the funniest thing is we were put into group of three people for an assignment! Guess who were in my team .....It happens to be me, Jane and Alec.", Said Adam.
"Wow, a team with a jerk( Alec), an useless(you), an hardworking( Jane)", commented Elena.
"Jokes apart, but Jane tried really hard to bring me and Alec together to work. Alec is not an jerk actually but a bit arrogant. But Jane never gave up for his sarcasm. She defended herself well", said Adam.
"Mia, isn't it obvious that Adam is crushing over Jane" teased Elena.
Mia smiled and nodded. For Mia, her friends are like energy boosters.
At the right time, Jane arrived.
"Wow, that t-shirt speaks off!!", said Mia.
"Thanks, Mia and any ideas so far?", questioned Jane.
Mia looks at the tray and says nothing.
"We have got the next week for campaigning which includes first 5 days of the week", said Jane.
"Let's start working on posters from today", suggested Adam. They agreed to do so.
"We will make use of the yearbook committee room and by working there we might get the support of committee members", insisted Jane.
"Really thoughtful, Jane", appreciates Adam and smiles.
Elena makes weird noises and teases them both.
"Watch out, corale has already began her game", grunted Elena.
Corale entered the cafeteria well dressed and grinning at everyone. She came along with her bitchy ones.
Her friends yelled, "Our next student council president is here!!". Now Corale had the whole cafeteria attention.
To the right end of their table, Mia spotted Alec at a distance looking at her and they shared a smile.
Corale was speaking to all people and blowing kisses in the air and literally she was throwing off a show.
Corale went straight to Alec and said,
"Hey Alec, nice to meet you , and hope you are having a good time!!".
Alec smirked and sarcastically said,
"yeah, but now I don't!!". Alec stood up and left the cafeteria.
'Wow...Alec has offended Corale infront of the whole cafeteria....he is probably a jerk...but he is cold towards other people and no one has done this to Corale on their first met.....'Mia thought herself.
Corale just smiled and moved from there, but came straight to Mia.
"Oh, you are one , Maya right ? Have I seen you before? As the student council president, I wanted to help you in anyway I could !! Never feel shy , contact me anytime", Corale spoke sarcastically and left.
"She is really an arrogant bitch!! Look at the way, she spoke at you!! Fuck her!! How come she say you Maya as if she don't know!!", grunted Elena.
"We should make her pay for her words", claimed Adam.
And they all agreed on defeating Corale Rose.
"So, I have brought all the things for making posters, now lets start working", beamed Jane.
Mia was sitting on the floor in front of the white sheets and her mind was filled with thoughts.
'Can I do this? Will I be able to be a good leader ....can I lead them all ? Am I eligible for the post of student president?... Will I be able to deliver my speech in front of the whole school...what if I stammer in the middle...what if I can't speak....what if I lose?' Mia could never stop thinking.
She was completely being paranoid.
"Mia, tell us, what can be your first thing you want to tell the students? Tell me something catchy.." asked Elena.
Mia started brainstorming.
"So, for the first poster let's have this:
'I may be small...But I have got it all...I will fight without rest , so put me to test..' how is it?", asked Mia.
They all cheered together.
"So, campaigning time has already begin!!", beamed Jane.
So, let's see what happens in the next chapter!!
Great leaders don't set out to be a leader.... they set out to make difference...
It is never about the role ...it is always about the goal...
Wait up for the updates?!!!
Will Mia be the student president or will Corale prove she was right?
Hope You all enjoy reading this!!! I Wanted to thank certain people who push me to write even when I don't want to... !! They have motivated and inspired me!!
Thanks for all your support?❤..
Suggest your ideas and thoughts ?....