Calculus class continued to go as normal and thankfully those brats were not in the class. Soon enough, the bell rings and thus the first day came to an end. Mia thought to herself ' it was not that bad. But still you can do more Mia'.
In the hallway, she was accompanied by Adam and Elena. Mia was still brain working her thoughts about the day. They stood at their usual spot near the tree.
"Earth to Mia",said Adam by shaking her shoulders.
"What are you up to?",asked Elena.
Mia concluded that it was nothing and it was just random thoughts.
"So , what's the plan for today's eve?", demanded Adam.
"Like usual right? I go to Mia's home pick her up and we two will meet you at your house, Adam?"concluded Elena.
For the last few years, they three were having night study for 5 days in a week for which they go to either Elena's or Adam's house.
Because these two are not fond of Ben. And Ben and Adam don't get along well. And for no reason , Elena is too afraid of Ben. Mia thinks that Elena has a secret crush on her brother, but whenever Mia questions her , Elena just tosses off by saying she is just afraid of Ben.
Adam's Mother is very much fond of these two girls. She prepares a lot dinner and dessert for them to enjoy. She is such a sweet person.
"No, of course not. I have plans which includes dropping Izzy for her painting class and picking her up by 7: and today is her first day , first step to pursue her goal and I wanna be a part of it", claimed Mia.
"Wow, so our Izzy is gonna be the next Leonardo Da Vinci," joked Adam.
Elena smacked Adam for this joke.
Elena said she had an idea , "How about I pick you and Izzy and we drop her at the painting class and we go to Adam's house".
Mia agreed to this because she knew that they won't leave her alone even if she says no.(great friends of course).
"So, you are sure Mia ,about dropping and picking up Izzy from painting class?",questioned Ben. Mia said yes for the 10 th time this evening.
Mia and Izzy got into Elena's Car. She hugged Izzy and congratulated Izzy.
They dropped her and went straight to Adam's house.

"Oh, Girls what took you so long,? You used be early",said Adam's mother and hugged both the girls.
Mrs.Brown always feels happy to have these girls in their home.
"Go on, Adam is in his room",said Mrs.Brown.
"So, what are we gonna do? Obviously No studying?",said Adam. Elena agreed.
"How about watch something terrifying in Netflix ?", suggested Adam and smiled liked a devil.
"Yup, whatever",said Mia and she kept looking at her phone.
"Adam, I need your charger: My phone is about to die",expressed Mia.
Mia left the phone on the table and joined Elena who was sitting on the floor with a box of cookies.
"Oh my god, that movie was amazing!", panted Elena.
"Oh, where is my phone!".
"This can't be happening. Oh my god, 20 missed calls," shouted Mia.
"What's the matter?," asked Adam.
"The time is 8 pm ! SHIT. Screw me!", shouts Mia and starts running towards the driveway.
"Ok calm down we can get there in few minutes. Don't panic!! Izzy is gonna be alright", said Elena.
"I will come along with you",suggested Adam.
"Oh Izzy, I'm sorry! Iam so sorry", apologized Mia and hugged Izzy who was standing there the whole time.
She was frustrated and startled at the same time.
"Mia atleast you could have replied back if you were busy", said Izzy.
"No, I didn't have my phone with me. Iam so sorry".
"I'm sorry , I should have let Ben do this , it's my mistake", replied Mia and she was totally sad.
"Now I didn't call Ben to pick me up because I don't want to depict you as the bad and reckless sister in front of Mom dad and Ben",said izzy.
OMG, this made Mia really sad and depressed. She felt too bad for herself.
Her sister was too thoughtful but Mia is still reckless for her age. Mia was totally upset.
On the way back home, Mia got her first lesson( the first thing she learns among all the few things.)
'When a commitment is made,it should be fulfilled regardless on any cost.
When we are committed to something, you accept to do it and no lame excuses.
At that time, she made a commitment to herself,' she will never be reckless again and she decided this was the last time she had been reckless.
So readers , message to all...whenever you make commitment to anything it may be work ,person, goal: make sure you fulfill it at any cost.
Thank you for reading. And try to avoid Mia's mistake in life because she is a lesson to us...