I ARRIVED in Spain perfectly fine. Since Daddy himself assigned me here in Spain, Ate Cray will not have any suspicions. In the end, we just let Ate Cray know that I will work in Spain first and not in the U.S.
Before I left the Philippines, they threw a simple despedida party for me. Our entire staff at home partied. Even if I wanted to take Rosel with me, I didn't because he would be far away from his family. Well, we have each other's contact numbers, so we could still talk if we wanted.
"I'm already here at the hotel, Dad," I said while holding the cell phone in my right ear.
"Thank God, you arrived safely," he muttered.
I chuckled. "You opt to use the private plane of course, that would be less hassle."
"It's safer for my princess and my grandson," he said.
"You're really assured that my angel's a baby boy, Dad," I said shaking my head.
In the days that Daddy and I were together, there wasn't a day that he didn't insist that my first child be a boy. I also decided that I want to know the gender of my baby on the day of my birth. I want to surprise myself.
"It's just my hunch, hon." He laughed.
"Silly, Dad. Don't you have work? I'm about to enter the hotel," I informed.
"Alright. Take care, okay? I'll check on you from time to time. I love you, my princess," he softly uttered.
I smiled. "I love you too, Dad."
I cut the line and straightened myself. The staff that was with me also started to pull my luggage into the hotel.
I confidently stormed off the car. I was just wearing a black pantsuit then a long white coat that reaches above my knee. I also carry a white handbag in my right hand. From where I was standing, I could see some employees waiting at the hotel entrance.
I smiled as I started to walk towards the entrance. They welcomed me with warm smiles plastered on their faces.
"Good morning, Madam! Welcome to Spain!" they greeted in chorus as they bowed their heads.
I smiled more widely, "Good morning! Thank you for the warm welcome!"
A man stepped forward from their straight line in front of me. He looks a few years older than me. He looks manly because of the black tux he was wearing right now. His chair was brushed up and he has fair skin complexion.
"It's an honor to welcome you here, Madam. Sathel Rodrigo, the Spain branch manager, at your service." He put his right hand on his left breast and bowed slightly.
I chuckled. "Thank you, Mr. Sathel. It's an honor too, to work with you all from now on."
Mr. let's arrange again. Sathel was looking at me smiling. "Drop the formalities, Madam! Sathel is fine!"
His colleagues laughed because of what he said. I also laughed because he has a bubbly personality. I don't think Sathel will be difficult to live with.
They didn't stay long at the entrance because they entered the hotel. I couldn't help but be amazed when we entered the premises. The interiors looked so extravagant and aesthetic. Everything was playing in the complexion colors of beige, cream and white.
I really like this theme. It's so pleasing and relaxing on the eyes.
When we entered, the employees did not cheer for my arrival. I never get tired of greeting them back because of how heartily they welcomed me here.
I thought at first that there were only Spanish citizens working in the hotel but it looks like there are almost Filipino workers here.
Everyone gathered in the hotel lobby as Sathel had instructed his male secretary earlier. I was even more amazed because there was a small platform in the middle of the lobby area. I really just smiled at their effort when I arrived.
Sathel went towards the small platform and stood there with all his might. I will no longer wonder why he became the manager here. The way he stood, shouting leadership and even without speaking, it was as if he could get everyone to follow him.
"Good morning, The Neri!" he started enthusiastically. Those listening to him greeted him back. "Today, a very important person arrived, you all know who she is, right?"
I just shook my head because he was twisting what he was saying. And of course, the employees also answered him.
"It's an honor for The Neri Spain to welcome you, Madam Zreinessa Nerillano!" he happily exclaimed as they clapped their hands for me. They were also looking at my behavior so I repeatedly bowed down to thank them.
"Please join me here on the platform?" he asked. "Wrong! I'll fetch you there, Madam!"
We laughed because of what he said. I like his personality. As he said, he came to me and extended his hand.
"Will you come with me, Madam Zreinessa?" he asked politely.
I chuckled. "It's a privilege, Mr. Sathel Rodrigo."
I bought into his joke because he was really funny. I just met him but I can say that I am comfortable around him already because of his bubblyness. Temptation rained on us but Sathel and I just ignored it.
"What are you? Don't be jealous that I'm holding Madam's hand!" He laughed at the same time.
The smile didn't fade from my lips until we reached the small platform they had prepared.
"This is a huge privilege to introduce to you, our new boss, Madam Zreinessa Nerillano," he introduced again.
They repeated their enthusiastic applause for me. I can't explain what I'm feeling right now. I felt so very welcome despite the fact that this is my first time here in Spain. When the applause stopped, I spoke.
"Thank you so much for your heart-melting welcome," I began. "I didn't expect this kind of welcoming. I'm so happy that I wholeheartedly chose this country. And, I hope to have more interactions with you all during our future works. Thank you so much, The Neri Spain!"
I genuinely smiled in front of them. I want to cry from happiness. If others will say that my feelings are shallow, but for me, it will really hit my heart.
You hear them, my baby? We're very welcome to them. There's no need to worry, okay? Mommy will be here for you, always...
Sathel took me to the office to rest. Daddy also texted me that the house I will live in is being prepared here in Spain. As much as I wanted to stay here at the hotel, I won't risk my situation. There is no doubt that some Filipinos will come here and see my condition if my belly happens to grow.
Sathel also offered that he will tour me around the premises of the hotel, but he told me to take a rest first. He has also offered to be my tour guide here in Spain. There is never a time when I am not laughing when I am with Sathel. He's really fun to be with.
I leaned back in the swivel chair when my cell phone rang. When I saw that it was Daddy calling again, I immediately answered.
"Dad!" I greeted as I reclined on the swivel chair again.
"How's my princess?" he asked.
I chuckled. "I'm totally fine, Dad. They welcomed me wholeheartedly."
"That's good to hear, then." He cleared his throat before he spoke again. "By the way, I just want to warn you, Zreinessa. Don't trust anyone there."
I sighed. He keeps on telling me beforehand that I shouldn't trust anyone here. He was always saying that it's for my safety and it's better if I stay away from people as much as I can.
I don't know if I can do what Dad is telling me. I didn't feel any doubt when I got here and that has disappeared from my mind because of the efforts they gave when I arrived.
"I know, Dad. I can handle myself," I encouraged him, but I know that he's not satisfied and assured.
"Don't get too attached, Zreinessa. When you feel something bad is happening, call me immediately, okay?" he reminded.
I smiled. "Yes, Dad."
I know that Dad is just worried about my condition. If it was possible for him to stay by my side, I would have done it, but I can't risk the situation.
"By the way, the house you're going to live in is ready. It's a secret modern house of your mother and I when we were... you know..." He chuckled.
I laughed too when I got what he was saying.
"Thank you, Dad. I'll get back to you," I softly uttered.
"Silly! It's my responsibility to take care of my princess and now, my future grandson, too. So, if you need anything, don't hesitate to call me, okay?"
"Yes, Dad. I love you so much!" I lovingly said.
I will never get tired of telling him how much I love him, Mommy and me. They're the people I treasure the most, and now an addition, my future baby.
"I love you too, hon."
After the call, I left the office. I've rested, so maybe it's okay for me to go for a walk to relieve myself.
Do you like the place, baby? I simply held my stomach and gently caressed it while walking. I still can't help but be amazed by the design of the hotel. It really feels like you are in Spain.
After getting out of the elevator, the lobby opened up to me. The employees who were there immediately greeted me so I also greeted them back. I noticed that Sathel had just come out of an elevator leading to the expensive suites. I was about to call him but I noticed that he was walking fast until he went outside the lobby.
I just shrugged and left the hotel. When I came out, I was greeted by a cold wind. Fortunately, I didn't take off the long coat I was wearing.
I spotted Sathel with a man wearing a black tux. The man looks so expensive. He was side ways on my location that's why I can't take a look at his face properly. The man Sathel was talking to also gave the key of his car to a valet who went to their place.
I think he was somewhat of an important person, right? Sathel would not have made such an effort otherwise. Although, I'm not saying that we shouldn't give efforts to those people who have less extravagances. We still should treat them equally.
My heart beat just like that when the man Sathel was talking to turned around and they started walking. I couldn't leave my spot immediately because of the man walking near my place.
My eyes were locked on him as he continued to walk.
How the hell happened that he's here?
What is he doing here?
Did he follow me?
How did he know I was here?!
When they got close to my place, I came to my senses. I quickly ran to a wall and hid there. I was clenching my chest as my heart was pounding so hard.
Why is he here?
Tredore Reverio, why is he here?
Does he know the sin I committed?
If he's here to take revenge, I won't let that happen. I won't let you know that I'm carrying your child inside me. Never.