Loud music and flashy lights were giving him hell of a headache. He need to get out but he fucking cant as his friend is going to propose to Pam at any moment. He took a sip of some weird sweet drink and waiting when the torture will be over.
He turns to see the dancing floor where tons of people are dancing like rabbits he made a disgusted face but then he saw the angle on the floor.
His breath was stuck and he was spell bound. Another reason Anna shouldn't be here as she looks absolutely beautiful and ravishing. He felt his manhood responding. Fuck she is wearing a red cocktail dress and damn what a beauty she is.
He can saw how nervous she looks like she never been to such crowd and his lips twitch of course an innocent beauty like her shouldn't be standing alone and so temping like that in predators den.
He beautiful long golden hair were flowing in beachy curls and then she smiles when she saw Pam. Oh god, he wants her so bad, even for few minutes he just wants her and knows he wants to acknowledge that openly too.
But then he sees red when he saw some guy standing with Anna. Is he her boyfriend? Fuck she never said anything about her boyfriend.
He walk towards the floor to have a good look but Ben cross his way and stop him 'Thank god you are here im seriously having a panick attack'
Drew was irritated as Ben was standing in his view 'Why the fuck youa re having the panick attack'
Ben shouted over the music 'because asshole its cake cutting time and you know Im going to propose anyminute and im worried what if she said no'
Drew sighs 'you should atleast know what she felt then make this call. By the why who is that guy. Is he Anna boyfriend'
Ben give him a shocked look and he turn to see who is talking about 'Hmmm how should I know that, but Pam do call Anna to bring her friend if she wants I think its Anna friend boyfriend, the girl in black dress i guess Anna friend'
Drew also observe and relax yeah there was anoter girl with Anna too and saw the guy washolding Anna's friend hand. He sighs in relife
'But why you ask that' Ben asked him
Drew look away and shrugs 'just curious'
Ben give him a teasing smile 'I always had a doubt'
Drew glare him 'what doubt'
Ben laughed and choose not to answer that and said 'you need to get laid . Look there are thousand of other girls who are literally checking you out. Have fun. I told you to think about moving on consider it a payback thing' ben winked while putting a plastic wrap in his pocket which drew knew what it was
But Drew got serious 'Ben i really hope you dont want to propose Pam with a broken jaw'
Ben laughed 'ok bro. Come on its time'
He literally dragged him and here he stand infront of Pam and so beautiful Anna.
'Babe its time to cut the cake' ben kissed Pam head and also greeted Anna
Anna who shyly looked at Drew and smile 'Hello Drew'
Even her voice is doing something to him, he node 'hello' and then closely check her out but Anna expression was telling him something else
Ben whisper in his ear 'will you stop giving hate galres to Anna you are making her nervous'
Hate glares? Fuck his emotions are all over the place. He schooled his expression'Shall we go ' he said to everyone
When everyone start singing happy birthday he felt Anna presence He saw she was standing at his left side and she was smiling . Her sweet fragnace was compeling him to bend down a little and smell her . But then some body push her and she falls forward but Drew hold her . She gasped 'oh god' she make a sore face but turn into a surprised one 'thank you'
Drew hold her still 'no problem you ok' Anna flinched when drew start moving has hand slowly up and down in her arm. He can felt her goosebumps and he wanted to stop touching her but he just cant.
But then he heard Ben saying in the background 'Pam will you marry me'
Shit, he was so lost in Anna that he didn't even listen to Ben long speech that he prepared.
The whole crowd exclaimed in excitement and Pam start crying and said 'Yes yes I love too' and kissed ben
Anna said with joy'oh my god he just propose I never saw a live proposal in my life' she said with such child like innocence that made Drew laughed and Anna cheeks blushed 'You are such cutie' Drew whispered to ear and found her shiver.
He moves to congratulate the happy couple and in the back of his mind, it was decided he needs to have Anna tonight at any cost even its for one night.
Like a shark, he was looking at Anna. She looks happy when she is with her friend. She is laughing at something which made awestruck she is really the art of perfection. He signals the bar man to keep bring the drinks.
Drew was really thinking what Ben said in joke. Pay back. He really wants to feel alive he really needs to stop thinking about Lana and find someone who can forget his pain. But it will for few hours pleasure, not a lifetime. He cants love anyone for sure because still, his heart belongs to Lana she is the only one who took it with her. But lust and casual fling he can now consider after what he heard about Lana and James.
He can use Anna and he can take her out of his system for good.
But then he felt that guilt. How can he even think like that for his selfish need he can use Anna like that she such a small innocent thing. He should look for some one else. He surveys the club and found too many tempting options but to him, no one could give him what he wants and he keeps looking back to Anna who was dancing happily.
Fuck it he also felt that Anna was attracted to him and if he make things clear to her that this is only sex and most probably the one-time thing he doesn't want to worry about any expectations.
He walks towards the dance floor and touches Anna's shoulder. Anna turned with a smile and he can see how flushed her cheeks were and her eyes were shinning in the dimmed lights. She raises her brows 'Drew?'
But Before drew can say the music changed into soft romantic one. Both of them observe everyone was looking for their couple to dance. Drew and Anna were left in the center.
Anna try to walks away but Drew hold her waist and turn her body towrads him and dance softly wih her. Anna whisper 'what are you doing drew'
Drew moved his hand on her back and she gasped 'Dancing with you'
Anna looked into his eyes 'but why. You dont even want to see me here'
Drew bend to her ears 'but you are here and god knows I try to stop thinking about this but I cant. You look very beautiful so so beautiful' his voice got huskier
She try to pushed him 'drew i think you are drunk you clearly not in your senses'
But he dont let he go and tigthen his hold 'maybe but im not that drunk to know what i want and its definately you' he try to move her towrads the end of the wall and her kissed her neck slowly
Anna was shell shoecke by his admission and by his touch, she try no to moan but it was pointless but she try one more time 'what are you doing. Stop it'
Drew stop the very moment and said 'if you dont want this then i will stop'
Anna open her mouth to say something and then she close her eyes 'Just stop' then she run outside the club
Drew was stuck in his place what the fuck and he also run outside . He saw her standing in the parking area 'Anna what the hell was that'
Anna was shaking badly and she looks scared 'Please go back inside'
Drew hold her shoulder 'no i wont you clearly upset about something. Look at me tell me what I did. Did i do something you dont want ' he was concern now did he thought wrong that anna wants her.
But Anna shook her head 'No no its'
Drew pick her face 'what is it'
Anna gasped 'im scared'
Drew was confused 'Of me?'
Anna nodes 'of everything. (she looks down) you turn hot and cold with me so much that I'm not sure what you will think about me if i say i want you'
Drew felt remorseful 'shh just calm down ok i know my weird moods and I'm sorry about that but i won't think bad about you I want you. Fuck i want you so bad that it is making me insane and one of the reasons i behave like that. But i won't force on you '
Anna blink and was processing all of this. Drew gently asked her 'But do you want me? because if you don't then i will back down and never do anything to make you uncomfortable even at your work too but if your answer is yes then i can promise you i will give the pleasure tonight that no one will ever give you'
Anna made shocked face 'you are so blunt'
Drew smirked 'your answer anna'
Anna bite her lips and looks up 'i do want you'
Drew eyes changed to deep brown and he pick her hand 'come on we are leaving now'
While in the car he needs to discuss somethings with Anna first.
He looked her soft features and run a finger in her cheeks 'Anna i need to tell you something first'
She nodes slightly
'This is sex nothing else, not a relationship. You are not my girlfriend and I'm not your boyfriend, I won't tolerate the feelings and all the love thing in this relationship at all. I won't take you to parties and introduced you to my friends and family and the same goes for you. We keep it between us got it?' He doesn't want to hurt her as sounded so crude but this was necessary.
Anna play with her fingers 'You will sleep with other women too while you are sleeping with me' asked in curiosity and in innocence
Drew remove the hair from her eyes 'no i won't i just want you for now and nor you will sleep with anyone except me till the time' he sounded serious
Anna sighs 'and for how long you want to be with me'
Drew rest his head in the car seat 'honestly speaking i was thinking for tonight but no one interests me the way you do to me. How long i want i don't know we have to see but let say when ever one we wanted to end we will happily agree on each other decision no more drama at the end'
He was making everything clear between them 'Anna if you dont agree to my terms then its closed cased because i dont want to lead you anywhere wheres no future for us'
Anna nodes and said 'ok i agree'
Drew was surprised 'Just like that'
Anna replied 'you are clear to me about everything so there's no room for buts and ifs.'
Drew smiled and brought her mouth closer to her and kissed her properly as he dreamt. This time she responded her wild and passionately she put her hands on his hair and he put his hands on her breast. 'Anna slow down otherwise i will take you here'
Anna moved and give him a shy smile but then she remembers something 'I need to tell my friend im going home she might be in the club'
But drew stop her 'just text her tell her you are home safely and then switch the phone because i don't want slight disturbance tonight you are mine'
Anna lustful eyes were good enough for him to drive like crazy' I need your address'
He cant take her to his home its risky. Anna looked him in confusion 'but my home is not(she felt embarrassed) the ideal or safer place you will found'
Drew set the navigation and pressed her hands 'anna i want you not your place and secondly i cant take you my place my mother can drop by anytime it's risky. In the future also i will be mostly coming to your home'
Anna expression falls but she told him the address.
When he reached her place found out Anna was right it was really not a safer place for young girls and not also tidiest.
Anna opens her apartment door and opens the lights which enlightened the small box like the apartment but it looks homy and clean as compared to outside view.
'Well told you not the ideal place but this is me' she winked at him in a flirtatious manner
Drew smirked and without saying anything he forcibly turned her and kissed her like a mad person. She moaned loudly and Drew bite her neck and said 'wheres your bed'
She shake her head 'i don't have a one it just a futon and it's behind you'
Drew looked back and saw a futon-like bed for the first time 'its durable?'
Anna giggles 'well i hope so but still, it depends on the fact whats in your mind'
Drew grins ' let's find out'
He threw ann on the matress and start taking out his shirt and pants, he can hear Anna loud breathing and then he removes anna heels and pull down the zip of her dress slowly and kissed her back and neck 'you are so beautiful'
He threw ann on the matress and start taking out his shirt and pants, he can hear Anna loud breathing and then he removes anna heels and pull down the zip of her dress slowly and kissed her back and neck 'you are so beautiful'
But he can feel Anna tense 'whats wrong' drew asked while removing her dress and leaving her in bra and panties and he was mesmerized by the epitome beauty.
Anna lick her lips and touch his face 'i want to tell you something'
Drew can hear the fear in he voice 'what?'
Anna look down 'i should probably tell you before but so many things were going on and now its really happening and i know may be this let you back out but i wasn't hiding this on purpose i swear'
Drew was getting impatient 'what is it Anna tell me now'
Anna replied 'Im ...I never had sex'
Drew listen to her keenly what she meant then it registers he yelled 'you are a fucking virgin'
Anna winced 'yes'
Drew cursed 'fuck and how long do you plan to keep this'
Anna shook her head 'no-no i wasn't it just i want you badly too and after I long talk in the car i have to be clear with you but i swear on my mother i wasn't intentionally keeping this up. There were so many things going on'
Drew pinched his nose 'fuck, you never had a boyfriend'
Anna got red 'i did date a few guys but it never got me to a position like this we are in'
Drew was speechless. He cants fuck a virgin but knowing how bad he wants her and now his male ego was boasting that he is the first men in her. But what he heard mostly virgins brought feelings in their first time and that led to more heartbreak.
He looked almost naked Anna and said 'if I had sex with you now promise me you will not bring any sort of any feeling into this because im your first because only then i can move forward with this'
Anna gives him a blank look'looks like you know more about virgins. Drew I never sleep with another person doesn't me i dont know the things. And for you assurety, i won't bring any sort of feeling'
Drew looks down 'how can you be sure'
Anna jabbed him 'how can you sure you won't fall for me?'
Drew got her point 'so im trusting you and you are trusting me no feelings only casual sex'
Anna softly replies 'yes drew no feelings. Now can we do what we were about to do'
Drew smiled 'love too '
He grabs his pant and took out the protection thank god Ben put it inside his pocket. He doesn't want to risk anything in this department
'Are you on birth control' He open the packet and saw how Anna looking him in desire when he put it on
Anna shakes her head slowly 'no I'm not'
Drew play with her breast and took them in his mouth and anna grab his hair 'oh drew'
He removes her panties and starts playing in her down area which made her out of control. She was drenched and she moaned loudly.
Drew grab her hands and put them above her head and caged her by his body 'You will get on a birth control soon ok. We both used protection it will be much safer'
Anna at this point will do anything 'ok ok but don't stop'
Drew took his manhood and slowly touch her 'it will hurt little and its not my fault but i will try to be as gentle as i can' he warned her
Anna nodes and then drew knew he has done it without any warning her enters inside her and can feel the thin wrap tearing inside her. Anna screamed in pain and teras were falling. Drew kissed her tears 'ssh its all done don't move you will hurt yourself'
Anna wept softly 'its hurting'
He kissed her gently 'it will pass i promise you will be ok'
Drew did everything in his power to remain still and not to hurt her. May be he was too hard on her but what he never had a virgin before. Even lana had few boyfriends when she was with him. he shook his head he won't think about her.
Anna touch his face 'drew the pain is less now'
'Are you sure' he needs to be sure himself too
She give him a small smiles and nodes
And then he thrust slowly in the start but he wanted to consume her so he got little rough with her but looking how she was responding he was sure she was also enjoying. Lana never enjoys the rough sex and he never was rough with her like he was with Anna.
He freaking loving the animal in him that makes him do what ever with Anna but he was making sure she doesn't get hurt too in his passion.
Drew can feel Anna was close how she tries to remove her hand 'drew i want to touch you'
But Drew tightens the hold for two reasons first if she did he will lose control before the right time and secondly he is feeling domination here as he can control her pain and pleasure. Lana always tries to take the charge and never let him do the things he is doing with Anna.
But he cursed he don't even want to thing about Lana because honestly speaking Anna is making him feel alive that Lana never that.
Then Anna screamed when she climaxed and Drew also lost it while cursing and follow her in seconds
He falls down on Anna and breath loudly 'oh God'
He lay next to Anna side and looked her flushed body and glowy skin. He touches her shoulder and kisses her there.
Anna gave him a sleepy smile 'it was fantastic'
Another reason to boost his male ego. He winked 'there's more to come'
She closes her eyes 'and when it will be'
Drew sat on the so-called bed 'i will do it now but i don't have more protection and you looked super tired too so i think i should go home'
Anna holds his hand 'you can stay. It's very late to drive'
Drew can feel the warning bell ringing 'Anna one more thing i would never stay the night nor you will if we ever had sex in my home.'
Anna's eyes were now fully opened and she looked tense 'I don't mean it like that i just said that because its really late i told you i will your rules'
He doesn't like to make her tense he kissed her forehead 'I know but i thought this thing should be also clear' then he looked down and saw the big wet blood stain that made him cringed and startle
'Did i hurt you very much' While looking at the stain
Anna also looks down and try to relax him 'no just in the start but it was all gone because of you. And it was quite obvious since it was my first time so don't worry'
Drew touches her hair 'You are fantastic Anna. let me clean you then I'm off'
He went to the smallest washroom of the world and found out a clean clothe and wash it with a clean water, then he came back and clean Anna who almost sleeps but she gives him shy smile that he chooses to ignore. He needs to set some boundaries with him too he will never see that shy smile or any hope in her eyes because if he did he have to end this very soon even it kills him.
After cleaning her up he kissed her and said 'Goodnight my little dove and I'm locking the door so need to worry about that'
'night night' she whispered
Drew smiled and after locking the door and sitting in his car, he took a deep breath. He really slept with her. All his effort to stay away from her all goes in vain.
He never thought he would ever forget think or even touch anyone except Lana but know he did more than touching and thinking with Anna.
He as feeling guilty that how can he do this to his love. Lana did what she did but she was the love of his life and if he still tries to work on winning the heart of Lana he might not go there.
But then he remembers Ben words Pay back time. Lana hurt him a lot even she does still live in his heart.
He looked at the building where Anna lives and think to live in the moment and forget what will happen in the future.