He got goosebumps from her voice...he jerked to look whose voice is that and he was mesmerized and stunned by the tiny 5'2 height beauty who look like lana for a moment with light blond hair to grey blue eyes....but at the same time so innocent and so different from lana....oh god she is fucking beautiful that he felt his body reacted after freaking 10 months.....and he fucking hate it..
But he cant look away...and found him to be glaring at her because no women after lana made him feel like that this girl is making him feel.
Ben was awkardly looking at Drew and kicked his foot under the table...even Anna look nervous and weirdly at him
Ben clear his throat to bring both of their attention to him 'hmmmm ok Anna we will have two grilled chicken sandwiches with green tea and one chilled ice water for my friend here....he is little sick today' Ben joked and drew pass him an annoyed look.
Anna put her hair behind her ear nervously another gesture that drive Drew made in desire...he looked away
'Okkk..i will be back in five minutes' she then run away....good run away girl drew thought because he is not sure how he will react next
When Anna was gone after a minute ben lean forward 'wow i never saw anyone checking out someone so openly like you did to that little waitress there, must say she is very pretty....you really need to get laid dude to stop reacting in the public' ben laughed
Drew point a finger at ben 'you...im telling you stop putting ideas on my mind ....i will never cheat lana..i love her'
Ben shrugs and give him a serious look 'how can you cheat lana when you guys have broken up and even you guys are still not together after lana had an accident ....its you who is living in the notion that lana is with you but in reality she was coming back to new york as a single lady .....i get it you want to start life with her again but are you sure that what she want....you are wasting your time and not enjoying your life.....just loose a little and live a little dude.....even if you hangout or get laid with some girl you are still not cheating lana.....like she dated james ...you can also date anyone '
Drew think a little that Ben do have a point but he felt guilty that how can he think about other girl then lana..he glared and shouted at his friend 'i will wait for lana until she woke up and make her mine again even if i have to stay away from another girl or withdrawn from sex for years i will...my rules and apparently my sex life is no one concerned'
And Anna choose the right moment to come and put their lunch in-front of them ...drew get aftereffects again and saw how her cheeks were red like she heard what they were talking about....it made him angry
'You were eavesdropping our conversation ...dont you have any etiquette how to maintain customer privacy and be fucking respectful' he yelled at her
She flinched and shake her head 'I (she look back ) sorry i wasnt
But drew wanted to prove a point to Ben or may be to him that he is not into her 'Dont lie i can see that from your face ....first you are unprofessional and then you try to listen something private' he knew he was being unfair but now its a moot point
Anna looked him with strange expression like she was embarrassed and angry 'im sorry sir but i wanst i happen to come with your order when you were disusing your sex life' she snapped
Drew eyes were bulging out...how dare she...a fucking low pay waitress insulted him like that....his will put her in her place...his ego is much bigger then his attraction
'Where is your fucking manager ...i need to see him right now ' he intimidatingly said.
Ben try to cool him down 'Drew dont create scene we can clear this out in a more calm manner'
Drew smirk when he saw Anna scared expression and evil said 'no i will talk to manager right now ' he said very loud
A fat man came 'sir anything wrong...im the manager ...is my waitress put wrong order' he pass a dirty glance to Anna , which makes Anna uncomfortable
Drew put the napkin on the table and said 'no she disrespected me and was eavesdropping our conversation ....is this how you guys treat your customers'
Manager looked to Anna and then to drew in said with shame 'im sorry sir ...she will apologize to you and hopefully you can forgive us.....hey you newbie apologize to the gentlemen right now'
Anna gasped and replied 'but listen to me..i wasnt
Manger raise his hand 'no apologize now or consider your friend job to be gone because today its your last day dont make it difficult for your friend'
Drew was now feeling bad that his anger made two girls to loose job
Anna eyes look defeated like she knew she has no other chance 'Im really sorry ...i shouldn't done what you accuse me for' she look down with tears burning in her eyes ...it was a sucker punch moment for him....he just made her cry and humiliated an innocent girl
Ben came again 'its ok Anna ...i think its enough for today ...
But the manager wants to come to their good grace 'no sir she is fired ..how dare she to insult such a gentle men like you'
Anna jerked her head in shocked 'but i have three days left'
Manager shh her 'shut up pack your things'
Drew wanted to now punch the manager to talk to her like that but then eh was also acting like a jerk to her .
Drew stand and said in a cold tone 'no dont fire her ...a warning is good enough' with that he walked outside with a heavy heart.
Becca hugged a crying Anna and calm her ...Anna who was never in her life humiliated like that was feeling out of control and helpless thats why she cant control her tears 'he was so mean to me...i didnt even do anything....first he was staring me then he snapped at me and made me angry so much i said that ...i swear becca i wouldn't jeopardize your job if i know if things are gone so bad' she wiped her tears to make Becca realized that she is really sorry
Becca shake her head 'hey girl stop it its not your fault....these rich dude things life start with them and end with them they never care for others......i mean who can say such stuff especially to you who never hurt a fly and secondly that stupid manager fire you without giving you wage ...i want to sue him '
Anna sighs and yes that manager was really asshole firing her was another thing but not giving her wage for the four days she worked was totally unfair...she made plans to use those money for getting a good mobile phone but now she dont even have the money to travel daily by bus to university....her only saving grace will be the housekeeping job that she is hoping to get the call that she is hired since her interview was little well than expected.
Anna looked at the time and realized she need to go right now other wise she will miss the bus hopefully the bus card will longed another week otherwise she is doomed...'Becca dont say anything to him....atleast you had your job ..now i have to go otherwise i will miss the bus'
Becca replied 'can you wait for another half an hour Dave will be here and we can drop you'
As tempting as it look like Anna will not used becca like that already she created problems in her job 'no Becca i have some homework to do and call mom too...and secondly you guys live another side of newyork it will be out of the way...bus is good for me as it stop near to my building area'
Becca nodes and hugged her friend and told her to call when she reached home.
At the bus anna was keep thinking about today event ....how that asshole guy Drew made her feel strange and surprisingly in a good way because asshole or not Anna cant deny he was so hot and attractive men alive from his black hair to brown eyes and his jawline...look like from Spanish heritage....but while walking back to her apartment she got angry on her that how can she think he was sexy as he ruined her good day....
Becca was right men like him are snob and self obsessed...she remove her shoes and try to forget the day....then her stomach make a loud sound...wow she is super hungry and she has just realized...she hasnt eaten for whole day thanks to that asshole Drew
She open her fridge and found out it was almost empty...only a packet of bread and peanut butter was infront of her.....great she forget to do grocery and now she is out of budget to even to buy at this point....looks like she has to survive this month on this luxury ..thankfully there was coffee ......she looked up 'thank you god for this coffee i cant really live without this'
She made her fest dinner of one peanut butter sandwich with a coffee mug...then her phone ring
She knew who it was ..she cheerfully said 'hi mommy...how are you?'
Jenna laughed 'hi sweetie im rock and roll baby ..going for the night swift in the restaurant there is some fancy party going on so i picked that blue dress that i wore on your 22nd birthday ...you think its good?
Anna dont like it her mom again not getting another goodnight sleep because of her job 'mom you look so pretty in that like always but why you are going for a night swift as there any money issue cause you never took night swift if there's no money issue' Anna asked her mom in concerned voice
Jenna laughed and anna knows its fake one cause her mom was hiding 'hey dont go mama bear on me its my job to think about this not you and secondly no money issue ...i took the night swift because i was bored sweetie ...since you are gone i always you so the job keep me busy (anna shake her head knowing her mom is lying)...forget about me tell me how was your day and what you are eating i can hear that chewing sound'
Anna stop at the mid way and looked at her sandwich ....she dont want to worry her more 'hmmm my day was great and i might find a good job and before you say anything ...it wont affect my studies because i clearly told them my classes timetable so its quite flexible timing and secondly what im eating our favorite chicken casserole ...its so tasty and i eat so much that im full what about you' she lied and hope her mother want picked that
Jenna replied 'hmmm i will eat something in my swift ...oh shoot im late now i have to go sweetie bye love you'
Anna after biding goodbye....out of no where she start crying alone ...she knows her mother lye to her as she will not eat anything in her job because her boss is an asshole like the manager....she pray to God to give her good job this time because first thing she will be do to send the money to her mom.
Hello peeps
So share thoughts about drew and Anna and there first interaction