She was here, he can feel her presence without even looking at her. He tries to focus on his laptop but damns it he cant give one-second attention to anything when she is around. he clinched his fist to control himself.
He wants to control his urged to go to her and pick her up and do the things that a nice gentleman would never do.
And he also wanted to control himself to yell at her to get out of his sight so that he cant act on his first urged.
But he shook his head, he can't do that. Finally, the tension between them has been quite lessening up and he really does want to maintain this civility because no matter what his stupid feelings are telling him its really not her fault.
The best possible solution is to say hell and bye and ignore her from the core of his heart, that's how he will not do something impulsive.
But God something else as the moment the thought came in his mind he heard Anna scream. He jumped from his seat and run to see what happen.
He saw Anna lying on his gallery floor with all the clothes all over her body and floor.
'Anna, hey are you alright?' He hurridly move and removes all the clothes from her face and saw her flushed and big stunning but shocked eyes.
He was totally mesmerized by this look he wanted to take a picture and save it in his memory, how come somebody looks so irresistible and so beautiful.
Anna removes the hair and try to stand up, drew also stand and ask her again 'what happen are you ok?'
Anna nodes 'Im sorry i was not looking, i just iron these clothes and i picked all the clothes piled instead of few and then I was coming to your room but something hit my foot while coming and i fell. My mistake, I just ruined the ironing of these shirts too, sorry' she looked worried
Drew looks down and saw a shiny clip and then it clicks to him who might have left it , he bend down and pick up 'Don't be sorry it was an accident, Nicole left that she always left her things in a scattered manner. Don't worry about thee clothes ironing is not ruined ' Drew said this while picking up all the shirts
Anna give him a muffed looked 'Nicole?' she whisper
Drew raised his brow the way she said 'Yeah she is my sister, the one who told mom about you i guess'
Anna shakes her head and smile 'oh Nicole I thought (but she stop) We never met , my friend Becca knows your sister she have told her about me'
Drew nodes slowly and was feeling weird the way Anna responded when he took Nicole name 'Are you ok, you never answer that' he said with a demanding tone
Anna meekly replied 'Yeah I'm fine just startled nothing to worry about'
Drew check her out and saw she was wearing skirt this time and damn her legs were making him crazy , he said 'ok why don't you just put these shirt back i have some work to do and make sure no one disturb me' His hot and cold reply was good enough for her that its indicated to her
Anna flinched and looked worried but she looks down 'ok'
He felt bad that how he made her sad but he just need to act asshole to not to feel what he is feeling which in actually he don't even know.
He turn to go to his office but Anna called him 'Drew'
He tense but nonetheless he looked at her 'yes'
Anna lick her lips 'I just...I just wanted to say thank you, thank you for giving me those coupons my mother totally loved that restaurant she also said thank you' She shyly said to him
This time drew cant stop himself smiling 'no problem Anna I'm glad you guys like that. I have few more complementary coupons like that if you say i can
But Anna shook her 'No my mother is already gone to our home so I wont need it.(Anna looks away)I must put these shirts'
Drew knew he made her hesitant again in front of him.
Then he heard the door bell. Anna stopped in a mid way 'I will check'
Drew replied 'No need I will see'
When Drew opens the door it was his friend Ben and his girlfriend Pam 'Hey stranger long time no see' Ben tease him
Drew smiled and hug Pam 'hey how are you guys come in and for your information we ahve met less than 24 hours ago Ben'
Pam laughed 'Drew you know he loves to tease you.'
Drew said 'yeah i know this jerk very much. So whats the occasion why you guys holding pizza boxes and all these drinks I can see'
Ben sit down on the recliner 'because its bad manner to come empty hand in your guest home'
Drew hit his head 'Well that guest home you used to sleep in when pam used to kick you out'
Pam yelled from the kitchen 'I don't kick him out, I was having exams and you know ben he, he...you know what I mean 'Pam was blushing
Ben add more to her embarrassment 'babe he knows I'm a horny bastard and you wont let me touch you in exams so i have to crash here'
Drew made a face'Please discuss your sex life somewhere. Now tell me whats with all this.'
Pam answered while sitting on the sofa 'Nothing we both were hungry so we got this for you too and we wanted to invite you for my birthday and our one year anniversary together' Pam holds ben hand and smile to him
Drew felt jealousy looking at them. He and land use to be like that, she also looks him like that the way Pam was looking at his friend. He cant look at this scenes because those bitter sweet memories he had with Lana was taking to his painfully misery he is living in
Drew try to make an excuse 'actually i m busy
Ben give a look 'Shut the fuck up you are coming don't bullshit me, its freaking important my best friend come to my girlfriend party. Its in the new dance club you will enjoy ' Drew saw how Ben was trying to tell drew something else
Before Drew can say anything Pam shouted 'ANNA, oh my its so great to see you again' She run and hugged Anna
Drew was puzzled and shocked how they know each other?
Anna was also a little shocked when she saw Pam but she happily hugged her 'Pam how are you nice seeing you again'
Drew was feeling weird all of this and asked in a skeptical but cold tone 'How you guys know each other?'
Anna winced but Pam who was oblivious with the tension told Drew how Anna saved her life and how they become friends after that
Now it clicked to drew how Anna got that bandage that day and how he touched her face and how he kissed her. He clinched the fist fuck he cants go there.
For no reason, he was feeling anguish about Anna. He doesn't want her to be apart of his inner friends and family circle. Its seem personal to him and he doesn't like it.
He glared Anna whose big eyes looked scared and she was looking at Ben for help which Ben happily did 'Ok enough wit long talk lets have some pizza I'm famishing right now'
Anna sighs 'oh yes I will bring the plates from the kitchen' and she runs like a cat. Pam also follow Anna
And Drew found the moment 'what the fuck is this? how the fuck you keep this from me. '
Ben tiredly sighs 'drew seriously I think you should not have a problem in this. And secondly, I didn't tell you because Anna told me to and now seeing how you were glaring at a poor girl she was right about her fears.'
But before Drew can say anything both the girls came and he stops himself to create a scene. But he passes a look to Anna telling her that he will check on her after everyone is gone.
While eating Drew to calm himself and try to find the ways how he can gently and kindly tell Anna to remain in her position as his employer and don't mix with his friends at all and in short in his life. But Anna choose the moment and said 'Ok I'm going home it was nice meeting you Pam and Ben you too'
But pam stops her 'no way you are going to come to sit (she makes Anna sit) and have some pizza you arent going until I'm gone' she gives plate to Anna who was nervous to even take because the way Drew was tightening his jaw and his expression was telling he is not happy with her having food with them
Pam who was asking about questions and also telling Anna for a hangout was too much for him but what added a fuel in the fire when Pam said 'Anna you are invited to my birthday party and ben and mine one year anniversary it's in the new night club you will love it'
Before Anna can say anything Drew contradict and said 'No she is not coming she is my housekeeper, not our friend'
Anna flinched and her eyes can show the agony and pain he just gives her by his cruel words.
Pam stands for her friend 'Drew she is my friend and it's my party I will invite who ever I want to invite and Anna is definitely coming'
Anna holds Pam arm to stop the fight that was about to start 'Pam please (she sighs) let me clear the table' Anna walks way in the kitchen and Pam run to her friend
Ben shouted at him also 'seriously dude when you stop so low you just acted like a big snob and insulted Anna like that.'
Drew pinched his nose 'I don't like it she shouldn't be part of my friend's circle'
Ben cant believe what he was even hearing 'You need help cant you see what you are even saying. I thought you are moving on and try to be happy as you were for few days since you stop going to hospital to meet Lana. But you still a jerk arent you'
Drew raise a finger 'don't bring lana into this'
Ben shrugs 'why because today you are a miserable piece of a jerk because of her who was planning to make a life with James and you are still mourning for her. I feel bad what happen to Lana and wish best for her but she did a great number on you'
Drew was furious and he always get when someone took James name 'fuck you don't take that man name in front of me i want to kill that bastard'
Ben eyes soften 'Drew I'm not your enemy and I'm sorry if my words hurt you but you need to distract the mind of yours which is giving you toxic thought since Lana left you. Just try to hangout with other girls around you go a date and feel like a Drew that you used to be cause I'm really missing that one'
Drew sit down tiredly. Ben was right, he was also missing the old him. He really need to focus on other stuff anything then Lana.
Ben pat his shoulder 'just think about what I said. And before I go please do come to the party this weekend. Its really important for me (Drew raise his brow) I'm proposing Pam on her birthday and I want you there with me' Ben smiled
Drew was super happy for his friend as he was getting married to the love of his love but he was feeling sad for himself also his dream of getting married to Lana was snatched especially by that jerk James.
But not to act like a selfish bastard he hugged his friend 'im really happy for you guys. You deserve this happiness'
Ben hugged him back 'so does you brother so does you'
When Ben and Pam was gone. Drew was waiting for the moment when he and Anna can talk. He still doesn't want her to go to the party.
Anna picks her bag and without looking at him 'Im going home'
But Drew stops her 'wait a minute I need to talk to you'
Anna turned with a tense body gesture but she was looking at him straight like she was expecting this 'yes what is it about'
Drew sit down in one of the arm chair and folded his arms and intimidate said 'why didn't you tell me you know pam before'
Anna shrugs 'because i didn't find it necessary to tell you who I met or not and secondly i never knew she was your friend girlfriend'
Drew tick with her answer and he intensely looked at her and nodes 'I don't want you to go the party'
Anna wide eyes were now glaring at him an she lick her lips 'and why exactly? I don't think so you have any say where I go outside this house. I might be your housekeeper like you said but I'm not your prisoner. And Pam is my friend and she invited me so i will go'
Drew stands and walks towards her 'well its my concern when my friends are related I don't want you to mix our employer-employee relationship as my friend since you now know my friends'
Anna stare him for long time then she softly replied 'I thought we were friend since you were so nice to me but you are right I shouldn't think like that. If you give me more good reason why shouldn't i go to party and be friends with Pam i wouldn't go then'
Drew heart beat fast he knew he just hurt her bad again but he really need to maintain this line between them 'but if i say its jeopardize your job'
Anna replied him 'its not a reason just an ultimatum for me Drew.'
Drew sighs and run his hand on his hair 'why you are so stubborn. You will go arent you? Fine who I'm to stop'
Anna looks confused but she didn't said anything and walk away from his sight and went home.
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