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London - Scotland
Gulf: “No, mew thank you, really for all of your help but I will wait here. That guy, Derek said he will find another room for me.”
Mew: “Gulf seriously, he will not come to you, do you want to sit here the whole night with an arm like that? Do not be stubborn.”
Gulf: “I am fine, thank you. I will wait here.”
Mew: “No you are not, come with me now.”
Mew dragged him away from the seats and go to his room, obviously, his room looks much nicer than Gulf room, spacious, clean, the interiors are amazing. They both in silents, gulf could not say anything but he is aware that mew is still a stranger and why would he act like this towards him. He appreciates his kind gestures but this is too much, besides who knows that he could be a rapist, serial killer or worst he will kidnap him and sell him anywhere. Gulf knows he is just overthinking but it is possible considering that they just met, who will not think that way.
Mew: “What are you thinking? I will not do anything to harm you, so save yours over analysing face and settle down here for tonight. Will ya? ขอ... Kor (please)*.”
Gulf: “You can speak Thai?”
Mew: “Of course, I can. I'm half Thai, Not as fluent as you are of course but dai khrap. Now feel free to freshen up yourself. I will ask for extra blankets.”
Gulf: "Thank you mew. I appreciate it."
Mew: "Your welcome. Have you eat anything?"
Gulf: "I have, just now."
Mew: "What time is it?"
Gulf: "Sorry, what is it?"
Mew: "When was the last time that you eat, Gulf?"
Gulf: "Around 4."
Mew: "I'll bring you food as well. Wait here."
Just like that, he's being left all alone again no matter how he wants to portray mew as the bad guy, he just can't do it. He is gentleman, sweet, nice, protective, possessive at the same time and he doesn't look like a thread at all. Gulf cleans himself up, his hand still hurt but it’s bearable now, he starts to look around to room and open the window it's pitch black now considering its almost 2 am but everywhere is covered with snows.
This room comes with a heater, it's not cold anymore and his body starts to get comfortable gulf lays himself onto the bed. Today has been a rough day for him and for somehow he trusted mew. He believes him when he said that he will not harm him. Gulf accidentally fell asleep waiting for mew to come back, he really doesn't have energy left and everything just hurt. When he comes back, he sees that gulf is adjusting well and he really fell asleep so easily, he is not trying to be creepy but mew slowly put him to sleep properly and arrange his stuff to the side, everything happen so quick that he could not even have a proper conversation with him.
He could just look at him and think to admire his long lashes, plump lips and his courage to be alone travelling to a big country. He looks over the window thinking by himself why did he never have this kind of enthusiasm and positivity, he has the privileges considering his status comes from elite family and money is not even an issue at all, maybe by spending time with gulf will make him find him feels alive and his life becomes meaningful again.
He brushes off all of his unhappy thought and proceeds to lay down next to gulf when he finally was done cleaning up himself, mew has always had trouble to sleep and he never let anyone sleep next to him since he was a kid since his parents are always away. To his surprise, gulf wraps his hand to mew waist, gives out a little sigh and frown.
Mew burst into little laughs seeing how defenceless he could be considering that he is about to take off when mew drags him to his room, he continues to put his thumb to his forehead and massages it. Bit by bit he is no longer frowning and that makes mew hearts skips a beat. He never did this to anyone else but why is he letting down all of his guards to him. He did not realise that soon after, he fell asleep for the first time without taking his sleeping pills by hugging gulf close to him.
Gulf suddenly awake, “Shit!” he said to himself when he looks to the side mew is there snuggling his face close to his neck. Eventhough he is taller than by him only a few inches but he is like a big bear, gulf could not move at all and his lower down decided to be little active now out of many days, today he is aroused looking at mew and by the way that he holds him. He is embarrassed as hell but looking at mew, he does not have the heart to wake him up. He remains still waiting for mew to wake up and let him go, so he waited. He does not know where the hell they are now but looking at the time they should arrive in a few hours.
“There is no us gulf, he will be on his way and you too.” he reminds himself.
“Hmm… you awake. Why didn’t you wake me up? Are you hungry?” mew let gulf go, he senses that gulf is not comfortable.
“No, I am fine. Mew. thank you for tucking me in yesterday. I should get ready and you too and thank you for saving me last night. I will repay you for this. I can buy you breakfast.” he speaks fast when he feels flustered because he was trying to hide his morning woods. This can get really awkward.
“You can repay me… but on something else.” he grins showing off his cunning smiles.
“I am not… no, who do you think I am???” he immediately took the blanket off to cover his body.
“No, gulf... Not your body. I want you to bring me along on your vacations, that is how you can repay me. Can you do that?” he stands up having a fun time teasing gulf, how can a guy act cute like him. Mew want to see more of his side.
“Why would you do that? My plan is boring, mew. Besides, you must have a way more important thing to do right?” he still tries not to let this goes over his head that someone like mew would want to be with him on his trip.
“No, I am on an adventure like you and your plan is way more interesting than mine. Please na~” he lied to convince gulf to take him.
“Ok fine, but you are not allowed to complain and we will go dutch on everything and you will need to follow all of my plans alright.” he gives in so easily.
“Cha~ look here, do you like the view?” he opens up the windows and cold air gush in.
“Mew, it’s too cold. Close it back.” he starts to shiver.
“I am sorry, come and get ready. I want to have breakfast.” mew laughs to his heart content seeing how adorable gulf is. He is getting attached.
They both laugh at each other and starts to pack their things, gulf went to the bathroom immediately he wants to release his hard-on. Getting reactions on a time like this is not a good idea at all, he tries to be as quiet as he can, trying to imagine kinds of stuff but he is unable to do so. When he finally able to do it is when imagining mew on top of the body, and he is not ashamed at all. Like the boundary never existed, he feels that way for him and finally he is able to do it.
When he finally calms down, he opened the door and mew is standing outside the door. He has been found out, blood rush through his veins and gulf immediately blush and his face is nowhere to hide, mew who plays along with his game just smile and ask permissions to use the bathroom. Gulf is unaware that his little actions can be heard, their room is not soundproof at all even though the sounds of the train is loud but his little moans can be heard.
When they arrived at the breakfast coach, both of them stay silents because gulf still wants to know if mew heard it. He wants to explain himself without making it sound wrong or something else but he is distracted again, mew brings him to another level of coach, there is no way he can afford to pay for breakfast here but mew directly picks a place to seat and ordered without looking at the menu. Gulf browse over the menu and trying count how much everything worth in bhat and this will make him struggle on the next days but the promise has been made.
For someone that does not like to talk about himself, gulf open up about himself and so does mew. He tends to forget about everything else when he’s with him and revealing too much as always. Sipping on tea looing at the window, everything is cover with snow and he can see it clearly now compared to last night, let everything comes naturally he looks away to enjoy on the scenery.
This is a healing moment for him, he wants to savour every moment, mew follows his leads and enjoys their silents in agreements. Its time for them to get off at the next stops and then he remembers about the bills and offers to pay but mew hand is faster to take pays for it, gulf feels more debted to him now.
Mew smiles at him, making sure that he will not feel bad he offers gulf to treat him something else. Gulf face lightens up and becomes cheerful again because mew understands what he thinks about. He started to feel more protective of gulf and he does not want any anyone else to see that smile gulf shown to him. He feels so much that it is freaking him out.
Gulf: “Yes! We finally here, shit it is colder here. I'm so screwed *laughs*”
Mew: “Cha… wear my gloves. Yours too thin gulf, it is -10 here. You should pack more thick clothes.”
Gulf: “thank you, it's really warm. I can finally feel my hands. As for you, this is extra heat pack for your hand, keep it. *smiles*
Mew: “You should stop smiling that.”
Gulf: “Huh, Like what???”
Mew: “Exactly, like that. Your making my heart flutters when you do that.”
Honestly, my heart is so tired by them can they just be together already. ??