"Excuse me?" I asked sounding completely baffled, then rubbing my eyes vigorously to see if it was one of my dirty thoughts materializing on my mind again.
"I know you heard me Arielle, why? You just want me to say it again don't you?" He cooed confidently, slowly raising my chin up, causing our eyes to dilate to each other. "Aw you're so cute, you're blushing." Levi let out a deep chuckle as he tightened his grip behind my waist, making me let out a quiet gasp.
What the hell is going on?
"I-I am?" I breathed, heavily aroused from the closeness of our bodies together.
All I could focus at was his light mahogany eyes, gazing their way in to my blue ones.
Suddenly Levi's soft pink lips finally met mine which made me widen my eyes in shock.
The warmth of his mouth sent jolts of electricity through my body, captivating all my attention to his smooth and seductive lips.
His gentle and comforting hand glided through the side of my face as his peppermint breath entered my mouth. He then let go for a quick second and then continued to kiss me again.
Our kiss was slow and sensual, he smiled in between them giving me a glimpse of his rosy cheeks.
What the hell is going on!
I quickly pushed him away, giving us both the chance to regain our awareness.
"W-well I'm gonna go, I don't wanna miss practice." I blushed as I felt my heart flutter from what just happened.
"I'm sure you don't." He smirked alluringly as he visibly blushed, his eyes glancing down at me.
My mind exploded with thoughts as I got ready to go out of the locker room. There was no way that was real? It felt so real, and it certainly didn't feel like one of those visions I normally get. I can't believe that just happened! It wasn't supposed to happen! I barely know the guy! Arielle get it together!
"Oh look at you, skipping to the pool. You look so happy." Trevor cheered. Throwing me a subtly confused look on his face.
Just before I started to reply, Coach Alex had already started talking, making me and Trevor turn our heads at him.
"Alright guys, our first swim meet is coming very soon, and you won't believe who we're going against." Coach Alex announced as I watched Levi run out from the locker room, his eyes shimmering at me.
"I'm quite disappointed to say this, but it says that we will be fighting against the Stingrays." He sighed, causing loud whining and sounds of disgust, echo around the room.
Fighting? What the hell. Is this wrestling now?
"Why them?" Logan grimaced, walking towards the coach.
"Well Logan, I really don't know." The Coach complained, genuinely confusing me. "I don't get paid enough for this." He sighed.
"What's wrong with the Stingrays?" I asked, slowly raising my hand up, causing everyone's eyes to land onto me.
"Well since your new Arielle, I guess you need to know that they have a strong tendency of cheating, making them always "win." He spoke as he rolled his eyes, obviously being sarcastic.
"And no one notices?" I awkwardly questioned again in annoyance, glancing back at some of the boys who were looking at me.
"No, they don't, I pointed out that they cheated once and they just backed up themselves with more lies, it's crazy." The Coach ranted as he scratched his head. "But! That's why we have to keep on practicing, so even if they cheat or not, either way we will still win." He let out confidently, gesturing for us to enter the pool.
After practice is always a drag. Knowing I still have to walk home, is just complete misery.
And also the fact that after practice, I'm always so hungry is such a bad feeling to have. I felt like crying as I fantasized about food, proceeding to walk my depressing self out the large gymnasium.
"Arielle we're all about to go get some pizza right now, wanna come?" Suddenly I hear a familiar voice as I felt a tap on my shoulder, quickly making me turn my head around to see Braxton's gorgeously sculpted jawline, and his captivatingly green eyes.
Kill me now.
"U-um." I took a second to respond, the image of pizza quickly taking control of my head.
Braxton slowly leaned in closer as he licked over his lips, making me subtly cringe to myself. "It's just a yes or no question." He smirked.
I finally decided to quit stalling like a freak and answer. "Um, okay, yea sure. B-but you're gonna have to pay for me though, since I don't have money on me right now." I lied, looking to my left and to my right as I hid my money away from his sight.
His face towered over me now as his voice became a deep whisper. "You don't have to worry about paying anything, but I'll need you to do something for me first." He exposed a dirty grin, putting his hands behind his back as I internally rolled my eyes.
"And what's that?" I gulped, curious to what he was going to say.
"A kis-" before he finished his sentence I've already cut him off.
"U-um no! Not even in a million years!" I exclaimed, preparing to walk away. "Bye Braxton!"
He playfully whined as I sighed. "Oh come on! You're acting like I asked you to go down on me, I swear I'm actually a really nice guy." He spoke behind me as he proceeded to follow me. "And I promise I'm a good kisser."
"Hope you choke on your pizza Braxton!" I exclaimed, immediately getting caught off guard as I felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around my waist from the back.
"What the hell!" I struggled miserably. My lack of energy wasn't helping as I felt Braxton's arms turn me around towards him, my eyes widening at his face that looked a lot closer.
"Not even on the cheek?" He pouted, flashing his bright red underlip at me. "Arielle, come on." His touch finally disappeared as I proceeded to walk away faster.
"No you fuckboy! Now stop and go mingle with other girls." I declared, proceeding to walk home as I clenched onto my duffel bag.
Braxton quickly ran up in front of my way, my eyes closing for a short prayer for this demon to be swept away by the holy ghost.
"Look Arielle, I know I'm irresistible, you would be lying if you said I'm not?" He bit his lip, raising his tank top with one hand, exposing his perfectly defined abs and v-line.
He's literally such an attractive trash.
Look at it this way, when you're literally starving to death, won't you wanna do anything in your power to eat? Even if it's just kissing the cheek of an insanely attractive boy? You'd be lying to yourself if you said you'd rather starve. I mean I literally can't be wrong in this situation, it's either I do it or I pass out while I walk home. I mean, it's just the cheek right? Plus I really want that pizza anyway.
Wait but I have my own money! But I don't wanna waste it just for pizza? Oh wait I can't even afford anything in the first place because I only have like 3 dollars, so no matter what, I'm still gonna have to do it.
"Fine, but just because I'm really hungry right now." I grunted out in annoyance, preparing to kiss his reddened cheek.
Suddenly, as I was about to kiss his cheek, his head rapidly turned towards my face, landing a quick kiss on my mouth.
I screamed in the inside as my tongue unconsciously went over my lips, Braxton's minty taste presenting itself into my mouth.
He broke out in a chuckle which honestly made my anger rise throughout my body. I rapidly smacked his face away, completely catching him off guard.
"You fuckboy!" I yelled at him as I aggressively wiped my mouth, my cheeks flushing from what he just did.
"Hah! Come on! It was just a joke." Braxton laughed hysterically as he placed his hand on the red mark I left on his face.
He kept laughing as I watched the other boys get out of the gymnasium.
Great, more attractive trash.
"What happened?" Levi asked, walking with Logan, Trevor, Caleb, and Max towards me and Braxton.
I didn't wanna tell Levi, causing me to give Braxton a sign with my eyes, not to speak about it again.
Surprisingly, Braxton's trick didn't anger me as much as I thought it would. I swear I could've done more than just smack him. Maybe it's because everything I did today drained all of my energy and all I wanna do right now is eat.
I tried to come up with something, but Braxton had already opened his mouth to break the awkward silence. "I put my foot in front her dude, and she fell, it was so funny." Braxton gave me an alluring wink, which was obviously seen by Levi.
Levi subtly glared at him knowing that Braxton wasn't being truly honest, making him let out a very obvious fake laugh.
"Why don't we just go eat. Yea? Doesn't that sound amazing?" I said cautiously, trying to change the subject.
Because right now, I'm seriously craving that pizza