"Trevor! Arielle!" Dalton greeted us outside, glistering his eyes at Vanessa.
"I'm Vanessa, it's nice to meet you." Vanessa gave Dalton a very seducing smile, causing me to slightly widen my mouth in happiness for her.
"You wanna grab a drink?" Dalton winked, causing her to let out a high pitched giggle.
"I would love to." she smiled, letting Dalton guide her through the gigantic house.
Pause! What?
"Alright welcome to the party guys! Have fun!" Dalton honeyed, walking off with Vanessa with his hands on her waist.
"Alright, feel at home Arielle." Trevor mumbled, disappearing into the huge crowd.
Great, I'm now alone at a party with no one to talk to. I can't even see Vanessa and Dalton anywhere on sight. I thought she promised me she wouldn't leave me by myself?
I decided to just sit on one of the chairs in the huge living room, eyeing other people who seemed like they were having the time of their lives.
Across the huge crowd, I saw Steven who was sitting on one of the chairs also. I would greet him but I don't think he likes me at all, after that dirty look he threw me the first time we met.
Ugh this is why I hate parties.
I turned my head to my right, curious to whom that deep, charming voice belonged to. Then as I looked at the drinks section, I see Levi, waving at me with his left arm up in the air, gesturing for me to come to him.
As I was walking towards him, I started to get a better look at his outfit. He wore a black tank top that complemented his muscular arms, his hands buried deeply into his pockets.
My eyes finally met his enticing gaze, a strand of brown hair perfectly falling onto his chiseled face which didn't fail to make my cheeks burn for some reason.
The feeling when someone is just so attractive it makes you cry, Is how I'm feeling right now.
"Want a drink?" He asked, eyeing me up-and-down, observing what I was wearing.
"Sure." I nodded as I shyly replied, looking down at my shoes to avoid eye contact.
"You know, you have pretty beautiful eyes. I just wish you would let me see them more often." I didn't see his face, but I saw as his hands held two bottles of what seemed like alcohol.
"I don't drink." I slightly pulled my head up.
"Are you serious?" He asked, having a muddled tone in his voice.
I finally put my head up completely, letting me see his irresistibly good-looking face. Also causing our eyes to finally meet eachother.
"Does it look like I'm joking?" I replied, showing him solemnity in my facial expression.
"No it doesn't." It was obvious he was examining my face and I was examining his. The way the lights around us helped define his features were insane.
"You know what, I should give you a tour of the house." Levi devilishly smirked, handing me a bottle of water from the fridge.
"Fine, it's kinda loud down here anyway." I grabbed the water, preparing to follow him upstairs.
Now wait! I know what your thinking! I've seen enough shows and read enough books to know where this could lead!
Truthfully, even though Levi was insanely attractive, I began to feel safe around him. I don't know, I just hope he doesn't prove me wrong.
"You look beautiful by the way." Levi spoke out in front of me. guiding me through the spacious halls that were filled by some people.
Just before I could've said thanks, a bunch of voices came out of nowhere.
We passed by a group of extremely loud girls as I continued to follow him.
"Oh shit Brianna that's our song!" A girl flipped her hair back as she gestured for her friend to follow her downstairs. "Work, work, work, work, work, you see me do me dirt, dirt, ugh Brianna I wanna dance! lets go!"
As we proceeded to pass by, the girl who was probably Brianna was sitting near the toilet, throwing up.
Wow, what a party.
After reaching a somewhat quiet place, I finally was able to reply. "Thanks, you look handsome yourself." I smiled.
We then finally entered a room that was surrounded by medals and trophies.
"This is my room, for now." Levi spoke, running his hand through his soft brown hair. "I'm sleeping over at Dalton's house for awhile so I decided to just bring everything."
"You have so many awards!" I quietly gasped, looking around the room as I was genuinely surprised.
All of a sudden, everything turned upside down in a matter of seconds.
"Arielle, I want you." Levi groaned, as he kissed my neck.
"Levi, I've always wanted you since the first time I saw you." I moaned, feeling his hand grabbing my waist.
"You ok?" Levi asked, with an affectionate tone in his voice as he waved his hand in front of my face, cutting off the vision that seemed so real.
Gotta Zayn.
"Sorry I think I was just daydreaming." I coughed, not believing the dirty thoughts that just started appearing on my mind.
Oh god! I need to stop! Where did that even come from? I'm such a nasty rat! Oh my god!
He threw me a subtly weirded out smile, making me cringe to myself. "Aw that's alright. I daydream all the time too." Levi chuckled, giving me an alluring smirk.
He told me about his trophies and medals one by one. Although I didn't care much for them. Listening to him speak really helped me notice how naturally seductive his English accent was, and he doesn't even try. His voice sounded very husky and deep which sent waves of pleasure to my ears with every word he spoke.
I can't.
As he prepared to talk about his next trophy a voice from behind the door suddenly appeared.
"Am I interrupting something?" Logan knocks, slowly entering the room.
"Oh no, you just came in the right time actually because I'm about to show her the trophy that I beat you to." Levi chuckled, raising up the trophy.
Levi and I laughed in unison, looking at Logan who was preparing to protect himself.
"Hey look, that was way, way, back when I was in the Stingrays, I've completely changed dude." Logan defended, walking towards us.
As Logan got closer, he extended his arms to give me a hug, immediately the strong smell of his sweet cologne hit me immediately catching me off guard.
I hugged him back, indulging the grip of his strong arms wrapped around me. Goddamn he's strong.
"How do you like the party so far?" Logan questioned, licking his lips as he glanced down at my shorts.
"It's pretty fun. I mean it's a great way to get to know you guys a little bit more." I threw him a small smile, looking back at him.
"Hey, hey, hey!" Suddenly a much more girly voice prepared to enter the room.
"Oh yea! Arielle this is my girlfriend, Kaitlyn." Logan smiles, grabbing the girl from her back.
"Hey Kaitlyn." I threw her a polite smile, someone as attractive as Logan would ofcourse have a girlfriend. I'm not complaining.
It just weirdly felt like he was single and I would be lying if I said I didn't feel slightly shocked to hear he was with someone. Maybe I just got mixed signals from him.
Kaitlyn wore a long pink fur coat which was undeniably eye catching, and I didn't know how to feel about it. She also wore heels that looked 6 inches high, how is her feet not hurting especially at a party like this?
"That's Kaitlyn Chanel Versace Von Gucci to you." Kaitlyn held her hand out, giving me a very obnoxious fake smile.
Hoe hold on.
I didn't know what to do, other than just shake her hand and look at her.
More like Kaitlyn Chanel Von Fuck You.
Just before the long pause could've extended any further, she spoke yet again. "I'm just kidding, no I'm not." She cackled. "I'm just really expensive you know? But I'm really humble believe me. I would never brag about my collection of custom handbags and my closet that probably costs more than everyone's life in this party." She grinned widely as I was still trying to understand this odd encounter.
Logan knew that my feelings about Kaitlyn instantly became negative, causing him to speak. "Oh well, we're gonna go get a drink, have fun at the party guys!" Logan bit his lip, holding Kaitlyn's hand to leave the room.
The second they left, I immediately turned towards Levi with a disgusted look. "Did she literally just name some rich brands as her last name?" I pursed my lips, looking at Levi as he placed his trophy back.
"Yea I don't like her. She slept with Dalton and Max and probably Logan too."
"Are you joking?" I whispered to him. "Well she is dating Logan and I understand that, but hopefully she doesn't sleep around. She could catch something."
"She does sleep around, trust me. I mean I don't care that much that she does, but what bothers me so much is that Kaitlyn is the devil incarnate. She's horribly manipulative, conniving, and just plain awful. It's pretty clear she just uses guys for sex and money. I don't like girls like that though." Levi looked at me with his sharp brown eyes.
I sighed, trying to forget about what just happened. "Well, what kind of girls are you into?" I asked, curious to what he will say.
I'm sneaky I know!
"Someone I can just never be bored with, you know? and someone who loves to do stuff I do. I just want her to be adventurous, funny, smart, and it's a heavy bonus if she likes swimming also." He winked, making my cheeks flush back at him.
"Wow, I'm pretty sure you'll find her someday." I beamed, not knowing what to say.
"Yea...hopefully." He sighed, looking at me with a distressed look. He was probably thinking I didn't get the hint that that girl he was talking about was me.
"Mhm." The room immediately fell silent as we both took a second to ourselves.
"What about you? What do you look for in a guy?" He asked, cutting off the awkward silence.
"I don't know, I think I'm Lesbian." I replied, having a serious tone in my voice. "Dicks to me kinda look like disturbing aliens, so yea." I tried not to laugh as I watched his face immediately flush.
"Wait seriously?" He anxiously asked, processing what I just said.
"Oh my gosh, no I was just kidding." I teased as I nudged his shoulder, making the both of us laugh. "Hey we should go back downstairs." I suggested, preparing to walk out the room.
Suddenly, I felt Levi's hand hold me back with a satisfyingly strong grip.