Bruce said, "She seems like a walking dream even to people your age. She's fifty years old, blonde, won the Miss Iowa beauty pageant some time ago. For a long time, was a model and swimsuit model, but then retired when her husband passed away for two years. She wasn't serious with anyone since a long marriage, two children, etc. Rita says she's always been gorgeous. I understand she is also financially independent, so she is not looking for a sugar daddy. Miss Iowa? I'm just a simple Joe. I am not suitable for the role of model or beauty queen. Is she a ditz dog? Is she a winning woman? "
" No, she was clearly a good businesswoman and now, like you, she spends part of her time working with local charities. She runs a multi-million dollar precinct for the company Windsor, known the world over for having some of the best models in the world. That's also who she modeled for. She has a good head on her shoulders. As for you, you are definitely a worthy person. In your own way, you are beautiful. It's not my cup of tea, but I can see why Mindy loves you and Edie might find you attractive. Mindy describes you with Rita as 'pretty pretty'. "
I laughed:" Before, I was everything. I was lost, lost, out of gas, retired, bored, lonely, and I didn't know what to say to him. I try to stay in shape. I thought about that for a while and asked, "Is she on the internet... maybe some porn site?" Bruce ignored my leprosy and said, “Look. He picked up his iPad and started smashing the screen. He muttered to himself as he typed in, "Name... Edie Emerson... oh wait, that's her married name." I heard on that call that it was Reed before. One minute passed.
Finally Bruce said, "Yes! Let's begin." He stopped and looked at the screen. "Hoooooly shit! Wow! I could definitely ditch Mindy for that girl. Look." He put his iPad in my hand.
I am speechless in front of the screen. Some of the photos are clearly dated, maybe two or three decades old, but... Edie Emerson in her twenties was an absolute. I think I've started drooling.
I groan. "I couldn't meet someone as beautiful as this, even though he's grown into an old woman since these pictures were taken. Look, there's a picture of her being crowned Miss State of the State. ." I pointed to an image in Google Images. “There was a man at a charity ball here in town; she is still very beautiful. My God.
Bruce said, "Scroll down the page. See if there are any newer plans."
Another hundred pictures rolled with many copies. "Damn it," I said, agreeing with Bruce. "Is this woman coming to dinner with me?" She must be stupid. She can have any man she wants. She is… the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I paused and then pointed to a modestly taken nude photo of Edie Reed. “God, she has no blemishes on her body. It's the most perfect example of femininity I've ever seen.
Bruce stared at the bare table, then tried to regain his composure, "You have all the more reason to come wipe her out." She will love you. You were made for each other. Hey, you take Mindy, and I'm gonna move out and babysit Edie.
I ignore his humor. " I'll come… but I'll be stunned by it all night. I bet I couldn't even say hello to her. I would babble and drool for her. "Only hit me in the back of the head when I have to make a noise. Don't let me drag my fingers on the floor."
Bruce studies another photo of Edie on his iPad. “I can be here with you.
I sat in the back seat behind Rita. Hank drives and flatly refuses to be drawn into the conversation between Rita and I about "Dating 55 ".
I spit in Rita's face: "You told me that the man you're setting me up for tonight is actually working for NASA... he helped launch objects into space and send a man up. the moon, and the like? "
" Yes, yes, although I don't think he personally made the first moon landing. Now he's retired. He does it all. those volunteering work for a couple of charities "
" But he's brilliant... and he had more than a thousand people report to him. My God, that's Big Boss. He's very important, and I'm just one person. He'll think I'm an idiot who can only do it by selling his body. have managed your dealership's southeast branch for the past twenty years in fourteen states. Jim is retired. He's not in those NASA things anymore. He's just a nice guy, and according to my friend Mindy, who you'll fall in love with, too, he's just as nervous about meeting you as you are about meeting him. Go with the flow. "
" What if he expected me to... do something? "
Rita laughs," He won't try to make love to you tonight in the middle of the living room rug, grab a glass of wine and look, even though I love that picture. "
" Nope. Is not. I mean, what if he asked me out on a date? And next Saturday night? then you give him your address and phone number, and offer him five and a half hours. Here, put this piece of paper in your pocket. I wrote down your important data that you will want to give him. I'll also give Mindy one in case he loses points, and I have some left over. explicitly set to meet someone. I wonder what percentage of blind days "clicks". I bet it's one in a million. At least we won't be alone. Mindy and her husband Bruce are the hosts, as are Rita and Hank already known to me. I just talked to them. Maybe this character Jim will leave me alone except to say hello. Again, there will only be six of us; we will have to discuss.
I have this image of a blind date as something only losers do. They can't go out on their own to meet someone of the opposite sex because they're ugly, have no personality, or are sexually perverts, and... and then I realized that this man that Jim could be thought I was a failure because I missed his blind date. I sit a little more upright. Damn, I hate that.
Hank announced from the front seat, "We're here. I stopped the car in front of a beautiful home in Florida. The three of us went out and walked home. Hank rang the doorbell, handing Bruce two bottles of wine. , a nice man who seemed bothered to help us get inside, and then lots of hugs and greetings.
Suddenly, another man appeared in the video game toward what I could see as the living room. He smiled at me. I immediately called him tall, dark, and handsome, so striking with his salt-and-pepper hair and casual attire. He looked so important, and I immediately understood why he was the leader of so many people in his career. He is full of importance, enthusiasm, grace, friendliness and know-how. I felt the butterflies in my stomach start to fly all at once. I think there were seconds when I couldn't breathe.
I watched when he was introduced to Hank and Rita. Then Mindy turned it towards me, and I thought I would melt into a puddle at that moment, I was so embarrassed. I need to pee. I know I blushed.
Mindy politely said, “Edie, this is our friend Jim. Jim. Edie.”
I saw the corner of her mouth twitch. He worried. I was worried. My hands were shaking and almost zero degrees, they were very cold, but I reached out to squeeze it and he took it. We held hands for a long time, but no one said anything. We keep looking at each other. It was really stupid, and I kept trying to think of something to say, and my mind went completely blank. My motor functions have stopped. I froze in my place, holding this man's hand as I found myself lost in those deep brown eyes that seemed to be absorbed in me. Chapter
"Hem!" Bruce, our host, caught Jim's and I's attention and suggested we all go into the living room for a glass of wine before dinner.
Jim and I stopped shaking hands. His hand was warm and soft. When we stopped touching each other, I felt lost as we went our separate ways. I followed Bruce into the living room, trying to reestablish contact with the brain's language centers so I could hopefully say something clever. I was wise to keep quiet for fear of babbling or making unintelligible sounds. Jim quietly followed us.
Bruce hands me an empty glass of wine, then hands me a Chardonnay or Merlot. I chose white wine; I worry that if my hands start to shake more, I will spill red wine on my skirts, furniture, and carpets. After filling my glass, he gestured to Jim who was standing next to me.
Jim said to his friend with a smile, "Chardonnay on the ice, please."
His voice is firm but friendly. He knows exactly what he wants. I feel very impressed with him. I kept glaring at him as Bruce served him. He takes a sip of the wine, clearly enjoying its quality, and it reminds me that I must do the same. The anxiety makes me want to finish the glass in two seconds, then do the same with two or three more until I feel a bit of courage rush in. look like a loser or a freaked out loser on a blind date. I think I laughed too much and showed my gums too much. Why am I so worried? I've met hundreds of others before and never did even when I was a teen pimp.
Mindy suggested we hang out, because sunsets are beautiful. There are layers of clouds, and the way the setting sun hits them turns them into different shades of pink and orange, then red and orange into a dark gray. The sunset seemed to rush towards the end as the six of us stood in their backyard. Hank is talking about sunsets and what makes them so beautiful.
I feel chills from the evening air as I stand with others and look up at the sky. I must have shivered, for suddenly a warm coat was draped over my shoulders. I turned around to see that Jim had taken off his coat and had several wrapped around my shoulders. How chivalrous he is. We hadn't spoken a dozen words yet, but he impressed me again. Jim just smiled sweetly at me and looked at the west sky again. I smiled back with my warmest eyes. I arrived at Bruce and Mindy's house about fifteen minutes before the others arrived. I am a hopeless case. My throat was dry, I couldn't speak, my knees pounded so hard I thought someone was going to complain about the noise, and I kept peeing.
Bruce pulls me into the backyard. “For God's sake, stay calm. Think about what worries you. "
" I am, and that worries me even more. This woman you invited Edie, she is an angel and a beauty queen, and here I am a devil in disguise. She'll think I'm the best in the state. "
" You just want to relax? She is human. She has been married for a long time, and that alone means she has developed some tolerance towards others. She runs a business that calls her to contact a lot of people. She is kind and well educated. He's your kind of guy. Think of her as... the woman who serves you coffee at Starbucks. It's the girl next door. "
" She won beauty contests! The Starbucks bartender is suspicious, has cherry teeth, has terminal acne, and has lost an ax match. Why did I let you invite me to this dinner? I asked rhetorically.
"Because you know we care about you and want to see you having fun instead of hibernating in the house like you usually do unless I take you away." We will not put you in danger. Bruce paused and asked, "If you were the person you think Edie wants to meet, how would you be?" "