Rose sighted them coming towards them. She scanned the area,the queen and her she - devils were no where to be seen.
"Erm Grace, so you were wondering who the student body president was right? ...
"Well you can finally place a face to the name. He is 1 minute behind you"
Rose smiled a knowing smile, like a star showing her most prized trophy.
Grace raises her head up the same time she gets up trying to pull her laptop out of her bag,
Then it happened .
Laptop and test books WHAMM on the ground
"Shit" was all that she muttered as she bent to pick up her things..."Oh sorry my goodness!!" she exclaimed. mum said not to swear. she bites her lower lip.
In less than a minute, a figure bents ,joining and helping her pick her scattered books.
'Aren't you the clumsy one?"
He chuckled under his breath.
" Thank you so am sorry what??"
Grace said not staring at the figure, gathering the books in her arms.they both reached for the laptop thesame time; fingers touching, energy sparked ,they withdraw their hands immediately. Eyes meeting, eyes lingering for a brief few seconds. Grace drops her eyes and grabs her laptop and staggers up, wavering abit ..her legs felt cramped.
"Woah! !! Let me help you with that"
he steadies her and takes her books away from her and places it on the stoned table in the love garden.
Grace felt uneasy. She bent to pick up her pen that slipped, "I am sorry---''
Anthony made to straighten up, he felt quite the gentleman,
'Thank yo--"
"You wel---"
His head was throbbing but he pitied hers, and with a reflex action he grabs her with one hand holding her waist pulling her close, the other hand he placed flat on her forehead and kept rubbing it in to stop her forehead from swelling and throbbing thesame time.
The way she squeezed her eyes shut from the pain and held on to his hands made him smile, forgetting his pains already .
"clumsy girl" he muttered .
**** Somewhere close by ****
Sandra taps Bunmi and pointed, her eyes grew larger than its sockets. Bunmi turns drinking a coke, chocked on it spilling some on her dress as her eyes rested on the scene unfolding.
Victoria walked out of the cafeteria,speaking on the phone, she stops infront of them, a puzzled expression on her face ...
'What's the matter with both of you???"
Sandra and Bunmi exchanges looks then points .Victoria follows the direction of their fingers ,when her eyes rested on them, her expression grew from one of shock , to disbelieve ,to anger and then to something dark.
From the distance it looked as though Grace and Anthony were enjoying a lover's embrace and breaths away from kissing.
She began moving towards them, her sidekicks followed behind. it felt as though the students stood still ,waiting to see what would happen. they pathed the way as she passed,holding their breaths,anticipating the showdown that is inevitable when it came to Victoria and her most priced possession 'Anthony the handsome ". Their silent whispering weren't lost on Victoria..
"isn't that Anthony and Grace?"
"Why is he holding on to her??"
"Grace ' s eyes are closed"
"Oh my God!! Is he about to kiss her!!"
"Isn't that the new girl come she and Anthony are already chitchat ting. ?"
"Victoria is coming. ..
"Victoria is coming..
"look, look..Victoria is about to ruin that perfect moment.
"ohhh my word!!!"
The side talks bounced off Victoria's shoulders like a ball. The granite that had become her face made her look even more scary.
It was thesame thought playing over everyone's mind as Victoria stormed passed them..eyes following her...while her two ''minimes'' tagged behind...''
Everyone knew..without saying...."the new girl can't be saved!!".
Rose saw her coming, only too late . James couldn't stop her, he was inches too far from her . Anthony didn't see her, he was looking at Grace and wondering how such a pretty girl be clumsy . And Grace was oblivious of the events unfolding , her eyes were closed and her head was throbbing.
But everything changed as soon as she felt someone forcefully turn her. It happened faster than a blink of an eye.
"Hi am Victoria "
*WHAMM!!! *
Grace's face burned, hot tears stung her eyes and she saw stars ..her vision blurred, she staggered slightly, her hands went to her face. Her ears began to ring bells, And the exclamation of the tiny crowd didn't help matters either.
'And that's my man" Victoria emphasised.
Grace saw the hands coming again, but she was pulled away into waiting arms as the hand was caught in midair by another hand , cutting the slap.