Grace watched them talk , they sat at the round table in the university conference room. she in the middle while a panel of six professors and the dean stared at her, her documents and files open before them.
"Grace Micheals, you must understand why we called you here. We hope you would rethink your decision. You are one of our bright students. And it would be regrettable to lose you. You have great potential for a distinctive student and we would love to retain you here after your degree. You are something rare and rare finds should be kept close."
Grace stared at the Dean. something about his glasses always sitting on his nose and the look on his face always wanted to make her laugh. but she bit her lower lip instead. she was tired. They have been at this for a week.
She had no choice. They were relocating and she was an only child. She goes where her mother goes. No arguments. This was their second move in two years. And she hopes this was their last.
"Are you sure there is nothing we can say or do to convince your mother to let you stay in Lagos and finish your education. ??" Her Sociology professor asked. He had grown quite fond of her. He said she reminded him of his daughter.
"I am sorry, but this is what I and my mother wants. She truly appreciates your support and care but we would love to have the transfer scripts So I can further my education in Port Harcourt ".
Grace replied . she hoped they would sign it . She hated the move already but the longer they talked about it the annoying it got. And the more nostalgic she would feel.
She watched as each of them stared at each other and with a sigh of resignation ,authorised the transfer and signed it. Giving her a copy, taking one for themselves and one to be transferred with her transcripts to her new school.
"We wish you success in your future endeavours and we hope you soar high. We would email your transcripts to your new school so they are aware of your transfer. Have a good day Miss Grace Micheals. You are dismissed." he shifted his glasses again .
Graced thanked them and excused herself. Closing the door faintly behind her. The breeze kissed her soft chicks while she sucked in and expelled air.
They were angry she is leaving? what about her. She was the one being tossed here and there . who should be more pained? she sighed shaking the thoughts out of her head.
She checked her time...and then began running. She needed to pack.
.......***The Next Day***.......
She stood beside her mother as they sang "amazing grace" before the close of early morning mass. Then the thunderous clapping which ushered in "The Lord's prayer ". The service ended.
It was getting late. The drive to Port Harcourt was going to be long. But her mother likes to greet and meet and discuss things in the wrongest of times. She bites her lower lip as she waited for her. A habit she began as a child when she was nervous, uncomfortable or annoyed.
Her mother came outside , a smile breaking across her face. .
"Sorry my baby. Let's go "
"No worries mother. I hate to drag you away from your friends but We do have to get going. And you know how I hate first days of school? And I don't intend to look cranky too." They got to their car, and the driver pulled away,heading into the street.
'You are a transfer student from Lagos. You should be used to the school environs by now Darlyn. It doesn't matter if you are relocating again. Anyhow I had to tell them goodbye. I trust you didn't forget anything. its a long drive back to Lagos and I won't be gracing the seat with you " Her mother stared at her. those looks that grace felt was staring into her soul.
Grace shook her head,indicating a no. She brought out her laptop , glad she remembered to charge it during the night. She clicked on her wordpress app and then began typing on her writing pad... "Journeying into the heart of yet another crowded city.." she prided her self of being a gossip blogger one day, writing about celebrities life ,journeys and publishing her memoirs.
****The Next Day In Port Harcourt****
Victoria rolled off the bed , strolling to her window naked,stretching. Leaving the snoring figure behind .
It was 9: 15. She sighed. The hangover from the night before making her weigh a ton. she dragged herself lazily to the bathroom. She was in no hurry to get to class.
'Better late than never " she mused as she strolled back to bed, bathed and fully dressed,kicking the stranger awake.
'Get out. i am heading to class'" . He rolled off the bed, as she helped him up, stacking his cloths to his chest and nudged him out the door with her..
'Can I call you??" His smelled of alcohol and overnight breath, his eyes groggy from sleep and hangover.
"Argh hell no!!"
She turned her face away not to inhale his bad breath, pushing him . Locks her door and didn't spare him a glance as she walked out of her apartment and into her car . Forgetting the dude immediately; One of the many faceless men she had and didn't bother knowing their name. Her radio on full blast as Katy Perry 's "Roar" graced the streets. The drive from her residence to Abuja campus in Uniport was a 10 minutes drive. Her class was well under swing.
She strolled in as Mr Bamidele was lecturing on social inequality . Eyes followed her.
" Young lady, how dare you walk into my class by this time?? Infact see me in my office after this class. Nonsense! !"
He scolded her and adjusted his glasses. Victoria nodded . A mischievous smile on her face . A sullen look of some of her course mates who pitied her, some who desired her, others who feared her and an equally mischievous glint of the eyes of the few who knew her.
"Sorry sir. Yes sir!"
She said as she grabbed her seat. Sandra and Bunmi, her sidekicks hail her silently . Then the class went quiet and lectures resumed. She knew he was bark and no bite. Another rendezvous in his office would leave him drooling after her.
Their deal was simple. ." He gives her good grades and she caresses his libido' . The rest was just for show.