'Don't you dare it again Victoria? Don't you dare!!!! "...Anthony threatened through clenched teeth, his veins popped out. He tightened his hold on her hand until he saw her wince in pain, he let her go and nudged her out of the way, pulling Grace away with him. He was trained never to hit a woman. His blood boiled. But today he wished he could break a few rules.
Rose burned with anger. She made for Victoria but James pulled her away just in time and gathers Grace's things and heads out after Anthony.
Sandra and Bunmi gasped ..
'How dare he defend that ...that bitch,?"
'How dare he walk away with her? "
They both interjected.
Victoria watched them leave, her fist clenched. Her expression was unreadable.
'No! How dare her !"
"Hasn't anyone told Lil Gracey about me yet? ?...She laughed
"I think I need to reintroduce myself . And brief her on why nobody goes close to Anthony except me; because he is mine. Whoever does get burnt, newbies aren't exempted, especially after this ".
"Oh Anthony, things I could do for you!!... She stares until they disappeared behind the Ps block. she turned and walked the other way. oblivious of the stares and points and expressions of people. She really didn't care. She had thoughts running in her mind. Bad thoughts..very painful for whom it may concern.
"What should we do to Lil Gracey??"....She spoke more to herself than to the girls . . They chirped in suggestions but Victoria wasn't listening ...
She kept walking, while her sidekicks hooped behind her.
"I knew I wasn't going to like you from the very start Grace, now I have every reason to deal with you and enjoy it.". A smile danced at the corner of her mouth.
"You have no idea what am capable of Gracey. You have no idea".
Sandra and Bunmi exchanged looks. They knew how the story would end.
A poor girl gets badly hurt and Victoria becomes happy. Victoria always has to be happy. She is queen after all.
They followed her quietly. Things were going to get hotter in school.
The cold ice to her face caused her to jerk up and exclaim ..,
"Owww!!" She hits his hands away,
"Ssshh sit still and relax. It's to bring down the swelling. And the redness. " he cautioned. He marveled at the sensitivity of her skin. And at the softness. Grace stilled. But her mouth didn't.
"It's your fault am nursing a headache and a slap all within five minutes " she thinned her lips, shutting her eyes as water dripped from the ice, crawling down her face
"Am sorry. " was all that he could say.
He hasn't for the life of him ever wanted to hit a girl so bad. How dare Victoria.
"It's fine. Am good I can take it from here. I don't want your girlfriend coming back to me a second time to hit me. I don't want any trouble " she removed his hand from her face.
He stiffened. "Victoria isn't my girlfriend. And am really sorry. And it won't happen again. I promise " He reassured her.
Grace was silent. Then she nodded, but she knew without saying it that Anthony was trouble and what Rose said was true...."Victoria was the devil" she had to make sure she stays clear of both of them. She came here to study not to be a punching bag for a girl who is hung over a boy who is apparently uninterested in her. But that wasn't her business. .
"Whatever!!" She finally said.
Anthony felt guilty. He didn't know what else to say. He wanted to make her feel better atleast so he said the first thing that came to his mind.
"Let me make it up to you atleast. I feel bad. " He pleaded. He should just get up now and leave. But he didn't want their first meeting to end on a bad memory. She intrigued him.
Grace shook her head.."Hell No!!"
He must be mad to think she would hang around with him after this.. she eyed him like he was a strange creature. Another slap isn't what she desired in the near future. Was everyone mad in Uniport? ? She wondered.
"Hey!! Grace relax. I just want to buy you a drink!"
"I don't drink" she cuts in
"Er well. Okay. How about water ?"
What the hell was that Anthony ?? He thought to himself, his subconscious self was shaking his head in embarrassment ..He tried again. ..
"Or..or we could just have suya or something. Please ....???" He had to try. There was something about her. They couldn't stop talking just because a random girl he detests was jealous. He needs to take care of Victoria and her jealous feats. She needed to stay away from him, and Grace. Especially Grace.