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It was strange being with him when a few days ago I was bawling my eyes because of him. He was watching me as I looked around the aisles, regularly checking each outfit. He hasn't said much during our time together and I found that irritating strangely. I expected him to say something, apologise or give me a compliment. I wasn't being selfish, or conceited, I just wanted him to say something good. Perhaps it was because I wanted to tell him to forget what I said, so we could be together.

But I couldn't. Not after what he had done.

I grabbed the clothes that I had chosen out, going towards the changing rooms. You can never know is something is good on you or not unless you try it. I stood in the queue, glancing at my watch. An hour hadn't even passed yet. I sighed, turning to face him only to see a young girl with her two friends. I immediately turned back around. Where was he?

Not bothering to look for him, I took my key, going to the designated changing room. I pulled back the curtain to see Vincenzo on the phone.

How fudging convenient.

He looked at me in surprise, saying a few things in Italian before hanging up. "What are you doing in here?" I asked, confused and surprised. "What everyone does in here." I wasn't buying it. I always did know when Vincenzo was lying, he would look anywhere but my eyes. He hated lying so why was the doing it? I didn't comment on it though.

I decided not to try on the clothes. I was about to leave when he grabbed my arm, smirking. "Remember the last time we were in one of these?" I blushed, looking away. Once, I asked Vincenzo to see if the outfits looked good on me, so he went with me in the dressing room. We almost had sex that day.

"Let's just go. I'm hungry." I didn't give him a chance to say anything else. I dumped the clothes back where they belonged quickly, saving the workers extra work then left the shop, going to Subway.

I ordered a sandwich before grabbing it and sitting down in the corner. When Vincenzo finally caught up with me, he sat opposite me, watching me eat. I paused, swallowing. "Aren't you going to get anything? Are you not hungry?" I curiously asked. How could someone watch another person eat and not get hungry?

He shrugged, giving me a small smirk, "hungry for you." I choked, grabbing my water and gulping it down. Dirty prick.

"Plus I like the way you eat."

Cause that's not freaky at all.

I nodded, slowly. I placed my sandwich down, sighing. "Vincenzo, I have a feeling you brought me here today because you wanted something." He sat stopped slouching on his chair, sitting up straight and tucking in his chair before placing his hands on the table, clasping them together. My ex shook his head, "no. Why would you think that?"

I gave him a 'really' look and scoffed quietly. "There is something." I raised an eyebrow, my face softening in curiously. "I want you to work for me." Well, I wasn't expecting that. I looked at him surprise, "Vincenzo. . ." I started, giving him a sympathies look as I was about to refuse.

"So it's one hundred per hour."

I gaped at him. One hundred per hour? I really needed a job, and Faith couldn't pay all of the rent. As stupid as I was I replied by saying, "I don't want stolen money." He chuckled, leaning back on his chair. "I had a feeling you would say that." He knew me too well. "It's not dirty money, Mia. I earned it."

I couldn't help but snap, "how?"

"I do have my own business, Mia. It doesn't all involve the mafia," he said in a low voice. I bit my lip, unsure. "You need a job. I've seen you-"

"What?" I interrupted, folding my arms. Was he spying on me?

"Yes, I have been checking on you from time to time," Vincenzo casually said, brushing it off. "Vincen-"

"Listen," he said, his voice husky. "You can be my personal maid. My secretary. Clean my room, cook me food. Tell me my appointments. All that stuff." I scoffed, taking a bite of my delicious sandwich that was going cold.

"You want me to be some kind of mistress?" I asked, starting to get angry. He rolled his eyes, groaning. "No, listen to me, woman!" He sighed, raking a hand through his hair. "Dio è più difficile di quanto pensassi!" {God, this is harder than I thought}.

I didn't understand what he had just said, but listened.

"Just be my maid. I'm not trying to bring our relationship in this. You need a job. I'm helping you." I studied his face. He looked as though he was genuinely trying to be kind. His face was soft, desperate and tired. I wanted to kiss his sadness away, but I couldn't.

I pondered. I did need a job. Badly. But working with my ex? How crazy would that be? He was in the mafia for pete's sake! I would be working with a criminal, a gang leader. But I needed money or I'd be on the streets in a few months.

"Okay. I'll do it."

The man grinned, sitting up straight. "One thing." I nodded, listening and hoping I wasn't going to regret this decision. "Doing this job would mean leaving this place and going to live away." I swallowed, thinking. Would I? Should I? Money. It's all about money.

"Would I still be in the country?" I asked, hopeful. He nodded, waiting for an answer. I groaned, leaning back, stretching a little. "Yes. Okay." My ex's smile grew bigger. I always loved it when Vincenzo smiled. It was a lovely sight to see.

"We leave now."

"But my sandwich!" I protested as he pulled me up gently. "I'll buy you a new one." Vincenzo led me out Subway, taking me into the car park. Questions flooded my mind but I had to push them away. I didn't need negativity, I needed money. "What about my clothes? My stuff? Don't I have to pack?" He shook his head, walking quickly.

"It will all be there ready for you, besides," he said, glancing at me. "You won't need most of it." We stood outside of a large, black Range Rover. I looked at him, waiting for him to open the door. "Sorry, mia cara." I started at him in confusion. "No one can know of our whereabouts." I was about to reply when I felt a prick in my neck.

Black dots covered my vision, pulling me into a dark abyss.

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