Mia Feather couldn't help but fall in love with one of the most biggest Mafia leaders, Vincenzo Rossi. She was kind, swe...
I pulled up my jeans, tucking in my white shirt. I turned my head around to catch eyes with my handsome lover. "How can I not stare?" He smirked, licking his lips slowly. I giggled, shaking my head. I walked over to where he lay on our king sized bed and leaned over him to kiss his cheek only to be pulled onto the bed as I squealed while he trapped me under him. I stared into his mesmerising hazel eyes, "Vincenzo! I have to go meet your brother, remember?" He groaned, burying his head in my neck. "Idiota fastidiosa!" I rolled my eyes, stroking his hair gently.
"I may not understand everything you say but I do know you shouldn't call your brother an annoying idiot," I scolded, attempting to escape from his trap. He huffed in my neck, kissing it. "Let me go, Vince! I'm already late!"
"No, no. I want you all to myself," Vincenzo seductively said, his hands ran down to my hips, playing with the button of my jeans. I licked my lips, smiling. "Maybe if you're lucky you'll get some of me on our wedding night." He paused, caressing my cheek, "why not now?" He quietly asked, gently pressing his body against me. I thought for a moment before saying, "it'll be worth the wait now let me go, before Dante comes barging into here wondering why I'm so late."
He pecked my lips before releasing me, giving me a small slap on my butt on my way out of the room.
Me and Vincenzo had been dating for a year and he had been my fiancé for three weeks. I was so in love with him and was happy to spend the rest of my life with him. I knew he was involved in a dark business. He was part of the mafia and as crazy as it sounded I accepted it as who his was and moved on from that. From time to time we had arguments due to that but my love for him never ended.
I walked outside to see Dante leaning against his black SUV, talking to someone through his phone. Dante was Vincenzo's brother and was silly, ridiculous and a pervert. He was two years younger than his Vincenzo and acted like a child. They had another brother named Leonardo who lived away with his wife and two kids. As you could guess they were also in the mafia and were all Italian.
Dante noticed me and hanged up his phone call before giving me a goofy grin. "I was starting to wonder if you were actually going to come." I smiled back about to give my excuse before he interrupted me saying, "no need for excuses, your neck already told me." I hand flew to my neck as I widen my eyes in surprise.
Dammit, Vincenzo!
"Let's just get this day over and done with, I've got the shopping list right here!" I said, changing the subject. I opened the car door and sitting down in the passenger seat.
I yawned dragging myself towards the house, holding handfuls of food filled shopping bags in my small hands. "You sure you don't need any help?" Dante asked me yet again. I rolled my eyes heaving slightly. "Since you won't stop asking you can unpack while I see what your brother's up to. He hasn't been answering any of my texts."
He grabbed most of the shopping bags from my hands and pushing the front door open. We placed all the bags onto the island of the kitchen. "I'll be just be a moment," I told him, walking up the stairs. "Sure you will!" I heard him call behind me as I chuckled at his comment.
I made my way to his office, twisting the door knob open and stepping in.
I gasped at the sight in front of me. My hand covered my mouth as I blinked multiple times to attempt to keep the tears threatening to burst out in but failed miserably as I choked back a sob. His eyes had widened at the sight of me as he pushed the brunette haired woman off his lap and fiddled with his pants as he pulled them up. "Mia cara, I swear this isn't what you think!"
I struggled to speak as I stared at him with sadness in my eyes. "How could you?" I whispered, my hands now limply by my sides. "How could you!" I exclaimed, looking at him in pain as he walked towards me. I ran down the stairs, Dante staring at me in confusion. "What's going on?" He asked.
I felt Vincenzo's hand pull me back. I screamed, yelling at him to let me go, ignoring his pleads to let me hear him out. I was crying hysterically, taking in short breaths as I began to have a panic attack. Dante was yelling at his brother to let me go but he continued to beg me to listen go him. I managed to pull myself out of his grip, running out of the front door and going towards my car. I heard him call after me as Dante was holding him back. I turned around, staring at him in disbelief.
I gazed at my diamond ring on my left hand before sliding it off and throwing it towards him before going into my sliver car and driving away, not looking back.
"I need to find her, Dante!" I exclaimed, taking a swing of my beer again. My brother huffed, folding his arms and leaning on the doorframe. "Even if you did, it's not like she's going to jump back into your arms and kiss you," he replied bluntly, "she probably has her own life now. What if she's dating someone?"
I growled that last comment. Dante raised his hands in surrender. I glared at him for a bit before looking away. "I miss her," I admitted, sighing. "So, so much." I hated how my voice sounded, it was soft, sad.
I missed my fiancée. She was beautiful. Extremely long curly hair, flawless skin, perfect curves. She was sexy, she had kissable pink lips, a round perfect sized butt, C cup breasts, a kind smile. She had bright, hypnotising eyes. God, the woman was perfect. She was kind, sweet, clumsy and funny. She always saw the best in people, her face could brighten my entire day. All she saw was good in me when I did horrible things.
I loved her so much and I still did. I was hoping, praying she was okay. I never forgave myself for what I had done to her. What was wrong with me that day? I saw Bianca and all I wanted was her. I was suddenly attracted to her and I didn't know why.
Mia and I never had sex. She was a virgin. I loved that. I loved how innocent and sweet she was. Yes, at times she could be naive but I loved that. She wanted to wait until our wedding day, she told me it would be special. I would sometimes try and persuade her to sleep with me earlier but she never gave in. She was determined.
We were to be married in a church then have a honeymoon in Italy, my country. Mia was semi religious and sort of believed in purity for marriage. She was always so kind and wanting to reform me.
Why? Why did I hurt my precious love?
I hated myself so much.
I needed to find her, I needed to win her back. I loved her, I wasn't going to let her go.
I walked into the bar, sitting on one of the stools opposite my friend, Faith. She smiled at me, "hey." Faith had purple pastel dyed hair, she was beautiful with green eyes and freckles. She had been my friend for around two years and we were extremely close.
I gave her a short hug. "I'm so tired!" I complained, clicking my back. Faith scrunched her face at the noise, "I'm not surprised the way you partied last night." I rolled my eyes, giving her a playful shove. "Yeah, yeah. How's Ty?" Ty was Faith's on and off boyfriend. They constantly had fights but always made up in a bed.
She huffed at the name, "the little prick was talking to this girl all night. I practically had to drag him home!" I chuckled, shaking my head. "Then he pissed me off even more by eating my yoghurt. My yoghurt!" I honestly had no idea why they were still dating. I thought it was just for fun. They fought for the most silliest of reasons.
"Have you ordered yet?" I asked, she shook her head. I called the bartender over and asked for an orange juice for me and some alcohol for Faith. "I still don't understand why you don't drink." I replied by saying, "drinking kills you." Faith huffed, "orange juice kills fun."
"You can have fun without alcohol," I said, paying the bartender and taking a sip. Faith let out a laugh, "define fun with no alcohol." I rolled my eyes, "alright then," I started, "why do people drink so much on New Years and Christmas? Don't they want to remember how it was?" Faith laughed, shaking her head, "that's the fun part, not remembering!"
"Har, har."
"There's another party tonight!" Faith told me, squealing. "We are so going!" I shook my head, "no, no. I'm exhausted. Plus we went to one yesterday. Why do you keep dragging me?" Faith chuckled, "cause. You need to get over that ex of yours." I groaned. I didn't want to have this conversation again.
Three years ago, my fiancé cheated on me. I was so hurt and broken for a long time. I tried going on dates with other guys but none of them seemed to please me. I was scared to get my heart broken again.
I checked my watch. "Shoot, I've got to go, I'm going to be late for my interview!" I quickly drank my orange juice, giving Faith a quick hug before jogging out the bar. "Good luck!" I heard her yell behind me. I thanked her back.
I took the public transport because I didn't have a car anymore. I finally came to Russo Enterprises fifteen minutes later. I was five minutes late.
I dashed to the front desk, passing people with suits and briefcases.
There was a woman sat there. She was blonde with brown eyes. She was wearing a pant suit that showed off her curves and cleavage.
I got to the desk, panting slightly. "Hi," I greeted her, giving her a bright smile. "I'm Mia Feather, I'm here to see Mr. . ." I glanced at my phone. "Mr Russo?" I asked, unsure.
She gave me a glare, pointing to the phone which she was holding. "Yeah, yeah. He was like-so hot. . . no way!" I gave her a what-the-hell look. This woman was wasting my time. I glanced at the clock, six minutes late. "Lady, I'm going to be really late if you don't tell me where Mr Russo is." She rolled her eyes, continuing to talk.
"Excuse me?" I snapped, waiting for her to stop. She huffed, "I'll call you later, Fallon. Some cheap looking lady is harassing me." I raised an eyebrow at the comment that I chose to ignore. I scoffed. She groaned, "what?"
I cleared my throat. "Like I said, I'm here to see Mr Russo." She sighed, "take the elevator to the top floor, there's only five rooms up there. You'll see his name on a door." I rolled my eyes at her, moving to the elevator and going in it. Alone.
I was nervous, it was an interview for a cleaning job. I needed this job badly, the bills weren't going to pay themselves. I pressed number 22, the highest floor. The elevator pinged to tell me we were here. I walked out, going down a quiet corridor, I stopped when I saw the name, Mr Russo, CEO.
I hesitated before knocking on the door twice. There was no answer for a short moment before a deep voice said, "Come in."
I swallowed before inhaling deeply and pushing the door open. It was an office, a very tidy one. There was a dark bookcase, a few shelves, white wall paper, tan carpet, some filing cabinets and a desk. There was a tall black leather desk chair, there sat a man with a thick, black beard and black hair. "Mr Russo?" I began, feeling nervous.
"You are almost ten minutes late. Want to explain yourself?"
I gulped at the harsh tone of his voice. "Sir." I started, taking a seat in front of the desk. "I apologise for my lateness but it wasn't entirely my fault. Your receptionist.-" he interrupted me again. "Mia Feather? Is that your name?" His voice was foreign. "Yes, it is." I bit my lip.
"Nice name."
I thanked him, feeling awkward. He started the interview by asking me a few questions: where I was from, how many jobs I had done, what were my qualities. It seemed to be going well.
In the middle of me answering a question, his phone rang. He apologised before answering. He didn't say anything but kept his eyes trained on me. He murmured a few words that I couldn't hear before hanging up the phone.
"Mia?" I looked up, "yes sir?"
"You may leave."
I stared at him in shock, "but sir I haven't finished-" he gave me a glare which I didn't like, "get out." I did as I was told, grabbing my bag before leaving the room. I stood outside the elevator, waiting for it. I was confused. Was I fired before I had even started?
Had I said something wrong? Or was it that mysterious phone call? I shook the thoughts away, going into the elevator which had two people in it. They were holding hands so I was assuming they were together. As I stood, watching for my stop. They were quietly talking, giggling and kissing.
I looked away. It reminded me too much of how I used to be with my ex. I sighed at the thought of him.
I finally came out the elevator, unlocking my phone and about to call Faith when I bumped into someone, dropping my phone. I looked up to see a blonde haired guy. "I'm so sorry!" I said, he picked up my phone smiling. "It's okay, it's not everyday you bump into a pretty woman." I blushed as he passed me my phone. "Thank you," I replied, smiling.
"I'm Harry," he said, extending his hand. I took it, shaking it politely, "Mia. Nice to meet you." He smiled, his white teeth showing. "Do you work here?" He asked, seeming interested. I shook my head, "I was here for an interview," I responded, "but I don't think it went very well."
He chuckled, "that bad, huh?" I nodded, "he told me to get out."
"Was your interviewer Mr Russo?" Harry asked. I nodded again, "yeah."
"Do you work here?" I asked, curiously. I assumed he did because he was wearing a suit and holding a briefcase. "Yes. I'm the COO's right hand man." I nodded at him, "nice," I said.
"I'm actually on my break now, do you wanna grab a coffee sometime?" Harry asked, his eyes hopeful. I couldn't refuse so I said yes. We exchanged numbers and said goodbye. I called Faith, telling her about my day. She was overexcited and kept telling me to call him.
Once I had gotten home I was exhausted. I was roommates with Faith. She kept bugging me about Harry and explaining her messed up plan on revenge on Mr Russo. I ate pizza with her, watching some old soaps then went to sleep, regaining energy for the next day.