I rubbed my nose, sighing. "Lorenzo, show me camera six." He did as I demanded and the screen showed me my beautiful ex. She was at work, wiping the tables that people had eaten off.
My princess shouldn't have to wipe after people. She shouldn't even have to work.
"Sir," I turned to see Alessandro holding a few files. "Yes?" I snapped, irritated already. "I got you a meeting with the head of The Coffee Shop." I grinned, putting my beer down.
"Great." I rubbed my hands together before snapping my fingers, making Alessandro leave my office.
I watched as she handed out drinks to a small family. She had her hair in a ponytail and was wearing uniform, a brown dress that stopped at her knee.
I wasn't going to let her go that easily. That day in the cafe, I cried like a fucking pussy for her. I needed her and I was going to get her one way for another.
"Not long now, amore mio," I murmured, "not long at all."
-Mia- {two days later}
Dammit. That was the word that constantly floated around my head. Ever since I saw Vincenzo I longed for him, his touch, his love. I just had to get myself over him. Time without him would do me good. I would soon be over him.
I hadn't been out in a while and work that day. Faith was pushing me to try and go out but I wasn't talking to her at that time. She, Ellie and Veronica planned to get me drunk. What they didn't know was that Harry was also trying to get me drunk, to get in my pants. Speaking of him, I deleted his number and blocked him. I never wanted to see that man again.
I made an oath to myself that I would not ever go to a club again.
I didn't feel like going out but I knew I had to. I dragged myself off the couch, going into the shower. Once I had finished I wore my usual work dress and slipped on some ballet flats.
I grabbed my coat then waltzed into the kitchen, grabbing two milk brioche rolls. I walked out, bumping into Faith. "Sorry," I murmured, about to leave when she said my name. "I'm sorry," she said, her face melancholy. "I should of never of tried to make you drunk or interfered with your love life. I wasn't thinking straight, I was just trying to be a good friend but I wasn't. I'm sorry, Mia."
I walked over and hugged her, "you were only trying to help me. I get it." I pulled away and smiled at her and she returned the gesture. "Let's go to work. I'll explain what's been going on on the way." We walked out the apartment together, locking the door behind us.
We linked arms, laughing at a joke Faith made. Once we were on the bus I explained everything to Faith. She hugged me and apologised how she wasn't there for me.
I lifted my head off the window. "It's okay," I sighed, shaking my head. "I just. . .I miss him, Faith. I keep telling myself that I'll get over him but I don't think I will." Faith nodded, listening. "Love doesn't go away with a snap of your fingers. It takes time, Mia." I nodded slowly at her words.
We got off at our stop and walked into our work, The Coffee Shop. Once we got in we were greeted by our employees as we wore our aprons. We helped open up. Once we were done tidying the place up a bit, I turned over the sign from closed to open. It was time for the customers to come.
-Vincenzo- {Two days earlier}
"Mr Lee," I started, giving him a short smile, "Nice to meet you." I extended a hand and he shook it, nervously glancing between me and my two bodyguards.
Mason Lee was obese. His suit barely fit him and looked as though it was about to explode. He was breathing heavily due to this and he went and sat on his seat, gesturing for me to sit also.
"I'm here because I want to you fire Mia Feather."
He stared at me in shock, his chubby face lifting. "Wh-what?" I chuckled, sitting upright. "It's simple. Fire her." Mason glanced between me and my bodyguards again. "What is this?" He asked, his face confused. "Just do as I ask, Mr Lee and there'll be no problems."
He shook his head, his cheeks wobbling. "No. No I won't you aren't my boss. Only my boss can tell me who I get to fire." The man was now testing my patience. My face was now hard, my jaw clenching. "I'm the boss now. And I'm telling you to fire her."
He scoffed, pointing at the door. "There's the door, you know your way out."
That's when I snapped.
I clicked my fingers and my guards, Ricardo and Antonio, stormed out to him, grabbing his arms and pulling them back as he struggled in their grasp.
I pulled out my gun from the back of of my trousers, pressing it against Mason's head. He gasped, beginning to whimper pathetically. Guess his thoughts were different with a gun to his head. "Please. .don't. I have children! My wife-" I groaned, not wanting to hear this pathetic statement again. I heard it enough with my other victims.
"Well, I'll guess she'll be a widow now and your children will die a cold lonely death without you."
He whimpered, begging to cry. I rolled my eyes. "You, Mr Lee are going to fire Mia Feathers. You are going to tell her some sob story on why she had to be fired. You aren't going to tell anyone what has happened today. If you do Mr Mason Lee, you can forget seeing your wife Lisa and your sons, Peter and Kieran, who live at 24 Melbourne Street, ever again."
Mason whimpered, nodding. I put the gun away. Smiling at him then adjusting my suit. "Nice doing business with you Mr Lee. Hope to see you soon." On my way out I turned and said, "and don't even try the security cameras. I took them down. You have a week."
I sighed, pushing the bread into the oven then closing it. Today had been a long day. The coffee house was extremely packed earlier and had gotten quieter later on. Most people come in the morning to get a coffee for work, some at lunch but less by the evening. People wanted meals then.
I touched the necklace hanging round my neck. It was a real diamond heart opened to reveal a picture of me and Vincenzo. I groaned at myself. Why was I still wearing it? I kept it under my shirt all the time so no one would see. I unclasped it around my neck then placed it in my bag pocket, zipping it shut.
I walked out the kitchen, picking up a tray of food out my way out. I walked over to table five which had a group of men, laughing while drinking their coffees. "Here you go," I kindly said, giving them each their order, I lifted my pen and paper. "Anything else?" I asked, helpfully.
"Yeah," the ginger one said, "can I have a side plate of you?" I blushed, shaking my head. "Sorry, I'm taken. Even if I wasn't, I still wouldn't consider you." The men whooped at my little lie, slapping their friend on the back. "But don't worry," I said, smiling, "one day you'll find a girl perfect for you."
I left, about to go into the kitchen when I heard Angela, a worker, call my name. I turned smiling, "what's up?" She came up to me, "Mason wants you to go to his office." I was shocked, "okay . ." I thanked her wearily before walking in the direction of his office.
I started to wonder if I had done something wrong but told myself not to worry. I was a good employee, I knew that. I knocked on the door and he answered with saying, 'come in." I slowly pushed the door open smiling at my boss. "Hello, Mr Lee." My boss was short and plump, he was kind and funny and always treated us well with respect. "Mia. .I've told you, call me Mason." I nodded, closing the door behind me.
"Did you want to see me?" I asked, taking a seat. He nodded, sitting upright and closing his laptop. He took off his glasses, giving me a sad look. "Mia I have to let you go."
Well, I'm screwed.
"The company," he started, sighing. "They want me to fire you. I'm not sure why, I'm only the manager of this place. I'm so sorry."
I gave him a weak smile, taking the news in. I was being fired, let go. I frowned slightly. "Mr- Mason, please . . is there any way you can talk to them? I-I really need this job." Mason shook his head, "I'm sorry, Mia. I've tried convincing them to let you say but they are keen on this decision." I nodded politely.
I cleared my throat, giving him a little smile. "Well, thank you for having me here. It was a pleasure working with you," I said, standing up and shaking his hand. "Thank you." He smiled sadly at me and I turned, opening the door. "I'm sorry again Mia." I nodded at him before leaving his office.
I exhaled loudly, trying not to cry. I sighed, rubbing my eyes before walking into the employee room and taking off my apron. I grabbed my bag and put on my coat.
I walked into the cafe room, passing the tills when I heard Faith calling my name. I turned to face her, my eyes glossy. Her face softened, "what's wrong?" She asked, coming towards me. I shook my head, "I've been fired." I walked away, leaving the coffee place.
I stood at the bus a stop. I dabbed my eyes with my tissue, sniffing quietly. I wondered why I was fired. Was I late? Was I rude to the customers? Did I cook something wrong? The questions bugged me and once I had gotten home, I plopped myself on the couch, my head in my hands. I still didn't understand. Why was I fired?
I woke up that next morning by a phone ringing on my side table. I groaned, leaning over and grabbing it. No caller ID. I frowned before pressing the answer button. "Hello?" I cautiously asked, hoping some crazy person wouldn't answer.
"Vincenzo, what the heck?" I snapped, letting out a small sigh of relief. "How the hell did you get my number?" Why wasn't I surprised? Vincenzo could get anything he wanted with a snap of his fingers. He knew people and knew how to 'persuade' people to get what he wanted. I had seen that enough times, that is what I hated from him.
"That doesn't matter, how long do you think it will take you to get to the mall?" I blinked, my brain frozen. "Uh. . .I don't know, maybe ten, twenty minutes or so?"
"Great!" He hung up. That prick hung up on me.
I let out a huff, laying on my back, deciding whether I should go or not.
Screw it.
I rolled out of bed, quickly getting showered and dressed. I slid on my shoes and took my coat, leaving the house. Faith had already left for work earlier. I missed my job, it was fun meeting new customers. I needed a new one fast if I was going to pay the rent.
I explained to Faith what happened at work the night before. She grabbed a knife and started walking towards the door. I had to drag her back to the house.
I got to the shopping centre later and looked around. I saw a couple of families, some teens and some stubborn toddlers but I didn't see Vincenzo. I rolled my eyes, about to leave when two arms wrapped around my waist and spun me around. I gasped, I was put to the ground moments later. I turned to see him.
He was wearing a grey plain shirt with a black leather jacket and some dark jeans with a pair of Jordans. He had his sliver lip ring in. God, I loved his lip ring. "Vincenzo." He was still holding me in his arms, it felt good, safe and warm. I looked down at his arms and he let me go. "Mia. . Let's go shopping."
I immediately blushed for some strange reason. I was shocked and confused, "you called me here to. .shop?" He grinned, his straight teeth on show. "It is a mall. Why else would we be here? Come on, girlie," I looked at him weirdly. Vincenzo was never so . . .cheery, he was always so blunt or moody.
Every time we would go shopping he would always complain about how long I took.
"Come on, baby!" I moaned, tugging his arm. He rolled his eyes, not moving from his spot. "Woman, leave me be." I giggled, kissing his cheek.
"But baby!" I whined, pulling his arm again, attempting to lift him from his seat.
We were in the food court. I had just filled my stomach with fast food while Vincenzo had sat there sipping water. There was something seriously wrong with that man. We had been shopping for only two hours and he was already tired. It was only one o'clock. We still had a full day ahead of us.
"Let's go to Hollister!"
"Fuck no."
It was my turn to roll my eyes. I sat beside him, pouting as he scrolled on his phone. "Vincenzo?" I asked in a seductive voice. He finally looked up at me, his eyes darkened. I slowly placed my lips onto his, my hand in his hair. It was short but sweet. I pulled away only to be pulled back onto his lips. He kissed me hungrily, his hands on my waist then slid down to my butt, squeezing it gently. It was starting to get heated so I pulled away again, blushing.
"We're in a public place!"
He didn't seem to care. "Come on." I said, holding his large hand. He didn't budge. "Fine then. I'll just find some other cute guy to take me." I stood, walking away only to be pulled by my wrist. I smirked at him.
"The only man who is taking you anywhere is me." I winked at him before dragging him to Hollister.
"What do you think?" I asked, showing off the jeans at him. He shrugged, barely looking at them. "Looks great, hun." I rolled my eyes, poking him. "Vince! You've said that for every one!"
"What? Sorry?" He wasn't even paying attention. I scoffed, faking being mad. I put the jeans back, about to storm off when he pulled me back again. "Don't. ." He groaned, grabbed the perfume. "Try some of this, it smells nice. .like you." He started spraying it all over me. I coughed, trying to shield myself.
"Too much!" I yelped, grabbing the spray and spraying him back. He groaned again, now shielding himself and moving away. "Okay! Okay!" I kept spraying, "see how you like that!"
I giggled as he pulled me to his chest, kissing my cheek. "I love you," I smiled at him gazing into his eyes, "I love you too."
End of flashback.
I looked at him wearily. "O-Kay. Let's shop. But you're paying for everything."