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Chapter 9

I put the bag of Doritos in the kart, and smiled at the disgusted look on Blue Doom's face.

I continued down the aisle and through everything I could get my hands on into the chart. "Okay I'm ready to check out" I said looking at the kart to make sure I had everything.

"Finally" he said rolling his eyes.

At least I think he did, he had his blurry glasses on, so his face was like looking at someone underwater.

I rolled my eyes at him, "Don't be a child" I said standing behind a old man, waiting in line. "Shit, I forgot the carrots" I said, "I'll be right back" I said before running down to the veggies. I quickly grabbed a bag of carrots before I turned around and come face to mask.

And not a good one.

It was a thief. He had on a black ski mask, and in his arms was a huge ass shot gun.

My mouth dropped in shock. My body locked in fear.

"Get to the front of the store with the rest, bitch" he said aiming his gun at my chest.

Run, or run?

Definitely run.

Right as I was about to haul ass, he grabbed my hair and yanked me back to the front of the store. I cried out in pain, "Get the fuck off asshole!" I screamed.

He pulled harder bringing tears to my eyes.

He hauled me back and once we were there he through me down to the ground, hard. God there goes another bruise on my knee.

There were four of them.

They all had large guns in their arms, as they pointed them at the customers and the cashiers. "PUT THE MONEY IN THE BAGS, OR ELSE YOU FUCKING DIE" the one who had grabbed me screamed.

People were crying, others were shaking in fear.

I looked around for Blue Doom and didn't see him anywhere.


One of the cashiers was crying uncontrolled. She was a small blond who couldn't have been 18. The man turned and aimed the gun at her only causing her to cry even more.

"Shut the fuck up or else I'll blow your head off" the man threatened only causing her to cry more. She was in hysterics.

He took the safety off the gun.

Oh shit.

My hero dilemma was showing its ugly head, which only meant I was going to get myself in some real shit.

"Are you deaf or dumb, bitch?" he growled at her, shoving the gun against her chest.

She literally couldn't function, she was having a break down, and I was about to try to save her.


"The only dumb bitches in this place are you four. Who the fuck robs a grocery store in a small town, when there is a bank two blocks down, dipshits" I yell at the man.

He freezes, along with everyone else in the store. The customers gasp in shock at me.

Yes, just call me dumb bitch.

He turns his gun on me, "what did you just say?" he growled.

Never mind, call me dumb dead bitch.

He yanked me up to my feet by my hair, causing me to cry out in pain, again.

He put the gun against my temple, "Say another fucking word and I swear I'll kill you" he said.

My heart was beating in my chest so fast, honestly I need to control my self, and my temper. That shit is ridiculous, because would you like to know what I said to the scary man holding a gun to my face?

"Fuck you" I growled out in pain.

He shoved me down on my knees and put the gun to the back of my head, "wrong answer" he said.

I closed my eyes, this was it. All I wanted was some chips and popcorn, and I snuck some snicker bites into the kart, then go and watch movies.

My life had been short, and I'd never get to do everything I wanted.

No one stepped up to try to save me, or stop the asshole who was about to put a bullet in the back of my head. I was alone.

Blue Doom probably saw them come in and left. He wouldn't have to kill me, they would do it for him. I was going to die and this was the end of my short, sad story.

The blast from the gun rang in my ear, but I felt no pain, only the tear that had slipped down my face.

My eyes popped open and I turned around to see Blue Doom's back facing me. His hand wrapped around the barrel of the gun, forcing to the ground, where the bullet had made contact.

"You know, she has a point. The bank would have been a much better decision" he said darkly.

He grabbed the back of the mans head and slammed it with unimaginable force down on the check out counter.

Everyone winced in pain as the guy fell to the ground in pain.

Blue Doom turned around and looked down at the mess that is me on the ground. "You always have to test people don't you" he said smirking down at me.

My head was tilted completely backwards looking up at him. "It's one of my hobbies" I said breathless.

I was honestly shocked he'd shown up, and in that moment I was never happier to see his blue mask than in that moment.

He winked down at me before running at the speed of lightning and taking out the other three robbers with ease. The first one he body slammed to the ground, the second he knocked the shit out of with the others gun, and the third he sent flying into the cereal aisle knocking the whole thing over.

He turned to look at me, I was staring at him in amazement, when suddenly another flying figure came rushing into the grocery store breaking the glass window.

Star Man.


"You're a day late and a dollar shor- AAAAHHHHHH" I screeched as he flew at me and grabbed onto my waist and then out of the window leaving everyone behind.

He flew just as fast as Blue Doom, I turned and looked at him, while he gave me a heart stopping smile, disgusting.

"Release me!" I screeched.

"I'm saving you Katrina" he said like he was talking to a child.

My eyes narrowed in, I turned and looked behind us to see Blue Doom hot on our trail. "I said let me go" I screamed at him again.

He gave me a patronizing smile, "I'm helping yo-" I poked him in the eyes, full force, finger to iris contact.

That bitch dropped me like a hot potato.

I screamed bloody murder for about a second before Blue Doom snatch me up. I sighed in relief.

"GO BACK!" I screamed, causing Blue to immediately make a U-Turn.

I looked behind me to see that Star Man had collided with a building, I smirked, little bitch.

We made it back to the store, and I grabbed the grocery kart and wheeled it out of the store. Blue Doom gave me a dull look. "Aren't you going to pay for it?" he asked smirking at me.

"I had a gun to my head, I'm not paying for shit, and since when are you a model citizen?" I said grabbing onto Blue Doom, and pushing the kart towards him.

"Never said I was" He continued smirking at me as I wrapped myself around him, he rolled his eyes and grabbed the kart, before shooting off into the sky.

"How'd you get Star to drop you?" he asked a small grin on his face.

I snickered, "I jabbed him in the eye" I said with a smile.

Blue Doom let out a booming laugh, "Is that why he dropped you so fast?" he asked.

"Full contact with his blue eye, so yea he dropped me" I shrugged a smile on my face.

Blue Doom chuckled, and sadly that was the sound that I was starting to really love.

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