Katrina's POV
When I woke up my head was hurting like a mother. I winced before bringing my hand away from my forehead, only to see there was dried blood.
And a bump the size of a tennis ball.
I groaned as I slowly sat up, and looked around. I was sleeping on a small cot, that was unbelievably comfortable. As I looked around it dawned on me what had happened.
Super Evil Villain, running, hitting him with a plank of wood, then running head first into a brick wall. God, I am so embarrassed.
I looked around my surroundings, and nearly choked. I was in Blue Doom's evil lair.
What does an evil lair look like?
I'll tell you.
A fucking cave.
With torturous objects laying around, swords, knives, saws, anything sharp that can kill you, yea it was there. I gulped, as I continued to look around, my eyes widened to the size of sky scrapers when I saw the huge screen about the side of a wall and a huge control panel.
It's like walking onto the set of the Incredibles.
I looked to the left and my jaw dropped at the ocean staring at me through a huge glass window, and not just the waves of the ocean. No, as in the fucking bottom of the ocean.
He took me underwater.
I'm honestly about to start crying, how the hell am I going to get back to school? Oh I am in some shit, I mean I've down a lot of stupid things, and got myself in more trouble than a Mel Gibson movie, but this shit tops all of that.
I quickly hop off the bed, and walk towards the stairs, that lead to what looks like a living room, there is a huge couch and an even bigger television set, which is currently showing a news woman.
"The building that burned down behind me was no accident, officials are saying that arson was in play, and through looking at video tapes surrounding this building we have established that this awful act was done by no one other than Blue Doom. No one knows why he burned down the building, almost killing ten people in the process. However, our Supers came just in time to save everyone in the building, before it exploded. No one can identify what was inside the building due to the explosion, however officials believe that this was just another aggressive attack on our city by Blue Doom"
I stared in shock at the damage that was done to the building, there was no longer anything standing there. If that wasn't enough motivation to get the hell out of here then I don't know what is.
I quickly ran down the stairs only for the evil man of the hour to fly and land directly in front of me. He looked murderous as he glared down at me his golden eyes burning so much, if looks could kill Hades would be cradling me like a baby by now.
"Are you happy now, because of your dipshit antics you completely ruined my plans" he ground out.
He stood in front of me in all his glory, tight suit and mask still in place, his muscles bunched up ready to take my head straight off my shoulders.
"I should kill you" he spit out.
I wobbled backwards, "How bout we not commit homicide, I mean have you read the ten commandments it's like the biggest no-no" I whimpered out.
His eyes flashed with so much hatred, I honestly think I just peed myself.
"Give me one reason, not to squeeze your neck so hard your head pops off your body" he hissed with so much hatred and anger, I was in shock.
"You know dude I completely understand where your coming from. I mean sometimes you get those weird urges to just stab people ... repeatedly in the neck, trust me I completely understand" I babbled out.
"Do you" he said completely emotionless.
God, I'm going to die.
In this situation everyone has different coping mechanisms, crying, laughing, running (the best one), but apparently mine was to babble.
"I do, I mean when you find your best friend screwing the brains out of your boyfriend after you come home, in your bed, you have this unbelievable urge to take a hammer, and just ... just break every bone in their bodies, and then repeatedly smash them in the head, until you see brain matter and blood. Gruesome shit, you want to take your hands and repeatedly squeeze the shit out of their necks while banging their heads against forks. But then you have to remember, I'm not made for jail ... or hell, and you know, where the hell am I going to hide two bodies, by myself, because you can't have a partner, since only two can keep a secret if one of them is dead. Though since you're super strong you could probably easily dump my body into the ocean and just keep it moving. But why should I have to kill them you know? Did I cheat? No! It was them! So why should I have to suffer with burning their bodies and then leaving a fake note behind saying that they ran away together? Why should I have to do that? I shouldn't have to! So I took the higher route and you know what I did? I burned all their shit. All of it. Clothes, books, jewelry, computers, everything. And you know what? I did make me feel better, especially after I beat the shit out of both of them, and you know ... beat the shit out of his car with a bat, but still I feel better! And I may or may not go to hell, there is a complete 50/50 chance, since I didn't kill them. I just made them wish they were dead" I'm on some other shit, let me tell you that.
His anger had been vanquished after 'banging their heads against forks'. Now he was just looking at me with confusion and slight interest, and my least favorite amusement.
He was just standing there in front of me shoulders slumped confusion, interest, and amusement swimming in his eyes, completely frozen from my ramble fest.
The sad part, I just told him my whole thought process from about a year ago, when I came home and my ex best friend was humping my ex boyfriend. I had wanted to kill them, and make them suffer, but I took the high road and just destroyed all their shit.
I hadn't told anyone about what had really happened, or how I was a hop-skip away from committing murder, and yet I had just told the King of disobeying laws himself.
I honestly have issues.
"Did you just quote Pretty Little Liars?" he asked trying to hold back a laugh.
"Did you just catch that quote?" I asked back shocked. Is that the only thing he heard?
"Of course why wouldn't a Villain as myself watch a show where one person screws with five girls and get away with it? Its like a guide book" he said with a shrug.
Well I'm officially in shock, I don't even know what to say to that.
It seemed he finally remembered where our conversation was before my little confession, because the anger snapped back into his eyes and his large hand wrapped around my neck, and squeeze.
The air immediately stopped flowing to my brain as my eyes popped open in shock and fear. Here we go, I'm going to die, he's going to kill me and its all going to be over for me.
"I should kill you, but you seem to hold some type of entertainment" he said looking my body up and down, as it dangled 5 feet off the ground.
I tried to claw his hand off my neck but nothing work, nothing stopped him. "Here is how this is going to work, I'll keep you alive if you do exactly as I say, no if, ands, or buts. I want full submission and obedience, if I tell you to jump, I want an 'how high?' Understand?" he asked squeezing painfully tighter.
I nodded weakly, and he immediately dropped me to the ground. I gasped for air, coughing try to regain the air that was stolen from me.
He leaned down and gave me a 100 watt smile.
"Now I have some errands to go run. Kicking puppies, scaring babies, you know random evil shit in order to mess with society. Since I'll be gone my henchman will be watching you. I've given him the go ahead to kill you if you try anything, so don't. PONY!" Blue Doom thundered.
I jumped slightly. A man about my size maybe an inch or two shorter came barreling into the room.
He was in short words, ugly. Butt ugly. His arms were not the same size one nearly touching the ground, while the hung limply at his side. He had stubby legs and was all around odd shaped. Almost unnatural.
He sprinted as fast as his little legs would carry him up to us, breathing deeply and heavily.
I stared at him in shock, he almost looked created, like a small Frankenstein, cut up and made of many different parts.
Blue Doom's eyes narrowed down on me, "don't stare at him as if he was a mons-".
"YOU ARE ADORABLE!" I choke out, my throat still raw from nearly being choke to death.
I reached out and grabbed him, he was practically the size of a child. He reminded me off a stumpy gorilla, ugly but so cute in its own gruesome way.
I crushed him to my chest, while he hissed and struggled to get away from me. Eventually his mouth clamped down on my hand, and I screamed as I pushed him away from me.
"Do you just bite me?!" I asked in shock.
"Master! The prostitute attacked me!" The little demon hissed glaring down at me while hiding behind Blue Doom's cape.
My mouth dropped, "you little bitch! Come say that to my face you little demon" I screeched as I lunged at the little monster calling me a prostitute.
Blue Doom looked down at us in shock and dismay, before he snapped back into reality and took the sole of his shoe and held me back from the demon, while it screamed and hissed at me.
"ENOUGH!" Blue Doom thundered again.
We both froze.
Blue Doom glared down at us, as I picked myself up and hissed back at the henchman.
Blue Doom grabbed my arm and yanked me away, "Listen this is PonyBoy, my henchman, he is in charge while I am away. He will tell me everything that you do, and if you misbehave I will punish you, understood? Treat him as you would me" Blue Doom said glaring at the both of us. "And watch her, she's stupid, but so are you, so be extra diligent" he said looking down at both of us before walking away.
I watched as he touched into a key pad and an elevator came up. He stepped in and the doors close taking him to freedom.
I looked down at PonyBoy.
He looked up at me, and at the same time we both pounced.
Blue Doom's POV
I walked around the corner pushing a random kid away from me, causing him to fall face first into the ground.
A shit eaters smile graced my face.
Nothing is better than making kids cry.
I continued down the street towards my office, in my Armani suit. As I continued I watched all the people walk by me.
Completely oblivious.
Some of course stared because of who I am, but others walked with a blissful unawareness, that I wish I still had.
I hadn't felt that bliss since I turned 14 and that was 10 years ago.
None of these people knew what was really in store for them. They just found someone to hate and they pretended like the world was okay.
I sneered at them. These people didn't understand what I did for them, what I was doing for them.
They were all just blissfully unaware.
I made it to Dun Inc.'s building and pulled the doors open.
I walked past all the people in my building, not giving any of them the time of day as they smiled at me and waved.
I walked directly towards the elevators and hit the button for the top floor. I waited impatiently as the elevator took my to the top floor.
I quickly walked out, "Sir, they are waiting in your office for the meeting to begin" I nodded not saying a word to my secretary.
I pushed open the doors to the office and made my way towards my seat at the top of the table.
I sit and finally look up at the twenty people in the room.
"Well what are you waiting for? Give me a report" I said annoyed.
They scrambled, telling me how all our offices were at maximum distribution, and how all the buildings I own were beating out our competitors.
I listened with disinterest.
"However Sir, one thing did occur this week that you should know" one timid nerdy boy stumbled out.
I raised an eyebrow.
"You see one of our sites was broken into" he said frightened.
"Which one?" I asked
"Your child vaccine medicinal center was broken into. They stole medicine and needles. We think it was drug addicts sir" he said.
I knew better, someone has been breaking into vaccine centers for months now. What the hell was going on?
"Too bad I don't pay you to think" I growled at him. "I want detectives on this, and I want a full report sent to me by Friday. Am I clear?" I asked.
He weakly nodded.
I stood up and walked out the room. Just as the elevator was about to close a man came running inside.
I looked at him while he gave me a hesitant smile.
I just stared.
"You're Blake Dun, right?" He asked me.
I blinked at him. His happy go lucky attitude was making me sick. I looked closer at him.
"Who are you?" I asked him.
He held his hand out. "I am the Mayor, uhh Lee Don, I was wondering if I could speak to you" he asked giving me another go lucky smile.
He looked young, too young. He had to be no older than 35, blonde hair greased and swept to the side.
Giving me the fucking creeps.
"No" I immediately said looking away from him.
He laughed awkwardly, "You're funny, I was wondering if we could speak about those buildings that have been burning down. I know you like to help our city out with donations, you've made huge contributions to our city so I was wondering if you'd help to stop Blue Doom with some extra security features" he asked still giving me that creepy ass smile.
I continued to look at him. God he was creepy. He screamed Clark Kent turned greasy pedophile.
"Why is he burning down those buildings anyway? This is his, what? 17th this month?" I asked him fake curiosity.
"29th" he said looking slightly down trodden.
I smiled internally. God I am good.
"Sad" I replied.
"Yes, which is why I need your help" he continued.
"Why is he burning down buildings though, what buildings does he keep burning? Specifically" I asked again.
This mayor was giving me major creep vibes.
"Well mostly research centers, I'm not really sure why" he said.
my eyes narrowed down at him.
"Sorry, my charity work for the week is all filled up, but call my secretary she may be able to fit you in" I said disinterested.
He knows something. And I'm going to figure out exactly what it-.
Suddenly a sweat broke out over my forehead and my stomach cramped painfully.
I was in physical pain, something was wrong. Someone was about to die, and it was happening all in my home.
I'm going to kill that bitch.
The elevator doors opened, and without even saying good bye I quickly walked out of the building and headed towards the back of the building where I quickly jumped off into the sky flying towards my home.
Something was terribly wrong.