After my embarrassment of a family reunion Blue Doom decided we should call it a night.
I got up to follow him, realizing that PonyBoy slept in the cot I'd been crashing in.
Blue Doom suddenly stopped causing me to run head first into his back, causing my bruised head to only be more bruised.
I need medical attention.
He turned around so that I was face to chest with him. The only thing in my vision is his wide muscular chest and the tight dark blue material covering it.
"What are you doing?" He asked me.
I tilted my head completely up in order to see his face, "where am I going to sleep?" I asked confused.
"Uh. The couch" he said like that was my dumbest question so far.
"Listen here Joker, I don't know if you've gotten amnesia but you kidnapped me. I don't want to be here, you've dropped me off a fucking building, and nearly drowned me, also I've been completely embarrassed twice on television due to you. So if you think I'm going to sleep on the couch where your henchman and you sniff you're farts and scratch your balls, your jumpsuit is squeezing more than your balls too tight. So find me a bed" I hissed at him.
His eyes had widened slightly in shock. "Fine, we can share my bed. And no I'm not sleeping on the floor either, you've already tried to escape" he warned me.
"Yea and a crazy person dropped me off a building" I replied back tartly.
He took me to the elevator and pressed the code in making it open. We both stepped in and in dead silence.
This had been killing me and I knew I need to say thank you or else I'd burst.
"Thank you" I said quickly looking in the corner of the elevator as it continued up.
"For what?" He asked genuinely confused.
"Not letting me drown, which you didn't have to do, but you did anyway. So thank you" I quickly uttered.
Thankfully the elevator opened and I didn't have to look over at Blue Doom who was currently staring at me like I had three heads.
I followed him as he led me though a dark house, that even in the dark I just knew it screamed money.
I followed him around a corner and finally into a bedroom with a huge bed in the middle of the room. My eyes were already dropping.
I need this.
I shoved Blue Doom out of the way and without any hesitation I leaped into the bed.
My eyes closed immediately.
I watch her immediately fall asleep as soon as her face touched the bed.
I sighed realizing she had fallen asleep in the middle of the bed with her arms and legs spread out.
Should've just left her unconscious at that building.
But no had to be Mr. Nice Guy, save the slightly attractive girl. I sighed before taking my suit off but leaving my mask on.
Just in case she wakes up before me.
I climbed in the bed in just my boxers and settled next to her, before shoving her unconscious body to the other side of the bed.
God what am I doing to do with her? She'll be the death of me.
If only I knew she'd actually try.
Katrina's POV
My one eye popped open, and searched around the lit room, landing on the one and only super villain, who didn't have a shirt on or pants.
He may be evil but his body was heavenly. Definition on every part of his body, his abs look like Gods gift to mankind.
I wiped the drool quickly off the side of my mouth and looked around.
I know what you're all thinking, I'll go get some food and sit in his kitchen and be a good little hostage.
Think the fuck again.
Stockholm syndrome hasn't hit this girl yet and it never will.
I nearly drowned to get out of this shit, I've crossed the boarder of giving up. I can't give up, I will be free.
I looked at the computer charger on the nightstand next to my side of the bed.
I quickly reached out and grabbed it, relaxing when I could still hear Blue Doom's deep breathing.
I rolled over so I was facing him, then slowly wrapped the cord around his neck.
Then before he could even stir I yanked the cord with all my might and pulled.
His eyes immediately popped open, his eyes meeting mine, he tried reaching for the cord but I pulled tighter, literally trying to choke the life out of him. Or at least until he passes out and I can make a run for it.
That didn't happen.
He quickly grabbed the cord and gave one good pull, completely breaking the cord in half.
He sucked in a truck load of air, before turning towards me. Death in his eyes.
My death.
I grabbed the closest thing to me, a pillow and slammed it into his face before hopping up and jumping off his bed.
At least that's what I wanted to happen.
Mid air he grabbed my leg and I went face first into the ground.
Face to wood contact.
I laid there, one foot in his grasp, the rest of my body laid out in the middle of the floor, complete pain.
All you could hear was Blue's heavy breathing and the silence.
"Did you honestly try to kill me with a computer charger" he asked astounded.
"How bout we just not" I groaned as I laid face first to the ground.
He suddenly pulled me up and yanked me back into the bed, right on top of him.
I was straddling his waist, but that wasn't what I was worried about. What caught my eye was the mirror that was directly behind the bed and I gasped.
"Holy shit" I muttered before touching my face.
My once beautiful face.
My forehead was purple, as in Barney purple. My eyes looked sunken into my face, my lip was cut in two place, making my large lips look like watermelons on my face.
I looked awful.
I looked down at Blue Doom who was staring at me.
"Yea your face has definitely seen better days" he said cringing.
"My face? My face? Coming from the guy who wear a mask all day, even to bed I think your the last one to talk about how someone's face looks" I hissed at him.
He smirked at me.
"I'm concealing my identity from a crazy person" he said looking up at me that smirk firmly planted in his face.
I leaned down so my face was an inch from his, "coming from an evil mastermind who wants to destroy people for no reason, that's priceless" I growled at him.
His smirk widened.
"Honestly you shouldn't talk, you've probably injured and mauled way more people than me" he said.
"Oh you wish"
"Your 18th birthday party, your parents through you a huge one. The main event, you get that brand new car and as your pulling off you run over was it 10? No, no it was 16. You run over 16 people, then you rush out of the car to help them and forget to put it into park, so the car rolls backwards into the lake" he said.
My face was red.
"That wasn't my fault damnit! They ran out in front of me, only two people were slightly hurt, and that damn car was broken" I said reliving yet another one of my brilliant embarrassing moments.
Thankfully all those people I hit, either rolled over the car or immediately fell and just hit the ground.
"Sure" he said grinning slightly.
It was then that I realized we were face to face and his hands were firmly attached to my hips, and I was sitting directly on him.
I was about to jump up, but he suddenly looked at me, and something about his eyes through me off.
I'd definitely knew him.
"Why not just tell me who you are?" I ask him.
He shrugged, "there is no fun in that".
I sighed and pushed myself off of him, he gave me a look, "get dressed, we will be going somewhere soon" he said before stepping out of bed and walking to the bathroom and shutting the door.
"I know you" I muttered to myself still looking at the door.
But for the life of me, I could place him.