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Chapter 4

I moaned as he hands skimmed over my stomach, then towards my breast that had been neglected the covering of a bra.

He squeezed me tightly, making me arch my body to get closer to his.

He released me immediately, bringing his hands back down the length of my body, around my back, to my ass, the top of my thighs then diving for my hips, holding me still.

His hands, even gloved, emitted electricity that drew my body to him.

Like lightning to a rod.

His hands rubbed against the bands of my underwear, causing me to surely and slowly lose my mind.

I moaned against the duct tape, my breath heavy, and mingling with his.

He suddenly yanked me forwards to that I sat directly on his lap, our cores touching directly, making me hiss with a need.

My bound hands wrapped around his neck so that I didn't fall over.

His hands squeezed my ass painfully tight, I tried to move forward which caused a deadly friction between our two, very alert and excited bodies.

His jaw tighten and my eyes nearly rolled to the back of my head from the sensation that came from my core.

His one hand was currently back between my legs, holding the inside of my thigh, dancing dangerous close to a place they had ventured the night before.

I was in sensation overload, and he stood perfectly still watching me with hardened eyes.

Without hesitation his fingers shoved pass my underwear and thrusted inside of me, yet again.

I cried out, my eyes shutting on their own accord from the pleasure he was bringing me. My moans muffled by the tape shutting my mouth closed.

"Who do you belong to, Katrina?" he growled in my ear.

I cried and moaned from the pleasure of hearing my name come from his lips as his fingers continued to defy my thoughts of how much pleasure he could give me.

"I can't hear you, Katrina" he growled as he added another finger to his rhythm, nearly making me double over in pleasure.

My thoughts couldn't connect, I couldn't string together two sentences if you paid me, all I knew was his hand and his pleasure that he was granting me. And God was he granting it.

I rocked myself dangerous against his hand and his erection, nearly causing tears of frustrated pleasure to come to my eyes.

He started dragging his hot lipped kisses up and down my neck, littering bites and kisses on every inch of my available skin.

"I still can't hear you Katrina" he stilled his fingers inside of me, making me cry out in destress as I continued rocking myself on him trying to get the desired effect he had caused.

I wailed out behind the duct tape, "Y-ummmm" I cried out.

"I still can't hear you baby" he mumbled in my ear.

I was actually going to die, "Y-hummm" I sang out louder.

"Do you belong to anyone else?" he growled in my ear possessively.

I shook my head no violently, still moving myself against him to bring back the pleasure.

His fingers moved again, this time with a vengeance, rougher than before, harder. My arms tightened around him as I felt something inside me building up.

"Mine only" he screamed out, I just nodded my head yes.

Moans and cries of pleasure stifled behind the tape.

"Come for me baby" he growled out.

Thats was all I needed before I came apart in his hands. My body tensed with pleasure before I weakly collapsed into his hard body, sweaty and finished due to him.

He pulled away from me, as he lifted my limp body and set me down on the seats of the limo. I was still trying to swat away the stars that were floating around my head.

He looked down at me heatedly, "I would stay here and make you forget your own name, but there isn't enough time" he said looking me up and down, before turning around to grab my shoes.

Jokes on him though. I already forgot my name.

I slowly sat up as he came back and set my shoes in front of me.

I stared hard at him, trying to pick my dignity back off the ground ... where my panties were.

I need help.

He blinked back at me, before a lazy smile lifted his lips. "You caught me, I only really just made you scream ... muffle my name like that because I'm not taking those cuff or the duct tape off" he shrugged.

If my mouth could, it would have dropped open in shock.

I tilted my head, seriously?

He chuckled darkly, "I may have just given you a world ending orgasm, but I still don't trust you, and I like where this brings us. Back to you being my prisoner ... with benefits" he winked at me.

I throw myself back into the seats, banging my head over and over again.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

He just blinked at me, "Maybe next time you'll remember" he replied.

"RE-MMMMMMMMMUMMM WH-UUUUUUMMM?!" I screamed at him through the tape.

His eyes flashed, "Remember you are mine!" he growled back.

I must have drunkly posted a picture of my ass on Instagram, because all he keeps yelling about is me belonging to him.

What makes this even funnier, is not even a few hours ago we'd been arguing about Ana's shit ass bra being in his room.

Yea after I followed him to the room he'd been originally staying in before our little hand party, I found her shit everywhere. The place even fucking smelled like her.

So I may be his, but his ass better remember to he's mine.

My eyes turned into slits at the thought of Ana. I had to give her props she hadn't just disappeared like I had hoped, she was like a fucking roach, you couldn't get rid of her.

Just the thought of her kissing Blake made me want to piss on his shoe or something.

I know, jealousy isn't good for the heart, or something, but when it came to him, I jealousy wasn't even controllable. Just the thought of someone else touching him made me want to explode.

I regret not doing anything when Ana kissed him, I should have thrown her into a hole.

He was mine. Not hers. Or anyone elses.

He tilted his head in confusion, raising an eyebrow at me. He could smell my anger on my skin.

Something else took over my body just with the thought that someone else would even try to take claim over him.

His very essence belonged to me, and death would come for whoever tried to take him from me.

My body shook with the need to make him mine, show him that he belonged to me, let him know the control I had over his body.

Remind him.

My body slipped into someone elses control.

I crawled over towards him slowly.

He just kept giving me a slightly surprised look, one mixed with clear confusion at where my mind was.

Once I had crawled onto his lap, he leaned back against the seats, watching me with clear interest. I set my hands on his chest, then with a power that didn't belong to me I yanked my hands apart, snapping the cuffs in half.

His expressed remained neutral, uncaring as his eyes watched me. I then ripped the tape off my mouth, finally free.

My hands immediately ventured slowly up his rock hard chest, then towards the back to his neck, quickly undoing his suit.

I sat up higher as I yanked his suit down, his eyes lifting to continue staring in my eyes.

We never broke contact, even as I dragged his suit down to his waist, dangerously low.

He was glorious, every time I looked at him I swear another muscle appeared. My hands had a mind of their own as they flowed over his skin, feeling every inch of him.

Claiming him.

They ventured over his shoulders, then to the front of his chest, down the sides of his arms, to his abs, then lower and lower and lo- His hands snatched mine right before they could touch anymore.

His face was still passive as he bore his eyes into mine.

We stood still like that, just looking at one another.

I ripped from his grasp and crushed my lips to his. He met me just as animalistic, my nails dug into back as I crushed my body to his.

He growled deep in the back of his throat as I pushed myself closer to his hard on, his hands snapped to my thighs pulling me closer to him as well.

I bit down harshly on his lips, demanding him to understand.

I pulled back and looked down at him hard, "You" I nipped at the skin on his neck, "Belong" I sucked at the skin on his jaw, "To" I ground myself into his lap, "Me" I bit down harshly on his lip. I pulled back and looked at the smirk on his face.

His hand was still gripping my thigh dangerous tight, "I'd have you bent over, but we're here" he growled, his voice deep with lust, showing just how much I was effecting him.

I would have smirked, hell even done a small happy dance at how perfectly I had played that out, but he quickly yanked my hands forwards and off his body.

He quickly re cuffed them with another pair he had hidden in his waist band.

My mouth dropped.

He laughed darkly, "I wasn't lying when I said that I miss having a prisoner" he smirked looking my body up and down.

"Blue, I'm going to fuck you up if you put some more tape on my goddamn mouth. That's first, and baby if we are playing prisoner again, I think you might want to reconsider- I'm still pretty good at escaping" I threatened him darkly.

His eyes lit up, "I remember, but I love playing catch. So escape baby girl, I'll always catch you" he warned dangerously.

"You sure you want to play this game? I thought we had passed this" I warned him.

"Oh I'm sure"

My jaw tightened in anger, I could see it clearly on his face. He wanted to see if he could keep his hands to himself. On a small level we had clearly attached ourselves to one another, he wanted to challenge himself like the fucking psycho he was.

See how long he could hold out. Still be in utter control.

Little did he know.

He quickly shoved me off his lap, sending me sprawling to the ground of the limo. I can never just get a semi-normal moment.

First guy I've ever really like, and he's a complete and utter sociopath.

"What the fu-"

He jumped over top of my sprawled out body making me freeze.

He smirked before slapping another piece of duct tape over my mouth, then slamming his lips harshly onto mine over the tape.

He pulled his suit back up over his gorgeous body and smirked down at me, "I'd love to play right now but we have places to be" he finished.

He back up before stepping over me towards the door and swinging it open.

Immediately flashing lights could be seen and the screams of people trying to get Blue's attention were insane. He quickly turned around in the midst of this weird red carpet and stuck his hand out for me to take.

I looked at him then his hand, snorted and dove to get over the row of chairs away from him again. He quickly latched onto my legs though and drug me back to him, then completely out of the car, where I was blinded by photographers.

I looked over at Aria who seemed to be in just as much shock as I was, and her hair looked a little crazy, like someone had been running their hands through it.

Mine must have looked like I'd been attacked by a bear.

Blue grabbed me by my upper arm and preceded to drag me towards the large building that stood in front of us.

Klaus and he brought Aria and I inside while waving to the paparazzi, what really was shocking is that no one was even surprised at the sight of two bound women at their sides.

Once we made it to the door a nerdy little kid stepped out and handed Blake and Klaus maps, "Welcoming to The Convention, please enjoy yourself and remember this is a non-attacking environment" the boy quickly said before stepping away.

Non-attacking? The hell?

Blake walked in still dragging me when we came out to a landing that had a grand marble stair case leading down towards hundred of small little bars set up. Everything looked so classic, like a black and tie event of comic con.

Supers decked out and normal people dressed to the tee in dresses and tux.

I was blown away.

It was gorgeous and buzzing with life, it was amazing. There were people flying, others demonstrating what their amazing inventions could do. It was a complete baffling experience.

Blue grasped my arm and yanked me down the stairs, Klaus and Aria on our tails.

Just as we made it to the last step a man in a tux stepped out in front of us, causing Blue to sigh loudly in his face. I grimace at the rudeness and tried to apologize to the man with my eyes, but he didn't seem off put by Blue's sucky attitude.

"Blue Doom, what a pleasure" the greying man said. He was older, but still devilishly handsome. He had streaks of grey running through his hair, but he was still tall and looked like he could hold is own if something came to blows.

The only indication I had of his possible age was the greying hair.

"Dr. Crake" Blue muttered bored.

I elbowed him in his side, making him turn and glare at me in warning.

"What a lovely hostage you have here, this must be the girl you were videotaped taking. Katrina Justice ... am I correct? I was sure I saw that you had returned her-"

"I did, but she's cheaper than a pornhub subscription and more entertaining than my hand" Blue finished.

I actually wanted to die.

Lay down to the ground and die.

Get rolled over by a semi-truck and die.

Literally and fully just sit down on the floor and die.

Die. Die. Die.

Embarrassment is when you get caught picking your nose or pulling a wedgie, hell even farting in public and getting caught.

Now thats embarrassing.

Pretty much being described in detail how much more useful I am than masturbating was excruciatingly humiliating in every sense of the word.

I actually think I may have passed out for a second due to deathly shame.

I didn't even think, I pulled back and pulling strength from ever bulb in the room landed a strong kick to Blue's shin.

His face barely twitch, but I knew it hurt.

The man looked up at the ceiling in shock before his eyes strolled back to my inflamed face, "She seems lovely why do you have duct tape over her mouth?" he asked.

"She tends to say things that piss me off" Blue growled his eyes trained on me.

I bent down turned slightly and with my bound hands was able to flip him off.

The man laughed, "Seems you have yet to find a fan" he mocked Blue.

Blue glared at me, "Should tell you wife that" he finished.

The man froze anger slipping onto his face, "Fuck yourself, you brat" he growled at Blue.

My eye turned towards the man, anger clouding my vision, only I'm allowed to speak to him like that. I started yelling at the man through my duct tape, which wasn't really working, but it was making me feel better.

Blue wrapped his arms around my waist, "Again, your wife said the same thing last night" Blue said pulling me away from the flabbergasted and furious man.

Klaus began leading the way with a highly amused Aria, towards a side door that said Care Room off to the side of the room.

Blue dragged me inside towards a desk that stood in front of three different rooms. A lanky man stood at the desk smiling at the four of us.

I rolled my eyes as Blue set me down next to him.

"Which room for your guest would you like?" the man asked kindly.

"We would both like the Specially Secure room" Klaus replied then slid the man a bunch of hundreds, which caused his smile to widen more.

He nodded and turned towards the first room of the left.

Blue turned me around to face him, he quickly ripped the duct tape off my mouth. "Listen, I'll be back for you in a few hours. I just need to find this man first and then we can be out of here" he finished, as he started to rip apart my cuffs.

"You're just going to leave me here?" I fumed.

"You'll be safe here. No one will mess with you, and try to play nice. I would hate to get a bad report for when I come back for you" he smirked.

My eyes narrowed, "Where exactly are you leaving me?" I asked him looking back at the door.

"It's like daycare" he muttered before shoving towards the man, along with Aria and then him and Klaus disappeared behind the door to the real fun.

I looked at Aria in annoyance, while she was busy blushing.


"This way ladies, and please don't run, I'd hate to make this painful" he said calmly as he finished counting the money he had just gotten.

I rolled my eyes as we followed behind him towards the door.

He swung it open.

If only Blue knew what he had set me up with.

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