He usually throws one out about my dark attire.
Something wasn't right.
I looked at Katrina's nervous face and mine shot up, "something is wrong" I said back to her.
Her eyes widened, she grabbed my hand and looked like she was about to sprint towards the back door before Blue Doom landed heavily in front of her decked out in his full suit, mask included.
Klaus came speeding beside him next, in a sea blue suit that had dark black stitching.
He looked so fucking good, but I couldn't dwell on that now.
In both their hands were large ass needles filled with some clear liquid.
Katrina immediately stepped back her eyes widening as she latched on to my arm.
"What are you doing?" She asked them cautiously.
She tried standing in front of me, even in her obvious fear.
Blue Doom gave her a devilish smirk, "Nothing" he mocked.
She nodded calmly before pushing me towards the door trying to get us away.
I didn't make it a step and neither did she before they surrounded us and jammed the needles into our necks.
My eyes widened as my legs gave out immediately before Klaus caught me.
"You fucker" I mumbled to him as he cradled me to his chest.
He smirked.
I looked just to see Katrina flick Blue Doom off and he watch with amusement as she face planted to the ground, not even bothering to try to catch her.
He laughed heartedly, a deranged and evil tint lacing her joyous laugh.
Then everything went black.
Katrina's POV
I was me, but at the same time I wasn't.
I was here, but I was also there.
Seen, but invisible.
My face hurt, which immediately notified me that I had face planted somewhere along the way.
I peeked my eye open, trying to decipher where I was, or better yet what the hell had happened to me, but my eyes only saw leather.
Black, smooth, expensive, most likely Italian leather.
My eyes swept around before they handed on Aria who was bound across from me. Her hands were prisoner to cuff, and her eyes held a fiery hatred that even had me cringing.
She had duck tape slapped firmly over her mouth, and I wanted to point and laugh, when I realized I was in the same position as her.
My confused eyes met hers in questioning, before she nodded her head to the left causing me to follow her direction.
There sat Blue Doom in a shinning most likely new suit. It pulled tightly over ever curve of his body, and made him shine darkly.
His sharp jaw line nice and smooth after a much needed shave, and his glorious eyes peeping back at me through his mask.
My eyes then ventured to his side kick, Klaus. He had on a lighter blue suit that flew over his muscled body. He looked good, not as buff as Blake, but close. His body was lean and strong clear the body of a runner.
He had captured his long hair into a ponytail, just letting it poke out of the back of his mask, the rest of his face entirely covered. His eyes shining as well, clearly stating the two were brothers.
I looked over at Aria wondering what the hell was happening, when my eyes were drawn to the beautiful dress on her body. It was tight and white, it came to mid thigh, which she obviously wasn't okay with. It clutched her figure showing how great her body truly was. The front came all the way to her neck before flowing down her back, leaving her golden skin completely on display.
I wanted to cackle at how uncomfortable she looked. Her hair pinned away from her face, displaying her beautiful green eyes, but again my damned mouth was taped shut.
I looked down then too, and wanted to cry.
While Aria's dress gave her some coverage, mine offered none. My dress was slightly shorter than hers, it hugged my every curve and left nothing to the imagination.
It was a halter top, but it had a plunging neck line right past the bottom of my boobs. It was midnight blue, strangely the exact color as Blue's super suit.
I was livid.
Fuck the duck tape! I started trying to yell and scream at Klaus and Blake, even with the duck tape muffling my words.
Blue's smile was deadly amused as he scooted closer to me.
He laid his heavy gloved hand on my upper thigh, which I tried not to show the effect, but from the way my legs immediately snapped closed and his highly amused smirk, I didn't do so well.
"Someones finally awake" he purred.
Oh he was eating this up. Our whole positions had been switched then turned to the max, he was in control so much that you might as well call him fucking Putin.
I glared at him, he knew I wouldn't be able to speak or fight which is exactly how he liked it.
I was pissed, he could tell to, which made his smile grow wider.
"Let's play a game!" he faked enthusiasm, "I pretend to be you and me, and see how it plays out, like a skit or something" he was dying laughing by this point and all I wanted was to repeatedly stomp him in his kidneys.
"Blue! Are you fucking kidding me right now?!" he mocked throwing his voice super high and rolling his eyes.
He then turned away his face going flat, "No, Katrina, I'm not fucking kidding you right now" he muttered.
He then turned the other way, "Why the hell would you tie me up?!" he mocked me again.
"Well you see I've just had this hole in my chest, burning with- with this emptiness, and I just couldn't figure it out" he was slowly trailing his long fingers up and down my leg, "Then it hit me like a bag of rocks! I miss my hostage, my kidnappe, my submissive... slightly submissive little bitch" he painfully yanked my jaw into his grasp pulling me closer to him having us eye to eye.
He was glaring hell fire down at me, and I was throwing it right back.
He quickly turned again, "But Blue! We've ... we are whatever we are and I let you do things to me that I've never let others do before! How could you betray me?!" he mocked me again.
I was looking into the eyes of pure evil, and anger. Anger that's best friend was Evil. Evil who had a life sized pimple on its face name Anger.
He wasn't even Blake, this was Blue Doom, from the lightning eyes and pure power, it was the greatest villain in this world.
"Betray you? No. No. No. My dear Katrina, I think it is you who has betrayed me" he raged. It was controlled anger which is what made it so much scarier.
I had no fucking clue what he was going on about, all I could think of was his hand on my upper thigh, trailing fire as it moved back and forth daunting me.
His words slowly trickled through my hormones making me pause in reflection, what the hell was he talking about.
But I couldn't focus on that now, all I could think of his how petty all of this was. He had tied me up, and was yelling and torturing me and for what?! Something I may or may not have told him about? Or done?!
My resolve was tightened, I was going to tare him a new one, but first I needed to get away from him.
"You completely and utterly belong to me Katrina, I don't fucking share" he bellowed that small reign of control he had slipping.
What panic and adrenaline make you do is unreal.
I pulled my hands up and shoved him in the face away from me before jumping up and leaping over the second row seating into the third row of the limo.
There was a clear roar of anger as I landed heavily on my side, I kicked off the heels that someone had put on my feet and struggled to get up.
I army crawled my way to the chairs before something heavy landed on my back.
I let out a muffled scream as my face planted into the seat then to the floor as he drug me towards his body. I twisted underneath him, his tree like thighs trapping me.
I look up at him annoyed while he smirks at me, he pushes a small button on the chair making a slide come down isolating us from Klaus and Aria.
Now I'm a little nervous.
He sits back on his heels looking down at me like I'm his prey. He chuckles darkly, "I give you an inch and you take a fucking mile" he growls, his eyes revealing the anger swimming inside of him.
I would ask him whats going on, try to talk through this, but he put duck tape on my mouth, so he obviously wants a fight.
He brings his hand down dangerously close to my head.
I glare before lifting my knee and getting him in the groin. He hisses in pain giving me enough leverage to buck him off me, sending him flying sideways away from me.
I quickly flip back around and make a run for the fourth row of the limo. I jump trying to get to the next row, but a hand stops me mid-flight sending me crashing into the top of the seats.
I groan, definitely crushed an ovary. I look backwards and see Blue's hand clutching my ankle, I quickly use my other foot to try to nail him in the face.
But he ducks just in time and decides to rush me, sending us both toppling to the floor of the next seating row.
Fucking hell, I groan in pain at the impact of my face meeting the ground.
Blue and I are tangled in each others arms and legs. He is sprawled on top of my back while I lay face first into the carpeted floor.
He is breathing just as heavily as me, "You'd really think you would get away?" he mocked me.
I pull my elbow back, clipping him in the jaw.
I try to wiggle myself away from him as he chuckles a nerve racking laugh. His angry hands grip me unbearably tight before flipping me around and slamming me to the ground.
I groan looking up at his furious face.
His eyes full on flashing me that lightning anger of his.
"You're going to pay for that Katrina Justice" he roared.
I swear it was straight instinct that drove me to kick him in the stomach. He dropped backwards landing on his back, but he was barely down for a second before he pulled me over his body trapping mine to his.
We were both so livid, slightly injured, and breathing heavy.
We both weren't easy wins.
His eyes bore into mine, "If you think even for a second you're not completely mine, Katrina Justice, I will destroy this world and the next" he growled.
He'd been continuing on and on with the same shit, and any other point in time it would have been sweet, but there was a danger about it. A warning he was implying.
He wasn't okay right now, which is why I continued to struggle.
He hand wound around my thigh making me pause in my efforts of escape. "Huh Katrina? Do you think otherwise?" he barked.
I was breathing like a fat laboring dog while he watched me with predator eyes.
He hand pushed further up my body, making me shiver with lust.
Oh God I needed to get away.
I pushed away hard enough, but he stood on top of me the entire time. Now he was over me, his dominance clearly shown as he captured me under his body, his hands still running up my body.
Now I was caught. And now I was starting to like it.