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Chapter 2

Everything hurts.

Thats all I have to say.

My everything hurts.


After waking up on the bathroom floor, face first, by the way, I realized that alcohol is not my friend, and if anything that bitch was on my shit list.

But as the memories came rushing back to me, embarrassing as ever, I realized maybe that bitch wasn't so bad since it somehow came me the balls to touch ... well, Blake's balls.

Hahaha, I am so fucking funny.

I groaned as my eyes squinted through the lights of the bathroom.

Oh my hell.

I looked down at my naked body, yep I am definitely classified as a whore.

And I'm okay with it.

It looked like someone had put my underwear through a blender and put it on high, couldn't he have just gently taken them off?

My eyes then ventured down the remaining of my body.

I looked like I survived an animal attack.

There were slight bruises littering my body, more than just before. These were hand shaped.

Guess Blake had as little control as I did.

I stumbled onto my feet and looked in the mirror. Shouldn't have.

I looked like death.

I quickly looked away from that mess and stumbled into the shower, quickly turning it on. The warm water running down my body made me feel a hundred times better.

Quickly washing my hair then twisting it into a bun on my head I quickly stepped out of the shower.

I wrap a towel around my waist and tip toed out of the room. Expect the unexpected, because there, sleep, half naked looking like glory itself, was Blake currently snoring.

The room smelled of cleaning chemicals, anger, and disgust.

Someone was not happy cleaning up my puke.

I crept towards my luggage and quickly yanked some clothes onto my body, before my eyes were drawn towards the harsh marks that littered across the ceiling and walls of the room.

What the-

Little holes were struck into the wall, like strikes of lightning.

I stood up and stared shell shocked at the mess we had made.

I must be amazing in bed, I snickered.

"I can smell your arrogance from here" Blake groaned out from the bed, not moving.

"Don't know what you are talking about" I replied trying to hold back a smile.

I leaped over to the bed and looked down at his passive face, I pouted at him.

He rolled his eyes at me, annoyed, "You're still drunk" he stated turning away from me.

Not going to lie, yea I could still feel a little bubbly, but I was in better control of my self. "Tipsy, Blue, I am tipsy" I giggled as he groaned in annoyance at me.

"So should we talk about it .. or ..." I asked as I climbed onto the bed and sat right behind him.

He turned towards me and his eyes were shinning, he was barely in control, "Talk about what?" he asked a smirk on his face.

"How great I am in bed" I pointed to the destroyed room, "Obviously" I finished. "And I didn't even give you the full Katrina effect!" I smirked at him.

His lips tilted in a slight smile before he doused it with a glare, "In case you forgot, this wasn't just me" he said.

"Unless I suddenly gained the power to shoot bolts out of my ass then I'm pretty sure it was you" I countered rolling my eyes.

He gave me a dirty smile at the idea which had me shoving him away.

"No it was right as I made that tight -"


"- come, you and I touched hands and the room lit up. I'm blaming it on you, I usually make the girls see fire works, but your the first who's actually made them appear" he smirked.

I glared at him.

"So these other girls huh?" I asked.

He rolled away from me on his back, snatched the remote and started flipping through the TV I hadn't noticed earlier.

"Yep" he said no longer paying me attention.

"Were they pretty?" I asked looking at him trying to play it cool.

I would gauge all their eyes out with a spoon.

"I don't sleep with ugly women" he looked over at me, "usually" he finished turning back to the TV.

My mouth dropped, no he did not.

I growled and made a move to get off the bed and leave the room, son of a bitch.

He quickly stopped my movements with a yank on my arm, a devious smile on his face, his eyes more or less shining with amusement.

"I'm kidding"

"Fuck you, go kid with Diana, or whatever that bitch's name is" I growled trying to pull away from him.

He let out the most hearty, sexy, heart stopping smile.

"Usually they aren't ugly, but you are different from them. You're gorgeous" he finished.

I paused still eyeing him in annoyance.

"And you're a dick" I growled less irritated.

"One you like to touch" he smirked.

He had me there.

I quit trying to get out of his grasp and just slumped into the bed, "what are we going to do?" I asked him.

He froze, his eyes dulling back to their original beauty.

He released my arm and settled next to me.

He and I both knew he was a villain someone always running around playing the bad guy, doing shit that was highly illegal. He wasn't someone who would just settle down, and no matter what I wanted there would always be something out there. Some force he had to defeat or some hero he had to fight. There would always be a battle and I would always come in second. It was his nature to be free and in the world causing mischief, and maybe Supers had families and wives and girlfriends, but mine? Mine wanted power and freedom, he wore it like a second suit. Hell I don't even think he goes in often for his job!

His face was straight as he thought over my question.

What next?

What are we suppose to do?

The Shadow could only pose as an obstacle for so long, what was his end game?

Mine was being by his side, but you can't stand next to someone who flies. And I would never be able to fly, not like Ana does or any other Super.

He turned towards me, clear confusion on his face before the door was shoved open with a banging force.

I jumped in fear causing my head to make a hard connection with the back of the bed, Blue merely raised his eyebrow at me and then turned towards the intruder.

Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.

I turned to glare at whoever the hell decided to scare the shit out of me when my eyes collided with Aria's wild form.

"I found it! I found the guy!" She yelled at us before sprinting back down the hallway.

Blake was up and running after her his suit now pulled up to the rest of his body.

I quickly tripped out of the bed before rushing to follow them as well.

About three doors down Blake, Aria, and Klaus stood looking down at a screen.

Corey came rushing into the room next carrying another computer.

His eyes touched mine in a longing look before I quickly recoiled and looked away, my eyes finding Blake's annoyed ones.

I rolled my eyes at him while he just continued to glare at Corey.

Aria snatched our attention back, "So the name on the paper was Richard West, looked everywhere and no one has that name. But then I realized it was a place in California owned my a guy named Tyler Loke. Called him and comes to find out he has my files, he is waiting for us" Aria said out of breath.

I noticed the discrete way Klaus slipped his hand into hers.

I sent him a wink which had him roll his eyes at me with the faintest blush clouding his cheeks.

My favorite Dun brother.

Blue looked at the information before quickly pulling out his cell and making a call.

Aria slumped into Klaus's body obviously exhausted from searching for this guy.

I let them have their moment which then brought my attention back to the love sick puppy staring longingly at me.

I sighed, "Corey-"

"I know, but I've always had to be so secretive about my feeling for you, but now that you finally know, I just- I just want to look at you, Kat" he finished in a sigh.

"If you keep it up you won't have any eyes to look with" a growl shouted out from behind me.

Of course, Blake snatched me from around the waist yanking me back into his hard delicious body.

Corey gave me a shocked look, "Seriously Katrina? I thought we discussed this?!" He yelled shocked by Blake's obvious claim.

"The only thing that will be discussed is how you'll die, slowly or painfully" Blake finished.

"She deserves better!" Corey yelled.

"I am better" Blake smirked.

Corey opened his mouth, "You've been lying to me for years Corey, let's not do this, because you won't win" I warned him.

Blake gave him an evil smirk before slightly releasing his tight hold on me and turning back towards Klaus and Aria. "Get ready. The plane will be ready in an hour to take us to California" he said.

"He said that we could meet him at some convention... or something" Aria said trying to think back.

Klaus and Blake tensed at the same time, causing our eyes to be drawn to them.

"The convention?" Klaus asked looking at Blake.

Blake seemed to be doing some thinking in his mind, before his eyes widened and he quickly sped out of the room.


"Convention?" I asked looking at Klaus who was having a total fan girl moment.

His eyes were wide, and he had the biggest grin on his face. He grabbed Aria and spun her in a circle, "Its The Convention! I get to go. ME. I get to go!" he sang out as he smashed a kiss on Aria's stunned face.

She was completely frozen as he turned away and look at me, "Yes, The Convention where the biggest and baddest villain and supers all come together and flaunt. I've never gotten the chance to go, Blake goes every year just to flaunt, but I-I've never be-been given the-" Klaus zipped out of the room.

I looked at Aria giving her a smirk as she joined the club.

She blinked at me, her face flushing in embarrassment, completely different from her little dark cloud outlook. "Wh-what?" she stuttered.

I gave her knowing smile, "That Dun sugar is good isn't it? Coming to the join the squad?" I asked her still giving her a knowing look.

Her face flushed even brighter.

"Sugar? Sq-squad? I-I don't-"

"You do, you so do" I cut her off making her stutter in embarrassment even more, "It's worth it though, sometimes they can be sweet-"

"CHRIST KATRINA, COME PACK YOUR SHIT! ITS EVERYWHERE! WE NEED TO GO NOW!" Blake bellowed from somewhere in the house.

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

Five minuets of bliss, five minuets of him being slightly nice to me. I mean, I deserve at least that much? Right?

Aria's embarrassment had disappeared with the appearance of her confidence. "So sweet huh?" she mocked.

"I said can be" I snapped back at her, slowly turning and heading towards the room.


"I FUCKING HEARD YOU THE GODDAMN FIRST TIME! HELL FUCKING KIDS IN CHINA HEARD YOU!" I screamed loosing my temper as I stomped back towards the room.

Aria's POV

I watched as Katrina blew up making Corey and I jump in fear from the sheer volume of her voice. She went stomping out of the room and down the hallway, leaving Corey distraught and hurt.

I was still buzzing from the kiss Klaus had rewarded me with seconds ago.

Maybe only Katrina knew for sure what it felt like to be electrocuted, but thats how Klaus' kisses felt. Like little bolts of heavenly electricity cranking me alive.

In short words, pretty amazing.

I tried to chomp down on my smile as I quickly walked passed Corey and headed to my room to pack.

I could hear door slamming and breaking glass coming from down the hallway in hurricane Katrina and Blake's direction.

They were magnetic, one didn't move without the other, yet there were constantly opposing forces, that were be dragged against one another.

At least from the moaning and groaning from earlier it sounded like they were dragging themselves against each other.

Not to mention the random lightning that had clouded over the house.

I didn't know what Katrina had done, but obviously it had a large affect on Blake.

Take that back, I knew exactly what she had done, but I was trying to keep my breakfast down. I quickly grabbed some clothing that Klaus had bought for me and through it into a bag, along with some other items I knew I would need eventually.

I could hear another glass break, "KATRINA IF YOU THROW ANOTHER-" something else shattered.

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK TO DO! YOU DUMBASS LIGHTNING ROD!" Katrina's shrill voice screamed back.

And to think they were actually getting along for a second.

There was a loud thump, as though someone had been tackled before silence fell across the house again.

I quickly grabbed my bags and made my way to the front of the house, where Klaus stood in a nervous blur of movement.

My face heated just with the thought of his early show of affection.

I quickly clamped down on it before making my way towards him.

He spun around nearly smacking me in the face with his long hair.

"Klaus" I warned annoyed with his restless moving that was making me sea sick.

His eyes found mine, before he took a step back, "How does my outfit look? Do you think it looks okay? I mean I want to look defined and classic, but at the same time laid back" he finished looking at me.

I looked at his clothing.


He had on jeans.

So stupid, yet so sexy.

I looked up at the ceiling in wonder, how could I be attracted to him?

"Shouldn't you be wearing a suit anyway? A super suit?" I asked him, trying not to let my body control my motions and yank him closer to me.

He was gorgeous, amazingly beautiful, and all I wanted to do was touch him. Touch, touch, touch, touch, touch- shit is he talking?

I tuned in, "- suit! What do you think I should do?" he asked looking at me for guidance.

I gave him a dull look, "Honestly, I was just staring at your body the entire time" I said dully.

He blinked at me.

Then nodded to himself, "Definitely should wear Blake's old suit" he finished before speeding away into the house.


I wasn't alone long before Katrina and Blake came stomping towards me. Blake had a small cut on his cheek that was healing before my eyes, and Katrina's lip was bruised and split.

I almost thought he had hit her, before I saw her clothes were wrinkled and he had a self satisfied smirk on his face.

They made it to me before Katrina whipped around, "Would you quit already!" she hissed at him annoyed with the look on his face.

I shuffled back slightly.

"What? Mad your little boyfriend will see I clearly own that ass?" he hissed back at her.

If Katrina had been a super, fire would have exploded from her body, "You don't own shit, besides a big cape and a small pen-"

My mouth dropped into an 'O'. No she didn't.

Before she finished Blake yanked her to his chest.

It was a dominating act, but the care was clearly seen. His eyes flashed dangerously however, "Katrina Lynn Justice, I swear I will shove a fucking stop sign down your throat if you talk shit about my cape one more time. One. And I will literally take a stop sign and choke you to death with it" he growled.

His eyes had taken on a different color, shining golden white like lightning itself captured into orbs on his face.

It almost was inhuman the way his voice deepened, his body expanded slightly, like he was a completely different person.

Katrina didn't flinch.

The girl had balls the size of bowling balls.

She pushed closer to the obvious bomb about to explode. "Then I suggest you scrub your body with bleach, and bath the room in acid. If I so much as see her touch you again, Blue Doom, I will take a fucking machete to the snuggie you call a cape, then set every last one of your houses and cars to flame. Watching with a glass of wine all your shit burn to the everlasting ground. Clear?"

Her voice had gone eerie calm. Like she was simply explaining the weather, but the undertone of her message was completely clear, she could be just as un-fucking-stable as he was, and maybe even worse.

I watched what could only be described as a completely dysfunctional relationship, as he gave her an amused smirk, before slapping a kiss to her cheek and a hand to her ass, before grabbing his, mine, hers, and Klaus' bag and heading towards the car.

I stood shocked and opened mouthed as he walked pass me.

My god they were crazy.

Katrina muttered to herself before turning towards me, her eyes widening in shock like she just realized I was here.

"Oh. Hey! ... did you see that?" she asked slightly embarrassed.

I winced, "Anyone in a five mile radius saw that" I replied back to her.

I know it sounded stupid but being in a room with them was electric.

They were constant forces that were just drawn to each other in the damnest way.

She scratched her in worry before looking over at me.

"How'd he know my middle name?" she asked herself then turned to me, "He gave up way too easy, I mean the cape comment should have sent him through a wall. Something isn't right" she muttered looking at me.

I looked at her shocked.

Then thought back on it. Klaus was a cocky son of a bitch, any comment about me looking at his body should have caused him to try to sign my underwear with his tongue, but I got nothing but a blink.

He also hadn't insulted me.

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