"Eleven . I said eleven but you decided to stay until twelve!" My father yells angrily as he slaps me , giving my stomach a few kicks.
"I'm sorry. I-I lost track of time sir." I beg out desperately as I use my hands to block his kicks. They didn't work obviously. He was much stronger than me even though he taught me how to fight , I've never used fighting skills on him.
"Make dinner . Have it out now. I swear I'm just gonna buy you a computer so you don't have to be late." I cough out blood as he leaves my room . I inhale deeply as I look up at the ceiling. Sometimes I think about just ending it.
Even when I try it somehow doesn't work. It's like the gods are saying something good is about to happen so don't give up. As if.
I quickly take a shower , watching all the blood wash off my body. My tub field with red and then I look at my body. Bruise from last week are still there and when mother had cut me , the bloody scar is still there. I'm just glad I didn't have much bruises on my face because I knew people would ask questions that I just couldn't answer.
I remember the last time where father hit me with the metal part on his belt and it grazed upon my cheek. I guess I kinda deserved since I got into a fight . It was the right choice he made right ?
When I was younger I use to get into fights. With boys and girls. My father didn't know about me fighting and when my mother and father found out , they kept me in the basement for a week without food or water. In fathers words were , "I didn't teach you skills just for you to run around in the streets and pick a fight with ever human being you see."
It was morning and my whole body ached. I was so stiff and I could barely even breath. I began my walk to school . Beep.
I look to my phone and see a message from Jay. Why didn't you text me last night? Did something happen again?
I was debating on whether I should tell him what my father did or if I should just keep quiet. But I knew that he wouldn't stop unless he had an answer. I got in trouble for staying out late . That's all.
And? He replied back. I sigh and replied straight forward.
What do you think Jay? He slapped me and kicked me like every other day. Nothing I'm not used too. I sounded a bit selfish but I was irritated for some reason.
Kai I swear , I'll fucking kill that bastard. If I ever saw him in actual life his head is mine. I chuckle at that and shake my head.
Jay lives in the same country as me. It was kinda odd because after a two year friendship he's never asked if we could meet up. I was more than fine with that . I'd probably do something really awkward and ruin the relationship.
Thanks but I think my father would kill you first before you kill him. I'm arriving too school I'll talk to you when I can . I shut my phone off and walk into the building. Hopefully Cathy and her goons won't bother me much today as they can already see I'm in no condition too even be standing .
When I got to my first period class I was alone . The class usually arrived late and that made me smile. I'd at least have a couple of minutes too myself without any interrupti-
"I can't believe we have him first period! I'm so happy . If he sits next too me I'm gonna try and get his number for us!" A girl squeals as she sits down in her seat. I sigh. There goes my minutes of quietness.
Too be honest in class I was really lazy. I mostly slept in classes that I didn't really care about because I would be able to get hundreds in them. I'm glad my first period was Economics so I had the table to myself. I got to sleep and actually not be disturbed by the teacher who couldn't give two shits about us.
I lay my head down , hearing all the students make their ways too there seats. "Ladies come on . Stop gossiping about the delinquent and enjoy this view." Noah the class clown grins and the girls laugh as they all ignore him and gossip about the boy named Luca.
"Noah you look like a baby ." Julia giggles along with her friends and then the class suddenly got quiet. Ah great.
"Welcome to Economics three Mr.Romano. You can take your seat in the back next to the girl laying her head. Ah.. what was her name again I forgot . You know old age and all." I scowl lightly. I've been in his class for two years . I lift my head up slightly seeing the boy. His black hair covering his eyes slightly and familiar tattoos roamed his arms and neck . Definitely had the look of someone's who's been in prison. Okay that sounded rude.
But then again I didn't really care that much . He was just gonna he another popular guy who ignores me like any other day. "Alright guys . Hope you all had a good morning and a healthy breakfast. Today we're doing a project that is due by the end of this week. I've already sent you the link on what you'll be working on and I expect it to be done properly. Understood?" The class replied with low yes's and I sighed siting straighter while playing with my hair.
I look to the side and see the delinquent looking outside . "You don't have to worry about the work . I'll do it all myself and get us a good grade." I merely say as I look back to the board . I put my face in the palm of my hand feeling myself grow tired even more.
"No leave the work for me. I need the points." I frown as I find his accent strangely familiar. I yawn slightly looking too my side.
"I have the highest grades in the school. Don't worry I'll get a go-
"I don't give two shits really. I'll do the work by myself or we can work on it together af-
I groan cutting him off . I didn't really feel like getting mad but this guys provoking me to actually lose my temper. "Listen you delinquent . I don't exactly trust you'll get any work done. So leave it to me." I rub my tired eyes as I watch him. His eyes on me and my eyes back on him.
"Library after school." Was his last words before he pulled his phone out and his earphones. He doesn't actually think I'll come after school does he.
It was lunch finally. I haven't been stopped by Cathy and I was more than happy. Maybe I can make it home without any beaten's ? When I grabbed my lunch I sat down and pulled my phone out to text Jay. Jay my father said he's gonna buy me a computer. Hopefully he doesn't destroy this one.
I laugh softly as I wait for his response. That's great . Then we can play more hopefully. I can't wait too show you what the Magic Man gave me this morning. I nod to that one . I really liked our little time together . It meant the world to me really .
He's a total rip off dude. His crappy items are shit. Anyways what are you doing?
Eating lunch. Oh I forgot to tell you that I've started school. Wasn't really my choice . I rather stay home . I know he would. It must be hard coming to school where everyone judges him. Jay likes to fight a lot. It really wasn't what I wanted for him but he said that the only reason he fights is because it's his only time to actually be happy.
I know it's hard but it's gonna get better. Plus you need your education if you want to get into the college.
You know damn well that I don't wanna get into shitty college. I laugh at that , getting up and throwing my trash away. This dork always talks about how I should stop bringing up college because he doesn't wanna go. I won't stop. I'll make sure he gets into a college.
Gotta go . Let's talk later.
It was the end of the day and I was waiting by the teachers room to pick up my papers. I wonder if that delinquent is actually waiting for me at the library. Laughing slightly I grab my papers and walk to the library. I'll just take a quick peek . That's all.
When I get there I see him sitting down with a computer and books surrounding him. He's not really doing the project by himself really?! Shit. Pushing the metal doors open I walk to the seats and sit down while pulling my notes out. "I thought you were joking about coming. Looks like I'll actually have to work with you now."
"You're ten minutes late. You're really starting to piss me off. What's your name anyways ?" He asks as he glares at me. I slightly coward away from his killer glare but cover it with a cough.
"My names Kai. Now can we get to work. I have to be home in twenty minutes ." I groan out as I pull my notes out.
"Kai? That's my best friends name. You know it's crazy you kinda sound like her." He chuckles as he licks his lips , writing down notes.
I only nodded my head pretending to care. "So the teacher gave me three options . We can talk about money , drugs or metal."
"I vote money." I agree with him and then for what seemed like hours we finally got somewhere with our essay.
He was surprisingly not so dumb as he looked. I pull my phone looking at the message my father sent me. It was him telling me to be home quickly and I laugh as I read it.
"You even have the same laugh as her Jesus." Luca says as he pushes his hair back looking up at the sky. "When we finish the project let me present alright?"
I think about it for a second. From what I've noticed I think it would be alright if he would I mean he's actually a smart delinquent. "Yeah sure whatever , the stage is all yours." I chuckle as I began walking home .
"Wait I think I should have your number. If I have any questions about the w-
"LUCA! Man where the fuck has your ass been? You ready to smoke this shit?" A unfamiliar boy yells as a red truck pulls up and I groan at out obnoxiously loud this guy was.
"Yeah Mason I'll be right there." Mason? That's funny , that's the same name Jay told me. Mason is Jay's friend from the country.
I sigh. I mind my business and proceeding home.
When I got home I quickly walked to my room only to be stopped by a voice. "Cousin Kai!" I smile as I see my cousin Regina running over and hugging me. I smile hugging her back . "I was waiting for you silly . I even texted you."
"Oh sorry. My phone died while I was studying." I lie. She let's me go and I exam her . Her long blonde hair going to her waist was still there . I thought she would cut it by now . She was taller than me and was a nurse. She's so successful I aspire too be her really.
"Hunny you're here! I've missed you." Mother yells as she hugs me kissing my cheek. Her alcohol breath fanning me and I shiver as I feel myself disgusted. She only acted like a mother when company came over or when it mattered. To be truthful, I questioned if this psychotic woman was bipolar or not .
"How was school?" Father asks as he looks at me .
"It was fine sir." I only say as I look at all the other family members in the living room chatting away.
If family was here then it would only mean one thing. Something had happened and it was my fault.
happy reading