Why was I born only to be tortured and humiliated each and every day?
It only accrued to me my junior year to why I was born. They never really wanted a child. Of course Kai. That's it. They created me only to let there anger on me. That's it.
"Why don't you ever cry , are you stupid or what?" My mom states , pulling my short black hair roughly. Her sharp nails digging in my scalp and I bite my lips to stop myself from crying out. "I knew you were a mistake but god . I've never seen you cry." She chuckles softly slamming my head onto the wall.
"Y-you said that if I cry ... I-I'll be punished even worse."
Yeah. I mean she's always threatened me with those words but I mean what could possibly be worse than this.
"Such a smart little girl Kai ." She smirks as she licks her lips . Her brown evil eyes glistening as she watches me intensely. I only coward away from her . Afraid , desperate and alone.
"Well aren't you gonna get to school. You still need to be successful and get more money for us. Who's gonna pay for my shit?" She scowls as she leaves my small little box of a room. I lightly touch my head and when I look at my hand I see the blood covering my hand.
Crap. Nothing new though - hopefully the bleeding somehow stops I guess. I'm not that good with this medical shit. I get up from my bed and head to my dresser. I put my uniform on. Which consisted on a white blouse and a black skirt with dress shoes. I wish I went to a public school.
Instead my father put me into a private school with all the rich kids and all the talented ones. I never fit in , I have no friends and I never really talked to anyone , besides - the people there only want to pick on me. Call me a slut even though I haven't even watched porn yet.
It's kinda ridiculous right ?
It all started in the sixth grade when Cathy the popular girl caught me almost getting touched by Ryan Moore. He was in the eighth grade. He lied and told everyone I was trying to seduce him. Lies. It's all just lies .
"Kai." I shiver as I hear his voice. I turn around immediately putting my head down. Did I do something wrong this time? I made sure I cleaned the dishes and cleaned the house , oh I even wrote his essay because I know how much his hands cramp up.
"Yes fathe-
"You pest. What did I tell you about calling me father." He slaps me across my cheek , nocking me to the floor with a loud bang. "I was going to take you to school today but you've pissed me off already. Too think I was gonna have a good day." I look up at him , clutching my cheek . He was slightly titling his head as he watched me. How could someone do this too their own daughter. I never understood.
"I'm sorry sir. I'll walk to school." I speak loudly. He hates when I mumble. Getting to my bag , I pass him and walk to the door.
"Oh I heard that you're getting your grades . Let me look at them when you get home. Don't think about going anywhere but home."
"Yes sir."
What choice did I have? Hah , if I told him something he'd probably just slap me and lock me in my room with no AC . I think I've learned my consequences by now so.
I was lucky anyways . My school was only two blocks away. But what sucked was that the weather was hot as hell. Two blocks seems like two miles if you think about it. With the humid weather all I could really think about was my hair on my face.
When I got to my school I inhaled deeply. I was confused this morning though . Father knows I'm the top in my class , why's he asking for my grades?
Anyways , I make my way in the building. The brick walls surrounding me and the loud voices of the teenagers drowned my ears. I'm glad I didn't have panic attacks or anxiety. In my position I'm pretty sure anyone would have an panic attack or some other uh.. weird shit.
"Hey slutty Kai. Look what I did to your locker. I think it's suits you well." A voice creeps behind me and I shiver . Cathy. I turn around and as always she looked beautiful. I see why my parents love her so much and my parents couldn't give two fucks about me.
"Oh?" Was all I said before I passed her. Making my way to my locker I sigh softly looking at the art work on my locker. SLUT. CHEATER . BOYFRIEND STEALER .
Come on guys , I've never even had my first kiss yet. I was use to her torment so this didn't really bother me. Then Cathy stands near me. I see her goons are near her and I look up at her with fear. Even though I didn't know how to express my feelings I was still afraid of her. Afraid of her the most.
"It's a shame you were born . To be honest. It's really pitiful. Anyways I want you to meet by the bleachers again. Same time alright?" Not another one. Please no.
"Okay." Maybe she won't go so hard on me as she did last time.
I never really understood Cathy. I've know her ever since we were in pre school. We actually use to be friends. I even told her I loved her . Ha.
"Tsk. See you then." She pushes her way pass me and I wince as she touches one of my bruises. I couldn't mind her after all because I didn't want to show her that she won. That she was able to crack me .
I look back at my locker and groan. Is this nail polish? How am I suppose to get this off now? Couldn't she just use like lipstick or something?
It was lunch and it was my favorite time of the day. No one bothered me , I was able to eat and I was alone. Yeah alone. Sounds good to me.
After I got my lunch I made my way to the back of the large cafeteria . Today the nice and kind ladies were serving us pasta . It didn't even matter what they were making , I would still eat whatever they had. I didn't even eat much at home.
I pulled my grades out and looked at them as I ate. I was glad I didn't make any eighths this time. Most of the grades were hundreds so I was satisfied and hopefully father would be satisfied.
"Polly come on. You do realize you're talking about my ugly brother right? I don't want to hear no more talk about you wanting to fuck him!" I chuckled softly as I over heard the conversation behind. This was everyday really. Polly Sanders and Elisa Romano .
For the last days Polly has been talking about this guy named Luca. From what I've heard he just got out of Juvie for being part of a murder or like something related to that. This was the entertainment I got from this time and it was actually entertaining.
"But I can't help it. Did you see the way Luca was looking at me last night at your house? I was only wearing shorts and a tank top!" She whines as I hear a slight tump meaning she probably hit her head on the table again.
"It's not like you have a chance. He doesn't date. He fights and plays video games . That's his game plan . I still can't believe my mom is actually letting him come to school."
"I cant wait actually! I'm so excited !" I got bored of the conversation so I finished my meal and put my trash away. I look up at the clocked and it read that it was twelve. It was time.
I lick my dry lips and wince as I can taste my blood. I thought it stopped bleeding jeez..
When I got to the bleachers outside I immediately regretted it. GOD IT WAS SO HOT! Couldn't they just beat me up inside ? "The slut arrived. Great." Cathy laughs along with her friends . She looks at me as she pushes me down to where I'm on my knees.
"Girls have your fun. Don't hit anywhere on her face." Let the fun begin.
Ow ow ow. They really did a number on me. Pretty sure my right arm isn't working anymore. I chuckle as I can almost feel the tears starting to come out but I stop myself just before that.
"Jay wouldn't like that. He said girls aren't suppose to cry , remember?" I whisper as I hold my side tightly, ignoring the pain shooting throughout my body.
Speaking of Jay... My old phone lights up and I get my phone seeing his bright yellow name pop up. Hey . Dude I really just got cussed out by mom again. It was the worst! I giggle as I get ready to reply something back.
Jay. Well Jay's someone I met online through a game we like to play. It's called Kill Run Talk . We met like two years ago and he's the only person I can really talk to. He knows about my dad and he knows about my situation. He's really the reason why I'm so brave and I don't cry.
What did you do this time? I reply back .
Nothing! Well ... I kinda broke her vase but bro it wasn't my fault! I laugh louder as I clutch my stomach.
Dude stop being a idiot . I hope you apologized . Anyways you're gonna get on tonight right? I reply back.
You know it.
I smile as I put my phone back into my pocket. Looks like I'm gonna have to beg dad to let me study at the computer store again. Hopefully he agrees.
When I step into my home I see mom and dad cuddling by the fire and I lick my lips as I pull out my grades. "Kai." My father greets and I hand it to him.
"Sir . Exams are c-coming up. Could I study at the computer station. I have to do some research and it may take a couple of hours." I softly say as his eyes exam my grades. His face turning into a grin as he looks at the paper.
"My daughters a fucking genius with work but why is she such a dumbass when it comes to stuff at home?" Mother chuckles as she looks at my grades as well. I blush and avert my eyes to the ground. Probably the nicest thing she's ever said to me.
"I agree hunny . That's fine. After all you need to pass and get into York University." I nod my head and began walking to my room. "Make sure you're back by eleven."
"Yes sir." Was all I said before I practically ran to my room. I place my bag on the stand and change into shorts and a sweater. I grab my bag again and put some running shoes on before heading to the place I so desire.
When I got the computer station, as always the place was crowded. I was lucky I was able to get a seat and I sat in the back. I put my headsets on and logged into my game. There was something about this game that excited me. It was the feeling of actually winning something and people actually liking you. Praising you.
"You're late." I hear his voice through my headsets and I hear some shuffling in the background.
"Yeah I was with my sister." I lie. I didn't like to lie to him but I knew if I told him I was talking with my father he would go on and on about how he hates my father so much.
"Anyways look at this sword I collected. Isn't it great?"
"It's alright . Mines is better though ." I giggle at my cockiness and he groans as he puts his rainbow-ish sword away.
"I can't believe you're the highest in the game. And you're a fucking girl."
"Sexist much?" I questioned and he laughs , his thick accent calming and I felt at peace.