Nova's POV
We pull away from the kiss and both exhale, smiles forming on our faces. I rest my forehead against his and we open our eyes.
His arms are now totally wrapped around me and mine are around his neck. We hug, our bodies together.
"Wow," I say quietly.
"Indeed," he says.
I peck his lips again and again, needing more. He smiles and pulls away a little. I smile a little and he spoons my face and caresses my cheeks with his thumbs.
"Can I kiss you again?" he asks.
"You need to stop being so polite," I say and pull his lips onto mine again.
*Time pass. 2h later*
"So if you'd get to be a writer, you'd choose that?" he asks me, continuing our conversation.
We're sitting on the sand, our clothes now on, his arms around me, my head on his shoulder.
"Yeah, 100%," I say. He kisses my hairline and I look up at him. He puts the open strand of my hair around my ear and kisses me on the lips.
"We should head back," he says.
I sigh, "No, I don't want for this to end," I say.
He puts his lower lip over his upper one. "Come on cutie, you're almost asleep," he says.
I snuggle my face further into his neck. He kisses my hair and feels me shiver.
"Cold?" he asks.
"I'm wet. Yes," I chuckle.
He stands up, holding my hand. I open my eyes. He takes his Honey Badger Jacket off the ground and puts it over my shoulders. I smile and slide my arms into the sleeves.
"Gosh. That is warm," I say.
"How else we wear this in Winter?" he smirks.
I roll my eyes. The reason we're so good at surfing? In Hillwood winter is like 23°C. I intertwine our fingers and we start walking towards the camp.
"You think that Isabella and Emerald are sleeping at mine?" I ask.
"I'm pretty 100% sure, yes," he says. "Do you wanna come to mine?" he asks.
I smile and nod. He kisses my temple. The feeling of his soft lips brushing against my lips or cheek or temple or forehead or nose... I could die like this.
"Ready?" he whispers as we reach the first hut. I nod. We look around and run to his and inside. He turns on the table light and drops down into his bed.
He looks at me and stretches his arms out, "I’m wet," I say.
He jumps up, "Crap," he says, making me laugh.
He takes his towel and hands it to me. "Can I.. Um.. Can I get a shirt or something?" I ask.
He smiles and opens his sports bag. He throws me one. I smirk and smell it. I throw it back, "Something what you've already worn, please," I say.
He laughs and throws me another one. I smell it. A little bit of sweat, but mostly all him. I smile and turn my back at him.
I put the jacket onto Emerald's bed, and pull my own shirt off. I pull my surf crop top over my head as well and dry myself a little and then pull his shirt on.
"Crap, um," I say and turn around. He's sitting in his pajama pants on the bed. I smile a little, "These are wet," I say and point on my board shorts.
He smirks, "I don't mind you naked."
I hit his head, making him laugh. He pulls a pair of boxers out of his bag and hands me.
I smirk and wrap the towel around my body while changing my pants. I pull his boxers on and they feel like shorts. I smile and turn around.
He smiles as well and stands up, letting me sleep in between the wall and him, as I told him many things about me. One, I fall off the bed usually.
He waits until I'm under the covers and then turns the light off. I stiffen up as he opens the door.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"Putting our clothes outside. Then you have something to wear in the morning," he whispers.
"Hurry up," I say. He doesn't say anything, just goes outside for a minute and then comes back.
He climbs into the bed next to me and I climb against him immediately..
He chuckles sadly and kisses my hair, "Everything's okay," he says.
I smile a little and we take a comfortable position, his arms around me. I put my head onto his biceps and hands on his chest.
I look up at him and kiss him. "Night," I say after that.
"Night," he says as well. His one hand goes onto my wet hair and we both fall asleep almost immediately.
*The morning*
"Hey, you two," everyone says to us.
We smile, "Hey," we say and sit down behind the breakfast table.
"Something happened yesterday?" Chic asks in confusion.
"No, why?" I ask.
"You're both grinning like idiots," Gage says.
I giggle quietly and Nick rolls his eyes. "I'm hungry," I sigh and take some porridge.
Nick slides a blueberry Em in front of me. I smile.
"Ew. Blueberry?" Bella asks.
"Her favorite," Nick says and I nod.
"Wow. I've known you all my life and I didn't know that.. Guess if we would've had sneaked out for 3 hours, it'd be different," Bella says.
I face palm and she laughs. "What? When sis you sneak out?" Seth laughs and my brothers smirk at us.
"None of your business," I tell them and start eating.
"As long as you guys are happy," Jor says and ruffles my hair before I pull my head away.
*After the breakfast*
"Come on," Nick chuckles.
I sigh and get up somehow. "Come on sleepyhead," he tells me. I smile at that and let him drag me out of here.
"Surfing." I say and kiss his cheek.
*6 days later*
Me and Bella enter the cafeteria, "No way," I laugh.
"Umm yes way," she says.
We chuckle and get to our table and sit down in between Nick and Emerald.
"Hey," I smile.
"Hey," he smiles. I kiss him for a few seconds and then smile and touch his cheek.
"You look tired," I say.
"Yeah. Um, couldn't sleep great," he says.
"Really?" I ask sadly, "Do you wanna talk about it?"
"Later, okay?" he asks. I nod. He kisses my temple.
"Eat," he says. I smile and poor myself some cereal.
"How many days until the camp is over?" I ask.
"2," he says.
I sigh and look at him. He looks at me the same way. Just when I'm about to say something, he says, "I need to talk to you, okay?" he asks.
"If you're gonna tell me to stay away from you, Nick, it's not gonna happen," I say.
He chuckles, "Even if it'd be the best for you, I'm selfish. You can't stay away from me, or I'll.. Not die, but probably do something or kill someone," he says with a smile.
I peck his lips, "Okay. Talk after surfing?" I ask.
"Yeah," he says and puts his arm around me to pull me closer. I smile and rest my head onto his shoulder while eating.
*2h later*
"Hey. Who's gonna win the competition tomorrow?" I ask, carrying my board out of the water.
Here's the thing.. Everyone has to compete. In either surfing or swimming. And then in the sports they picked. And the whole camp will watch. So, I'll have a surfing and a football competition.
"Not sure, what about surfing?" Rory asks.
I smirk, "Well.. I have to compete with all the guys, cause here are no surfer girls, but that's okay," I say and they chuckle.
"From what I've seen, you're gonna win this damn thing," Nick says as he and my brothers come behind me.
We all take the ropes away from our ankles.
"How many places they're giving?" I ask.
"6," the three of them say in unison.
"Well then we'll all gonna get something," I say.
"Yeah, probably," Jor says. I give him my board. He takes it and they take all of these in front of their hut.
"Baby. Get some clothes on and let's meet here," Nick says.
I nod and he pecks my lips. I run into my beach hut and dry myself and put on jean shorts and one of Nicholas's T-shirts.
I slide my phone into my pocket and brush my hair. Then I throw them into a messy bun and take some money. I'm sure we'll go to the store around here. Takes about 15 minutes to get there. Perfect time for a talk.
I walk to my friends again. Nick is already here. He starts smiling as he sees me and then it turns into a smirk.
"What?" I chuckle, reaching him.
"I wonder where did you get that?" he says and touches his shirt on me.
I smile, "I do too you know," I say.
He chuckles and kisses my hair, "See ya later guys," he says.
"Bye," they smirk.
We walk towards the woods. When we're there, we intertwine our fingers and start walking slower.
I guess we're both feeling the tension. Whatever he is about to say, is not good. I'm just hoping he isn't going to leave me or anything.
"I like your toes," he says, breaking the ice
I laugh out loud and he chuckles. "Thank you," I say.
We smile for a while, before he sighs.
"Look," he says quietly and I look at him. "I like you," he says as we stop, "A lot... More than a lot... Gosh, I'm in love with you, okay?" he says, probably admitting it to himself.
I raise my eyebrows. I was not expecting that. A small smile comes on my face.
"Is there a but?" I ask. He chuckles sadly and the sighs.
"We live in Hillwood. A small town, full of hate. If someone would know that we were together, they... Well, the Honey Badgers who do not like my dad or me, can hurt you. Bad," he says worriedly.
"But Nicky," I say quietly, looking into his eyes and holding both of his hands now, "I love you. And I can't stay away from you," I say.
He smiles sadly and wraps his arms around me. We hug and he rests his head on mine.
"I love you too," he says quietly.
We just stand there for like 5 minutes or something and then pull away and start walking again.
"Can't we do anything? I mean.. My mom will probably hunt you down if she'd know that not that I only have a boyfriend, but that boyfriend is a Honey Badger," I say.
He chuckles, "I could handle your mom. But Nova, what if.. What if we would do this? People would-"
"People WILL talk and look and probably hate one of us, but it's like with the sea, right? They don't know you. And the Southsiders don't know me. The Northside thinks that you're dangerous. But you're not. And the Southside thinks that I'm weak. They should see me boxing," I say and he laughs.
"So what do you want? Keep dating?" he asks softly.
I smirk, "Are we dating?" I ask and keep looking in front of me.
He stops smoothly, making me stop as well. I look at him with the same face and he sighs with a smirk.
"I knew I forgot something," he says, making me giggle.
"Nova Willson. Would you two me the honor and be my girlfriend of we decide not to break up?" he asks, making me laugh.
"Yeah," I say with a big smile.
He smiles as well and leans in. We kiss and then soon break apart. We keep on walking in silence. Not awkward though.
"I wanna do this," I finally say as we reach the store.
"Date me?" he asks.
I nod, "And not in secret. In public. I want to do this right. I want to meet your family and I want for you to meet my mom," I say.
"The Southside hater?" he smirks.
I laugh, "Exactly. Her," I say.