Nova's POV
The boy gets up. He and all his friends start walking to us. His eyes are only on me though. I look town at my toes and start playing with my ankle bracelet.
"Hey," the girl says.
I look up now, "Hey," we all say.
The boy's eyes are still on me. Gosh I wanna touch him.
"Um, you guys are from Hillwood, right?" the girl asks. We all nod. She raises her shirt a little and shows us her Honey Badger tattoo on her waist.
"Wow, you're a Honey Badger?" Rory asks.
"We all are," a very tall guy says. Also hot, but the other one is better. I can see that the boy who is still staring at me has the tattoo on his biceps, the tall guy on his neck and the third guy on his biceps as well.
"Are you one of those Northsiders who totally wanna kill all the Southsiders?" the third guy asks.
We chuckle, "The town is fucked up," I tell them, "But no. We don't hate you," I say. They all smile.
"Don't get excited, she always has something to say," Chic smirks at me.
I chuckle, "No can do. I know absolutely nothing about them," I tell him.
"Mind if we join you?" the hot guy asks. What the hell is this voice. Fucking hot. We all nod.
The girl sits down next to Isabella and these two can't keep eyes off each other either. The two guys sit in between Harvey and Bruce and my brothers.
And the hot one sits next to me. With a distance.
"What are your names? Do you have weird ones? Like Novella?" Jor smirks.
I hit his shoulder and he chuckles. "I'm Emerald," the girls says.
"Gage." "Seth."
"Nicholas," the weirdo smirks. We all tell them our names and then everyone starts talking in some groups.
I look at Nicholas and blush, seeing that he's staring at me again. "What?" I ask quietly.
"What, what?" he asks.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask, hoping for a blush, but he just smiles.
"You're beautiful," he says, making me blush and look down. I hear him chuckling.
"You like surfing?" he asks.
I look up with a smile, "You surf?" I ask.
"Yeah," he smiles, "Since I was 5," he says.
I smile big and turn myself towards him and he does the same. I cross my legs.
"Do you compete?" I ask.
He nods, "You?" he asks.
"Never have before, but since you were staring at me earlier, I guess you heard the conversation," I say.
"Sorry," he chuckles.
"No worries. How old are you?" I ask.
"15," he says.
I smile, "Me too. So you won't be competing with my brothers," I say.
"Yeah, umm. Did they tell you what they were telling me?" he asks.
I hide my face into my hands and he laughs. "They just said that you're cute and I better keep away," he smiles.
I chuckle sadly "I'm sorry," I say.
He grins, "They're cool. For siblings. Seem to care about you," he says.
I nod, "They do," I smile.
"So.. Tell me about yourself," he says.
"Like what?" I chuckle.
"What do you like to do other than surfing and running?" he smirks.
I smile, "Well.. I play soccer. I um like to fix cars and read and... Write," I say quietly.
"Wow," he smiles, "What are you writing?" he asks.
I smirk, "No way. I'm not telling you after we just met," I tell him.
He chuckles, "I love writing," he says.
I raise my eyebrows, "Seriously?" I ask.
He nods, "But we go to Southside high so no one really knows about it or I'd get beaten up," he says.
"Didn't they close it now?" I ask.
He smiles, "Yep. I'm coming to Hillwood high," he says.
I smile, "Well... Are you good at writing?" I ask.
He shrugs, "Kinda."
I chuckle, "Well if you could show me some of your works, I'm in the Green and Yellow, the school newspaper," I say.
He smiles, "That would be great," he says happily.
"And you? What more do you like?" I ask.
"Well.. Surfing, writing, basketball, reading, movies, EATING," he says, making me laugh.
"Wow yeah. I like sleeping, but I didn't count that," I laugh.
He smiles, "You have a cute laugh," he tells me.
I blush again, "Thanks," I say, and keep playing with my ankle bracelet.
We hear a whistle, so I look up too, "EVERYONE TO BEDS!" we hear.
We all sigh and get up. Nick smiles to me and I smile back, "See you around?" he asks. I nod with a smile.
He takes my hand into his, sending shivers through both of our bodies. He brings it up to his lips and kisses it as in old movies. I smile with a little blush.
"Good night, gorgeous," he says and runs away with Seth and Gage.
I smile so big as I look back at the others. "Someone got herself a boyfriend," Bruce teases.
"Shut up," I tell him.
I hug my bros, "Night," I say.
"Night," they say and Chic ruffles my hair.
I smile and they go into their beach hut what is the 15th, but we have the 8th. I see that Nick has the 12th and also Ari, Sadie and Josie have the 9th.
Me and Bella go inside and she locks the door. We both fall onto the beds and look at the ceiling.
"Nova?" she asks in a few minutes. I look at her with a smile as she's doing the same, "Do you think there is love from the first sight?" she asks.
I smile, "Emerald?" I ask. She nods.
I chuckle, "Well it feels so," I tell her.
"Nicholas," she states and I nod.
We get up and hug. Just for minutes. Just hug.
Someone bangs on our door, "Wake up!" we hear.
I bury my face into my pillow and try to avoid it, but I hear Isabella getting up and opening the door, "Hi. Here are both of your timetables. You've slept in, everyone else is eating," a woman says.
Bella says something and then the door closes. She shakes me, "Nova," she says.
"No," I mumble.
She sighs, "At first breakfast. Then you have free surfing time and I have free swimming time. Get up. We're already half an hour late," she says.
I groan and keep sleeping. "Calling my dear cousins," she smirks.
"Bella," I whine, but fall asleep again.
*Time pass, 5 minutes*
I feel someone picking me up from the bed. I don't care, I wrap my arms and legs around him and keep sleeping.
"Nova," Jor chuckles.
"No," I mumble.
"I'm getting you into that cafeteria in your pajamas," he says.
"I don't care," I mumble.
"Okay, Bella. Let's go," he says. He carries me somewhere where I hear many people talking and then laughing.
I feel him sitting down, "Come on. Wake up," he whines.
"I don't care what you say. I'm sleeping until 12," I say.
"We only have one surfing opportunity. 9-11," he says.
My eyes fly open, "I'm up," I say and climb off of his lap and onto the bench next to him.
"Fine, we have 3," he says.
I groan, "I hate you," I say. He ruffles my hair like it wouldn't be a mess already.
I look around. We're sitting around a big table. All my friends, Nicholas, and his friends. I smile at him a little and he smiles back.
I sigh and look at the food. Nice food for a camp. I make some cheese sandwiches and poor myself some orange juice.
"Nove," Chic says just as I start eating.
"Mph?" I ask and swallow.
"Try that," he says and pushes a green drink in front of me.
I feel some weird face forming on me, "What is this?" I ask.
"A protein shake," he says.
"Good?" I ask.
"Decent," Jor says.
I sigh and take a little sip. No taste. "No taste," I say.
"Right? That's awesome, it's like water," Chic says as I push it back in front of him.
"Water has taste. It tastes like water. This shake... Ew," I say and drink a whole glass of orange juice.
"I don't get why you two drink that crap," I say.
"To get muscles," Chic smirks, "Where are yours?"
"Um seems like I don't need them to beat you from what I saw yesterday," I tell them.
"The running? Yeah, I let y-" Jor starts.
"No you didn't," I chuckle, "And the surfing too," I say. They roll their eyes with smiles, telling me that I'm right and they won't embarrass themselves anymore.
"Okay, I don't know what you guys are doing but.. We have 2 hours in the water. I'm going surfing," Jor says and gets up.
"Coming?" Chic asks me as everyone gets up. I look around, "Nah I'm just gonna finish these," I say and point on my sandwiches.
"Fine but hurry up, I'm trying to beat you," he says and runs out. I raise my head. Just like I thought. Nicholas stayed.
He gets up and comes and sits next to me, "Hey," he chuckles.
"Hey," I smile and keep eating.
"You're a deep sleeper, huh?" he smirks.
"OH yes," I tell him. He chuckles.
"Can I ask you something?" he asks. I nod. "Why are you so competitive?" he asks.
I smirk, "I get that a lot.. Two older brothers," I tell him.
He chuckles, "Wow. You took surfing after them?" he asks.
I shrug, "Almost, but not really. I remember my mom and dad saying that we're going surfing," I smile sadly, "My oldest brother was 7," I tell him.
"So you were 5?" he asks.
"3," I say. Now he looks confused.
"Look," I say quietly, "If you won't tell this to anyone, I can tell you," I say.
"You don't have to," he says.
"No, I um..." I look up at him, "I trust you. For some weird reason. And it'd be nice to get it out of me finally," I say.
"Okay," he smiles.
"I umm.." I look at my friend bracelets around my wrists, "I had an older brother. Like one more.. He," I sigh, " He died," I tell him.
"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. You shouldn't have told me," he says.
I look at him with a smile, "No. I trust you," I say.
He raises his eyebrows and a little smile forms on his face. I feel his hand almost against mine, so I move mine a little and take his hand. Okay now he blushes.
"See that? You CAN blush," I tell him, making him blush even more. I giggle quietly.
"You wanna go surfing?" he asks.
"Uh-uh," I say and drink my whole glass. Then we stand up, hands still linked.
It feels amazing. Like our hands are meant to be. I smile at our hands and we go out of the cafeteria. My friends are already swimming and so are his. And my brothers are making their way to the big waves.
We just walk to my beach hut in silence. But it's not awkward. It's beautiful. When we reach it, we let go.
"Meet you in the water?" I smile.
"You got it," he smiles.
I chuckle and kiss his cheek and then run into my beach hut. Just like he did to me yesterday, only with my hand.
I lock the door and pull off my pajamas. I put on a bikini top and surfing bottoms, which kinda look like shorts. I also try to brush my hair a little. I have to do it for like 5 minutes to get it normal. It's a little dirty, but I guess I'll go to shower after the surfing.
I don't bother to put on flip flops or anything. I love to be barefoot. I go out of my hut and see Nick stepping into the water. I smile and tie the rope around my ankle. Then I grab my surfboard and walk towards the water. Gosh I love these mornings.
Once I step into the water I feel the warm ocean. Wow that is warm. The sun is shining back from the water. I love my life.
I start paddling towards my brothers and Nick who is now there. Once I reach them they're all laughing. I see a great wave forming.
"Go," I tell them and start paddling towards it.
"Unfair!" I hear Jor's voice.
"Pay attention," I chuckle.
"You know what? We don't have to compete, we can just teach you to get better," Chic says.
"Really?" I ask, "Or you just want for me to stop and not catch that wave?" I ask.
They all chuckle at me, "Really, but catch that wave," Chic says.
I smile and soon, I do catch it. I start riding it and it forms into a tube. Yes. I tube ride. Totally.
I hear all three of them cheering and then a second later all the others as well. Probably even some strangers.
When I'm done I do a flip on it and jump off. They all cheer. I come on the water with a big smile.
"Wow," Jor laughs, "Dude. You're great. That wave didn't even seem like one," he says.
"You've thought me well," I chuckle. He kisses my cheek.
"You're gonna win that competition," Nick says. I smile at him.
"Okay, guys. 30 minutes. Bella is judging us with Emerald," Charles says.
I smile. "GO!" I hear Emerald's voice.
We all start paddling towards the waves.