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Chapter 5


Me and Asa ran far into a distant human settlement. We found a bar, and occupied a booth at the end of the bar, in a dark corner. The silence between us was loud and palpable, thick with unspoken words.

“So, tonight was a lot, is that not so?” Asa chuckled, breaking the silence.


I was too lost in thoughts and lacked words to express how I felt.


“Yes, Asa,”

“I have been trying to get your attention,”

“I apologize. I am just… overwhelmed.”

”Rightfully so. I have no idea what just happened within the last two hours. It all feels so surreal, it is crazy,”

“Have you ever heard of primordials?”

“Well, yes. I have,”

“Go on, then! What keb who are they?”

“They are the first of every being - Werewolves, witches, vampires, trolls, dwarves and giants. After the creation of worlds, Varak, evil personified, wreaked havoc on the worlds. The primordials successfully defended the world, but they all lost their lives in the end. All but one - the Primordial Wolf Supreme. She had an incomplete death and wandered as an energy reincarnating in worthy vessels. And based on your mom's conversation with Varak, you are the current vessel,”

“Me? The current vessel of a powerful energy? Have you seen me? I almost watched you die today, and all I could do was stand in a spot!”

“Well, I am not as weak as you think. I was not going to die, I could have handled her if Igor had not stepped in,” she punched my shoulder playfully.

“But how is it that I have never heard of this before?”

“ It is not generally told amongst our kind. But witches and dwarves are keen on preserving history,”

“I am beyond words,”

“Look, Vee, it is all going to be okay. We will figure a way out somehow. I just know it,”

“I have always admired your optimism and confidence. I have never had that before,”

“Look, this is not the time to pity and blame yourself. You have to sit up! Now, more than ever. You will be fine, I promise,”

“Thank you, A,”

“You are welcome, Vee. We just have to find a place to lay low. We can't leave somewhere so far from home, and we can't be too close. Somewhere within proximity, and I think this town will do. We just have to find a place to lay our heads.”

“Well, well, well… lookie what we have here, boys! Fresh meat!” A group of brawny men who appeared to be bikers walked up to our booth.

“Is there something you are looking for, young misters?” Asa asked.

“Young misters? You had better watched your tongue pretty thing,”

“Or what, young mister?”

“Oh, you are a feisty one! Just how I like them,” be nudged the dude next to him and they all started laughing. Apparently, we missed the joke.

“So, are you cheap sluts or you are just looking for a good time?”

“Look, young man, I will ask this one last time. My patience can only be stretched so thin. Is there something you are looking for?” Asa asked, looking directly in his eyes.

He looked insulted, and turned around, obviously feeling emasculated.

“Now, you have done it, you little bitch!” He grabbed Asa’s shoulder, but she pried his fingers off with so much ease, broke them, and pushed him into the next booth.

“Which one of you young mister is up next?” She asked as she searched for imaginary dirt between her fingernails.

They all shook their heads rapidly, and ran out of the bar.

“Yeah, that is what I thought,”

“I really aspire to be like you, Asa,” I said laughing.

“Hello, sorry to interrupt, but can I get you ladies anything?” The waitress asked, smiling broadly.

“Uh, no, thank you. We are fine,” I replied.

“So, two glasses of Coca-Cola, then? Coming right up!” With that she left, without giving me the opportunity to counter her.

“Here you go! Two glasses of cola, on the house,”

Asa and I shared an amused look.

“Thank you so much…”

“Gioli. My name is Gioli,”

“Thank you very much, Gioli. I am Victoria and this is Asa,”

“My shift will be over in a few minutes, and I will come back here to meet you guys. Please do not leave, thanks,” she skipped back to the counter, smiling at customers.

“Well, that was pretty interesting, wasn't it?” Asa asked, taking a sip of her cola.

“Very, very interesting,” I said, laughing.

Her shift ended soon enough, and she walked to our booth.

“Hello, once again, Victoria and Asa,”

“Hello,” Asa and I replied in unison.

“I saw what you did with those men, and I must say it really gave me so much joy. They have been terrorizing the female customers for weeks now. Useless, that lot,”

“That is sad to hear,” I said.

“I know what the two of you are,”

Trepidation and concern danced on the floor of my mind, and with the look of things, Asa's too.

“Oh, no. There is no need to be worried. I am a halfling, my mother was a witch. But the human blood flowing through my veins makes it hard to harness the full magical abilities I possess. I only have healing and seeing in my arsenal,”

“Does anyone know?”

“I try to keep it hidden, but it gets hard sometimes, so I move a lot. I have been here for three years now, and I has been so great,”

“I like that for you,” Asa said.

“Look I can tell you guys are in a fix. If you need somewhere to stay, you can stay with me for as long as you need,”

“No, that is too generous of you,”

“Well, you can get jobs and help with things at home,”

Asa and I communicated with our eyes, and agreed.

“Thank you for the offer, Gioli. It means a lot to us,” I said.

“Yay! Let us shake on it then!”

As my fingers made contact with Gioli's, she became as stiff as a board and started muttering.

“Your future is tumultuous and uncertain, but necessary. Focus and carve the path, Primordial Supreme. Your destiny begins now. Friends are foes, foes are friends. Meus mihi Sus cique Carus.

She passed out afterwards.

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