In a supernatural world separated from the tainted ones - Humans. Victoria Harper's life went downhill when an ancient e...
Chapter 1
Standing there in the middle of the woods, covered in blood - none of which was mine, holding my brother's body in my arms, the only thought in my mind was to kill and that was exactly what I intended to do.
"Dave, you shall pay with your head!" I screamed into the night, my eyes picking up everything lurking in the darkness. I could see the younger vampires trying to hide in the shadows, waiting for orders from their superior.
“Victoria, I am so sorry. This was not my intention. I had to obey orders, even you have to understand that,” his voice was coming from all over the place. Obviously, he was using that cursed echolocation ability of his, making it hard for me to detect his exact location.
“Orders? Orders, Dave? My brother is dead! You killed him!” I yelled, letting out a howl, rending the night air.
“I did not kill him, Vee. I did not. No one was meant to die, I am so sorry.”
“If that is remorse I hear in your voice, you can keep it to yourself, Dave. It is bad rep for you. Your subordinates are witnessing your weakness,” I snarled, hating the fact that I had once loved him.
“I am not weak!”
“Then show yourself, David. Just you and I. One on one. Right here, right now.”
I waited.
“I will not fight you, Vee. I will not,”
“Why? Are you afraid? Are you afraid because daddy's not here to save you? And it is Victoria, to you.”
“I am not afraid, and you know it,”
“Then act like it, and show yourself,”
“You are not thinking, Victoria!”
“I am not thinking? You infiltrated my territory, ambushed me and brother with all your Batlings, yet I am not thinking? You were so brave a few minutes earlier. That is the bravery I am asking for now. Show yourself!”
The night was chilly, the leaves were rustling. Silence. Then I heard the crunching of dead leaves underfoot, I saw a silhouette, and a woman materialized, with undiluted hate in her eyes.
“Did he send you, Anika? Do you also now do his dirty work for him?” I asked, contempt heavy on each syllable.
“I will not stand by and watch you disrespect the heir apparent to Court De'ville. As consort, I must ensure that,”
“I see, interesting. And you think you can take on me? Dave, warn your puppet. You know what I am capable of,”
“Anika, please stand down. For your own good,” that seemed to strike a nerve, as Anika’s facial muscles spasmed uncontrollably.
“Shut up, David De'ville! You should be ashamed of yourself. What will your father say? How do you think your mom will react seeing you cower? You bring nothing but shame to this family. First, you went and fell in love with this… dog! Now this? I promise to deal with you, after I am finished with this little dog,”
“Did you just call me a dog, Anika? You? You really want to do this? You want to go there?”
“Throw that dead puppy aside and fight if you want to. Quit yapping and barking, Victoria Harper,”
“I will rip you apart, Anika. I promise,”
I lay my brother down gently. He was not truly dead, he only lost a whole lot of blood. It was all a ruse, we had devised on the spot to kill the De'ville heir. We knew it was a matter of time before they made their move to kill the next alpha of the True-blood pack, me. So, we had to act fast. Regardless, he was dying, still. He was losing a lot of blood, even his wolf would not be able to keep him alive for much longer.
I could see Anika bare her fangs and lunge at me, my wolf growling in excitement, anticipation and anger. If I shift completely I would kill her immediately, but my wolf wanted to play. She was fast, but it was going to be a full moon the next day, and the ancient blood within my veins were triple charged.
I ducked as she tried to grab my neck, and she disappeared into the shadows. She slowed her heartbeat, and lay in ambush. I solely had to rely on smell and hearing. A kick to my side knocked me off balance, and I felt her weight upon me. Prying her off me, I flung her hard at a tree. She tried to reorganize her movements midair, but I was onto her, I threw her back down, pinning her down, Leaving her throat bare and accessible, waiting to welcome my canines.
“Dave, it is only fair I take something of yours, since you have claimed mine,”
“Vee, please no! Wait,”
I sunk my teeth into her jugular, I severed her spinal cord. I hated the taste and smell of vampire blood - cold and repugnant. Vile creatures!
There were loud screams coming from all over the woods, as the vampires let out painful cries of sorrow. The night birds scattered, and the other woodland creatures seemed to be really quiet. As if they were afraid for their lives, and they knew making a sound would jeopardize their safety.
“Vee! What have you done?”
“Oh, I see you are capable of leaving your hiding place, Mr. De'ville. How nice of you to join us,”
“You… you killed her!”
“You don't think she was asking for it? She did not have to die. I did not kill her, David, you did. She would have been alive if you only you had come out earlier. Remember, I warned her. This is not on me,”
“Victoria, you have crossed a line,”
“You are so full of audacity, aren't you, Dave? First, you trespassed, infiltrated my territory, attacked me and my brother, who you succeeded in killing, sent your consort or should I say late consort, to kill me. But no, you did not cross any line.
It was I who crossed a line to defend my pack! For defending my territory! For defending my brother! You have no right to stand there and tell me I crossed a line. No right, whatsoever!”
Dave flared up and made a shrieking cry. A call. Realizing I had to act fast I howled long and hard.
This battle had been a long time coming.
And it all started on the night of my one hundred and eighteenth birthday.