My parents study still holds that imposing presence that galvanizes your spine with fear, as trepidation is sown deep into your being. And I have been summoned.
“Where have you been?” Dad asked in his deep rumble.
“Out? Dave, out?”
“Yes, out,”
“Is that any way to speak to your father? Your Lord?”
“You forget your place too often, and I will make certain l remind you every time,”
The involuntary urge to kneel and bow was so intense. It was a battle I was losing by the second.
“Leave him be, Anthony. I am sure he has learnt his lesson. Haven't you, David, dear?” My mom sounded as bored as ever.
I wanted to retort saying, ‘there is no lesson to be learnt’, but instead I replied with, “Yes, mother,” and hated myself for it.
“What is that foul stench you carry on you?” Father growled.
“What do you mean?”
“That stench you carry on you, what is it?”
“I do not understand,”
“You smell like a dog. Quit being deliberately obtuse. Explain.”
“A dog? You know I hate dogs,”
“Do you now? Yet you reek of werewolf stench?”
“Oh, that? I ran into a few at the bar. A fight broke out, yada yada yada,”
“You took on a few members of the Harper Pack on your own… you?” He asked incredulously.
My mom's ear perked up. For some reason she hated them more than the rest of the Court.
“I did not say I won, did I?”
“Of course. I forget how shameful and worthless you are. Go wash that stench off you this instant,”
I could feel my mom trail me with her eyes, disbelief engraved in her eyes.
“Your father will kill you if he finds out about us,” Victoria said solemnly.
“As will your mother,”
“You are so correct,” we laughed like it is okay for people to talk about the propensities of being killed by their parents.
“So… is there an us?”
“Of course! We are friends, is that not so?”
“You know what I mean,”
“What, pray tell, do you mean, Dave?”
I could tell she was afraid. Afraid of her mother, of my father… afraid of us - of this… this thing we are doing, whatever it is.
“I like you, Vee. I really do,”
“You cannot say things like that, Dave. You just can't!”
“Vee, just give this a chance. Give us a chance, please?”
“Dave, I don't know about this. This is rather reckless and thoughtless,”
“Since when was love not reckless?”
“Love? Love, Dave?”
“Yes, love,”
“Let us take this slow. We do not even know what we are doing,”
“We will figure it out. I think we can do it if we tried,”
“I have to think about this,” she disappeared, muffled quick footsteps, leaving only her scent and retreating footfalls.
“How long have you been seeing her for?”
“Mom!” I screamed and was startled.
“David, for how long have you been seeing her?”
“Seeing who?”
I did anticipate it, but still did not see it coming. I crashed into the wall at the far left.
“For how long have you been seeing that dog, Dave?” Mom asks in her slow, bored drawl.
“I would have sent you to the UV room, but I have a better use of you. Get closer to her. It will be crucial on the long run,”
“You want me to betray her trust?”
“Oh, now you know who this person is?”
“I will not be doing that. I will not do it!”
“You say that, like you have any option whatsoever. You do not,”
“But you taught that betrayal is the highest form of cowardice,”
“Betraying one's own is the highest form of cowardice. Point of correction. We need an inside man, and you will do what must be done.”
The first time we attacked Harper's fort, there was a wooden stake through my heart.
“Mom, dad! Please, we do not need to do this,”
“Yes, we do. Yes we do, child,” mother drawled.
“Son, you will not understand because you are blinded by that emotion. But later on, you will see why this is a necessary act,”
“How can you say that, Dad?”
“That is enough of this conversation. We are losing moonlight. Quickly, get ready,”
“I am not going anywhere with you. Any of you!”
“Suit yourself. It will not matter when she realizes you were a little snake,”
“Dad, that's not fair! You forced that information out of me. You used The Hold!”
“Imagine her seeing your mummy and daddy charging into their fort. The first thought would be betrayal. Which would be so easy, especially owing to our… families… history,” mom finished with a sly smile on her face.
“Why are you guys doing this?”
“Let us call it a necessary evil,” she smiled.
Dad did not have his jaunty look. If anything, he looked slightly guilty. But that could not be. He is an unfeeling bastard. That quickly passed and he wore an unfamiliar strange coat of confidence and pleasure.
“Dad, you do realize this action is going to disrupt centuries of peace and balance, right?”
“Yes, I am aware. Oh, I am very much aware,”
“Why then are you doing this?”
“Power? Status? Stop being shallow, child. It is only a matter of time before they attack us. Do you think this peace will last forever? It is tentative.”
“Dad, this is very much unlike you. What has gotten over you?”
I did not see the slap coming.
“You would not want me to remind you to watch your tongue again, boy,” he growled.
“Since when did you start growling, darling? You sound like one of those dogs,” Mom purred, licking her fangs and flexing her claws.
Silhouettes appeared suddenly.
“I had a feeling you would want to disrupt this peace and balance. But I also wanted to believe you would do the right thing. It appears I was wrong, Anthony,” A voice sounded from the distance. It was Juliet Harper, Victoria's mom, and the rest of the pack, Victoria included.
“Why are you doing this, Anthony? It is out of character. Even for you,”
“Well, I guess you never really knew me,”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Revenge,” there was something about the way he said it that made me rest something. This man is not my father, at least not completely.