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Love Affairs

"Don't call me daddy, okay? Just don't." Yoongi nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

"W-why not? You always take care of me so you're my daddy!" The younger exclaimed, his eyes shining brightly.

Yoongi cringed. It was unusual to hear that word from his best friend.

"I know Chim but..it's not alright to call me like that. Call me hyung, okay?"

Tears started to fall from the blond's eyes. He made a sad pouting face and sat on the floor, sobbing.

"Ya, ya! Don't cry!" Yoongi widened his eyes.

"I-I wanted to call you like this because I have no d-daddy!" The younger cried. "Y-you're the only one I have.."

The blue haired male felt his heart breaking inside his chest. He bit his lower lip and kneeled in front of the younger. He wiped his tears with his sleeves and cupped his red cheeks, trying hard to show him his best smile. "You..you can call me daddy." He said softly, making the younger smile widely.

"Thank youu daddy!" Jimin jumped on the older until they both fell on the floor.

"Ya! Chimchim, get off me please!"

"Okay daddy! Sorry!"

"Now to the shower." Yoongi said before heading to the bathroom.

"Don't take off your underwear!" Yoongi shouted, his heart beating fast when the younger was about to get fully naked.

"Why not daddy? I can't shower with it."

"I know..but.." the older rubbed his hair. "P-lease just don't. Keep it on."

"We are both boys daddy!"

"Yeah but..it's still not okay for us to see each other's secret places, right?" Yoongi smiled awkwardly.

"I like secrets daddy." The blond smirked.

You don't know how much I like them too..

"Hot! Hot! It's hot daddy!" Jimin screamed when Yoongi tried to wash the soap from his body.

"Sorry, I'll make it colder."

Yoongi bit his lip, watching Jimin's wet body.

He saw his best friend half naked before but he was never that close to him. He never touched it.

His skin was soft and smooth. His body was also well built. Yoongi was the one who encouraged the younger to work out and he was proud that he did because Jimin's six pack were above sexiness.

"Are you okay daddy? It's been more than 5min that you were looking at me." The younger said, waking him up from his reverie.

"Uh? O-oh." Yoongi blushed.

"Am I pretty daddy?" The younger smirked, making the older blush even more.

"W-what are you saying.." he chuckled nervously.

"Am I?" The younger asked again.

Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck and smiled. "Y-yeah. You are pretty Jim- I mean Chimchim."

The younger smiled excitedly and kissed Yoongi's cheek, covering it with water.

The older gulped and stood still like a statue. Jimin never kissed him before.

Hugs were the most intimate moments they had before so receiving a kiss, feeling his lips touching his skin was another story. It was strange, weird, unusual but very sensual and relaxing.

Yoongi internally cursed himself for thinking like this. He cleared his throat and quickly finished washing Jimin's hair before wrapping his body in a giant towel, covering every inch of it. He didn't want to sin even more.

He took a shower after the younger and prepared himself for classes.

"Chim, I have classes right now so I want you to stay kind while I'm out, okay?" He asked the younger who was watching cartoons.

He chuckled, looking at how cute he was floating in a big black sweater.

"Okay daddy."

"Don't touch anything. Behave well. Be like a real man. Okay?"



"Where is Jimin?" Jungkook came to Yoongi, who was looking for a USB key inside his locker.

"Since when we started talking at the faculty?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow.

"Where is Jimin? I asked you, you should simply answer." The younger rolled his eyes.

"Why are you asking about him?"

Jungkook sighed heavily and slammed the locker's door, startling Yoongi. "I had enough of your stupid questions." He mumbled, coldly. "Where is Jimin?"

"His loft." The older mumbled, not wanting any problems with the arrogant music student.

"He didn't go to his classes his morning, is he sick?"

"I don't know. Maybe he's just tired." Yoongi lied.

"Anyways, I'll text him." Jungkook said, staring at his phone.

"Oppa! Oppa!" A bunch of girls were calling him, staring at him with heart eyes and asking him to go to them.

Yoongi just rolled his eyes.

"By the way." Jungkook started, after flashing the girls his seductive smile. "What's your relationship with him?" He asked.

"It's none of your business." Yoongi answered coldly before leaving the department.

"Have you seen Jimin?"

"What the fuck? Why is everyone asking for him today?" Yoongi frowned.

"I-I'm sorry hyung, I just didn't see him in classes." Hoseok said shyly.

"He skipped all the classes?" Yoongi asked, thinking that maybe his best friend was still not back to his body.

Hoseok nodded. "I'm worried about him. He skipped a lot of classes lately, he also skipped one dance class that day."

"Y-yeah he's tired lately but don't worry." Yoongi said.

"Okay..can you ask him to call me tonight, I need to tell him something." The orange haired male blushed, making the older stare at him in confusion.

"Why? I mean..yeah okay, I'll tell him."

"Thanks hyung." The younger smiled before leaving.

"Everyone is making me so confused today." Yoongi sighed.


"MIN YOONGI COME TO OUR LOFT RIGHT NOW!" Jin screamed through the phone.

"What? Why? What's happening?! Is Jimin okay? Is he sick?!" Yoongi dropped his laptop, worried about his friend.


Yoongi closed his and Namjoon's shared loft's door and ran to the other block.

"Thanks god you came! I'm going crazy here!" Jin sighed, putting his big hand on his chest.

"What's wrong hy- oh shit!" Yoongi widened his eyes when he saw the mess inside the small apartment.

Everything was upside down.

Milk was spread on the floor, chocolate on the cushion, draws stuck on the walls and a broken glass in the kitchen.

"I don't know what the fuck happened here. What does he think he is? I don't know how much alcohol glasses he had but that's too much!" Jin shouted furiously.

"Ah..y-yeah I know.." Yoongi shook his head.

"And I'm not ready to clean everything. I already do the majority of the chores and I cook everyday, I'm not his maid for god's sake!"

"Plus, I'm so stressed and busy with my studies! It's my last year and I have a project to work on. This little shit isn't helping me at all!"

"And he was acting so weird lately, making things more complicated. I honestly was very glad he was my roommate but now I'm starting to regret it. I love Jimin but this is too much." He sighed.

"I understand.." Yoongi mumbled. "I'm sorry for what he did."

"You don't have to Yoongi, it's not your fault. I just need you to talk to him."

Yoongi didn't say a thing and seemed to think for a while.

"I have a proposition." He finally said.

"And what is it?"

"How about we switch? You and I? You go live with Namjoon, he's usually quite so you'll be able to concentrate on your project and I'll stay here with Jimin. Is it alright?"

Jin rubbed his chin and smiled, thinking about sharing a room with Namjoon.

"You don't seem to hate this idea, do you?" Yoongi smirked, making the raven haired blush.

"Okay, call!" The older exclaimed. "I'll go pack my things, I don't have too much stuff so I'll be out in 30min."

"By the way, where is he?" Yoongi asked.

"He's sleeping like a baby."


After the angry mum left the loft, Yoongi cleaned everything, cursing at Jimin every time he got the occasion. When he finished, he sat in the living room, to check his mails on his laptop. He decided to look for his things the day after because it was already late and cold outside.

After a while, he heard someone talking. Jimin.

He sighed and headed to his room but stopped in front of the door when he heard him giggling snd talking to someone sweetly through the phone.

-I missed you too!

-Of course I always think about you!

-What am I wearing? Hihi. Umm just a black sweater.

-Oh don't say thaat! You're making me shy hihi.

Yoongi frowned and clenched his fists. Jungfuckingkook.

Jimin was usually quite or shy, seeing this side of him was unusual to the older. He didn't hate it but he didn't like it because he was acting like this with someone else. Someone who doesn't even deserve it.

"Oh, hyung!" After a long annoying phone call, according to Yoongi, Jimin finally got out of his room, with his messy blond hair and his red cheeks.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, sitting next to the older and taking a look at his work.

"I started living here." The older mumbled coldly.


"You made your old roommate run away. Now, I'm replacing him."

"Jin hyung? He left?!" Jimin widened his eyes. "Why?"

"Why?" Yoongi chuckled. "Your eight years old personality created the biggest mess ever."

"Oh." Jimin rubbed his neck. "I'm so sorry for Jin hyung.." he pouted. "I should call him." He sighed. "You're my roommate now?"

Yoongi simply nodded.

"Well, it's better than Jin hyung!" Jimin smiled widely and hugged the older. "I always wanted to share an apartment with my best friend!"

"Ya! Let go of me!"

"Whyy! I know you like my hugs hyung!" Jimin giggled.

"Go hug your Jungkook."

"Aw yeah, I will." Jimin smirked. "He asked me to meet tomorrow after classes."

Yoongi frowned and started tapping his keyboard strongly.

Jimin's phone vibrated on the table. The screen lightened up and it could show a text from 'Hobi hyung'.

"Jiminie, come outside."

"Oh, I wonder if he needs something." Jimin furrowed his eyebrows and got up to put on his denim jacket.

"You're going out in this cold? Can't he wait until tomorrow?" Yoongi asked.

"He came all the way here, I can't send him back." The younger smiled before closing the door after him.

Yoongi sighed and laid his head on the couch, remembering the blushed on Hoseok's face earlier when he mentioned talking to Jimin.

He stood up and went in front of the window. He saw the orange haired male waiting, holding a red box.

Jimin finally showed up and gave a small hug to his friend.

Yoongi groaned from frustration because he couldn't hear anything.

"Jiminie, I was worried because you didn't come to classes."

"I was just a little bit tired, sorry for worrying you." Jimin smiled softly.

"I hope you'll get well soon!" Hoseok smiled widely. "Here! Your favorite chocolate!" He gave him the box.

"Hazelnut chocolate!" The blond widened his eyes. "How do you know it's my favorite?!"

The older shyly rubbed his head. "I always see you eating it when you're stressed. You must have been very stressed with the finals so I thought about buying it for you."

"Aww thank youu Hobi hyuung!"

"My pleasure Jiminie!" Hoseok patted Jimin's head. "You look so cute with your pajama." He mumbled shyly.

"Uh?" Jimin looked at his sweater. "Thanks." He smiled.

"I don't want you to get cold so I'll get going. See ya tomorrow Jiminie!"

"See ya!"

Hoseok left walking then stopped and sighed. He turned his head and called "Jiminie!"

The younger turned back and raised an eyebrow.

"Wait!" The older shouted before running back to him.

He smiled for the last time and kissed his right cheek. "See ya." He whispered before running away.

"Huh!" Yoongi, who witnessed everything chuckled. "Huh!" He gulped, feeling his chest tighten. "This guy too.."

Jimin entered quietly and headed to his bedroom.

After a while, he went back with a grey sweater and black pants.

"Here! You don't have any clothes so you can borrow mine." He told his best friend.

"Ah, thanks."

"There is also a new toothbrush in the drawer."


"D-do you want some chocolate? Hazelnut? It's very delic- ah yeah i forgot. You only like dark chocolate."

"Yeah." Yoongi mumbled.

"Good night hyung."

"Good night."


The next morning, Yoongi got up early to take a shower and prepare a small breakfast for both of them.

He squeezed some fresh oranges and mixed some eggs, milk and flour to prepare pancakes.

"Good morning baby boy." He heard a hoarse voice whisper in his ear, making him jump from surprise. "What the fuck Jimin!" He shouted as he turned to face his best friend who was smirking, his arms crossed above his half naked chest.

"Won't you wish me a good morning?"

"Good m-wait,you're not Jimin right?" Yoongi asked, staring at the younger's dark eyes which were shooting him some seductive looks.

"Christian." The older sighed. "When did you come back?"

"The poor Jiminie had a bad dream yesterday night, that's why I'm here." "By the way, are you my new roommate?" He smirked, taking a sip of the orange juice.


"Nice. Veery nice."

"I think I'm the only one who can handle these change of personalities."

"Mm." Christian rubbed his chin. "But I don't think you'll be able to handle me sweetheart."

"Sw- what?" Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows.

"Because.." the blond approached him and kissed his bare neck. "You-won't-resist-me." He whispered before leaving to the living room.

Yoongi gulped and let a heavy sigh. "Holy shit."

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