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"Please take my virginity."

Yoongi literally dropped his phone on the floor along with his jaw.

His heartbeats were going insane inside his chest.

After a long moment of proceeding and analyzing what the younger said, he cleared his throat and burst out laughing. "Hahah! You almost got me with this! Haha!"


"It was such a bad joke.." the older chuckled.

"Hyung, I'm not joking." Jimin mumbled. "I really want to do it."

The blue haired male widened his eyes and slowly sat on the chair, his hand covering his mouth.

"Jimin." He said after a long moment of silence. He sighed heavily and scratched the back of his neck. "Do you know what you just said?"

The younger shyly nodded, his cheeks becoming red.

"D-do you.." Yoongi shook his head and tried to breath correctly because he was under the biggest shock ever. He could hear his heart beating widely.

"J-jimin..Jiminie please tell me you're not thinking straight now..please."

The younger bit his lip and sat in front of him. "I don't wanna be a virgin anymore hyung.."

"I-I know but..." Yoongi took another deep breath. "Why me?!"

Jimin rubbed his neck. "Because you're my closer friend..I don't know..because I rely on you the most and..I trust you." He gave him a small smile.

Closer friend.

"You can't offer this to your friend Jimin..friends don't do this stuff.."

"But..I know I can do it with you without making the things awkward between us hyung..our friendship is different from others.."


"Jimin..listen." Yoongi sighed and stared right into the younger's brown eyes. "I lost my virginity years ago and I don't even remember how, when, where and with who..and it kills me..it kills me that I did it with so many guys that I can't remember..it kills me that I gave my body and took bodies without meanings..and Jimin..I don't want you to make the same mistake."

Jimin felt sad because of Yoongi's sudden confession. He never talked to him about his old relationships and stuff like this. He only knew that he wasn't virgin anymore, not in such a bad way.

He put his hand on the older's and smiled softly. "If I do it with you, I sure will never forget it you know why? Because I can never forget you."

Yoongi didn't say anything.

Those words were still echoing in his mind.

Why are you doing this to me?

He wanted to hug him, he wanted to kiss him, he wanted to hold him forever.

Why are you shaking up my heart like this?

"Hyung pleaase~" Jimin pouted.


"You should offer your body to someone who deserves it. Someone you like." Yoongi said, avoiding Jimin's cute stares.

"But I like you hyung!"

"Not it that way you idiot!"

Jimin crossed his arms and pouted. "Then I'll let Jungkook take it, I don't care if he'll reject me after or not."

Yoongi tensed.

"Because I like him in the other way. Yeah I should do it."

"Not him Jimin." Yoongi mumbled coldly.

"Who then? A random stranger? I don't know hyung!"

"I don't care but not him."

Jimin chuckled and rolled his eyes. "I don't know many guys..and I'm good friends with those whom I know..I don't even have a boyfriend haha!" He laughed sarcastically.

"I will stay virgin for the rest of my life."

They stayed silent for a long moment.

Jimin playing with his hands and Yoongi biting his fingernails and shaking his leg.

"Won't you regret it?" Yoongi finally broke their silence after more than five minutes.

"Regret what?"

"Losing your virginity..to me."

Jimin gulped and stared at Yoongi who looked very stressed and nervous.

He shook his head. "No hyung, I don't have any reason to."

"I see.." the older sighed. "L-let's do it then.."

He mentally cursed himself because he agreed to do it. He always desired his best friend, he always dreamed of that moment. He always imagined them kissing and touching each other but he never imagined it would happen that way.

The younger just wanted to lose his virginity to look cool in front of Jungkook.

For Jungkook..damn.

"R-really?" Jimin gulped.

"You said you needed help.." Yoongi blushed.

"Y-yeah." Jimin smiled and approached the older to hug him. "Thank you hyung." He whispered.

"Let me just take a shower first. I don't want you to have your first time with a smelly guy."

Jimin giggled and went to his room to calm himself down because he was internally screaming.

He couldn't believe that he will finally do it. And with his best friend above all.

He changed his college outfit and put on his black shorts and a simple white t-shirt.

Should I try to impress him?

He stood in front of the mirror and fixed his blond hair. He put on his favorite perfume and put all the stuff away from his bed.

He sat on the edge of the bed waiting for the older to come.

"You look very nervous." Yoongi said.

"And so do you." Jimin chuckled nervously.

The blue haired male walked slowly toward the younger and sat next to him. "This is so weird." He mumbled.

And so confusing.

"Y-yeah but we're used to weird things, right hyung?"

"Mm" Yoongi nodded.

"But are you sure you w-"

"Just kiss me hyung." The younger cut him off and put his hand on Yoongi's thigh making him close his eyes tightly, trying not to get too excited.

He turned his head to face him and stared at his small, beautiful, gorgeous, innocent eyes.

His eyes moved to his plump lips. He gulped.


"First of all..he will kiss you." He whispered as he remembered that he was here to 'teach him'.

They approached their faces slowly until they could hear each other's breathings.

Yoongi put his lips on Jimin's. A moment he's been waiting for during five long years.

The younger's lips were soft and tasted like sugar. He guessed that he put on some flavoured lip balm.

Jimin opened his mouth, giving him permission to deepen the kiss.

Yoongi cupped his cheeks and kissed those dream lips passionately, forgetting something called friendship.

They parted after a while then Jimin shyly layed on the bed, biting his lower lip and making the older go crazy.

"He will take off your shorts."

Yoongi leaned and kissed him again before pulling down Jimin's shorts.

He stood up to look for something, letting Jimin some time to take off his shirt and take some breath.

Yoongi returned with a small bottle and a condom, he had in a small box hidden between his clothes.

He smashed Jimin's lips, playing with his hair then moved to his neck.

The younger threw back his head, exposing more dangerous zones.

"He will kiss your neck and would want to leave what we call a hickey, here." He whispered pointing at his favorite place.

"B-but why don't you leave it too?" Jimin asked confusingly.

"You know what a hickey means Jiminie? People usually leave them to mark you as theirs. Like they're saying "You are mine""

I really want to mark you.

Jimin blushed. "Oh, I see."

"He will kiss your body." Yoongi started kissing the length of his body, starting from his abs then slowly going down until he reaches his thighs.

He nervously removes his shirt and his pants.

Jimin was blushing so hard because the older never undressed in front of him before.

The blue haired male climbed on top of Jimin and kissed his chest and leaved butterfly kisses all around that area.

Jimin was having a hard time to breath. Those kisses were sweeter than his favorite chocolate.

And he felt something getting hard..down there.

Yoongi groaned as he felt their growing members touching. He took off Jimin's underwear along with his.

Both gulped.

During their five years of friendship they never got to see their "magic wand".

He's so big.. Jimin thought.

It's so pretty. The older licked his lip.

He put on a condom around his member.

"First of all he has to prep you." He whispered before opening the bottle of lube and putting some on his hands.


"Yeah you need to get used to something..i-inside of you." Yoongi cringed and felt very embarassed to say such a thing to the younger.

"Oh." Jimin blushed.

"I-I will introduce a first finger okay? It's gonna hurt because it's your first.."

"I-I'm..ready hyung." Jimin took a deep breath.

"Ooh ah!" He cried when he felt something crossing his untouched area.

It hurt him so much that tears automatically fell from his eyes.

After a while he sighed from relief when the pain was gone.

"S-sorry Jiminie."

"It's okay hyung..go on."

Yoongi kissed Jimin's lips while adding another finger and started scissoring him.

Jimin moaned into his mouth.

Damn his voice

"Ready?" Yoongi asked as he positioned himself in front of the younger.


"Please don't regret it." Yoongi whispered in his ear before he slammed into him.

"Ahh.." Jimin moaned.

Yoongi moves slowly, adapting himself inside of him.

His lips never left Jimin's body in order to make him feel more relaxed, so that he forgets the pain.

But it was only pleasure

At every thrust he had the honor to hear Jimin's sweet moans.

They sound like a melody to me

"Ahh h-hyung!" The blond haired male was feeling something different, something strange, something extravagant. Pure pleasure.

"Oh lord..J-jimin you're so tight.." Yoongi was transferred in another world.

He may have slept with a bunch of guys but doing this with Jimin was a whole new level. It felt good. It felt so good that he was afraid he would wake up from this dream at any moment.

"H-hyung I'm gonna.."

"Just come..come Jiminie."

He loved how he called him Jiminie.

Jimin couldn't anymore and splinter into a million pieces underneath the older.

Yoongi came right after him.

"I-I'm sorry hyung!" The younger widened his eyes when he saw all the cum on the older's torso.

The older smiled softly and kissed his cheek. "It's okay Jiminie." He whispered before laying next to him for a few moments before getting up to look for a wet towel.

He came back and gently cleaned the younger's body and changed the sheets.

Jimin was surprised because he expected him to sleep in his own room but he stayed with him. He layed next to him and dimmed the lights down before puting the cover over them.

"Good night Jiminie." He whispered.

"Good night hyung." Jimin answered back. "Thank you." He kissed his cheek.

Yoongi was thankful because of the darkness. His cheeks were redder than cherries.


The next morning, Jimin woke up to find a beautiful angel sleeping next to him.

Light blue hair, red cheeks, small lips, soft skin..

He smiled and got out of the bed, feeling a little pain between his legs.

He took a quick shower and went to prepare breakfast.

After an hour, the older woke up to chocolate waffles smell.

He widened his eyes and ran to the kitchen.

"Woah Jimin!"

The younger giggled. "I prepared them for you hyung!"

"Woah thank you!" The older smiled widely before eating the first one.

Jimin smiled, happy that the things weren't awkward for them. That's why he trusted his hyung, he knew he would never change.


"Hey pretty boy! Ready for tomorrow?" The tall guy smirked.

"Y-yeah hhhh." Jimin nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

"Prepare yourself, it's gonna be a greaaat night!" Jungkook chuckled and winked to his best friend Mingyu.

Yoongi finished his first class and spotted the couple smiling to each other in front of the lockers.

He felt a pain on his chest.

"No Yoongi..come on..just don't." He shook his head and played Epik High's latest album to avoid thinking about him.

(A/N: You really need to listen to their latest album..one word: kings.)

"Hey you." Jungkook and Jimin approached him.

Yoongi tensed when he saw the younger putting his arm around Jimin's shoulders. "What?" He asked coldly.

"You're a DJ right?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"I will need you to put on some good music tomorrow night." The black haired male smirked, staring at Jimin.

Yoongi clenched his fists.


"Don't put slow and crappy music okay? Bye!"

Jimin smiled awkwardly to the older and left with Jungkook.

How much I hate him..


"Do you wanna have dinner tomorrow after practice?" Hoseok asked.

"Umm..I can't..I already have plans." Jimin said while wiping the sweat on his forehead.

"Oh okay..too bad then.."

"Maybe next time hyung?" The younger smiled.


After leaving the dance academy, Jimin's phone ringed.


"Yo it's Namjoon."

"Oh hyung how you doing?"

"Quite good. I have a favor to ask."


"You know that Jin hyung's birthday's approaching so imma need your and Yoongi's help to organize a small party for him."

"Awww! That's so cuute hyung!"

"Ayee don't make me shy now! Okay? Please? I will need your help."


"Anyways we'll discuss this after, tell Yoongi hyung for me."


"See ya, I need to help at the kitchen."

"See ya! Don't break anything hyung."

"He's so cute." Jimin chuckled and ran to catch the last bus.


All classes finished and the moment has finally come for Jimin to go to Jungkook's loft.

He was extremely nervous because he didn't know much about the younger. He didn't know how he liked the things to be done.

"Hey." Yoongi came to see him in front of the Psychology faculty, he was out of breath.

"Were you running hyung?"

"Oh? Y-yeah I just..anyways..where are you going now?"

"To Jungkook's."

Yoongi bit his lip and stared at the younger.

"I should go now I'll be l-"

"Wait!" Yoongi grabbed Jimin's arm to stop him.


"Umm.." The older nervously rubbed his neck. "P-please be careful." He said.

Jimin smiled softly, looking at how serious Yoongi was. "I will hyung."

"If you don't like it, you tell him okay? Don't let him force you and-"

"Hyuung~" Jimin chuckled.

"Anyways..if you ever need something call me, okay?"

"I'll be okay hyung." The younger said before hugging the older and running to the residence.

"Here you are Jimin." Jungkook smirked.

The older blushed because he was half naked, showing off his muscled body and his six packs.

"Like it?" The younger chuckled.

"Anyways wait for me in my room, I'll be there in five."

"O-okay." Jimin nervously opened the door of a really messy room.

It smelled cigarettes and sweaty clothes.

The windows were closed, letting the darkness reign over the room.

Clothes and shoes were literally covering the whole carpet and also the king sized bed.

We'll do it h-here?

"What are you waiting for? Take off your clothes." Jungkook said right after he came in.


"Are you waiting for me to do it for you baby boy?" Jungkook chuckled. "Don't have time, my roommate won't spend the night outside. He'll be back in two hours."

Jimin took off his clothes and the younger pushed him on the bed without cleaning around him.

He pinned Jimin's hands above his head making him scared and confused. "Just to tell you pretty boy..I..always...go...hard."



¤A word for Jimin.

¤A word for Jungkook.

¤A word for Yoongi.

¤A word for me.

Thanks for reading! ?

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